Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

Just wait when they reveal that Xavier only appeared to kill the X-Men, when in reality he somehow transported them to the MCU instead!
Maybe it was the Snap that triggered his episode, reverberating even through the multiverse somehow.
Actually I have always felt that X1-3, the Wolverine, and DoFP hang together well and I have minimal issues with the stuff that happens off camera. It's the soft reboot discrepancies that frustrate me more.

We don't know that the X-Men are dead, we just know that they are 'missing' as in not around. Maybe they are in Secret Wars! We know that something bad happened and that some X-Men were officially listed as deceased. We don't know which.

Personally, I felt that the X-Men were supporting players in their own franchise and I would love to see them, or even Cable, resolve the Sinister storyline with X23 and/or the New Mutants. Use Magik's time travel if necessary.

Unlikely to happen but who knows...

Retcons and/or changes created through alternate timelines are not discrepancies.

Also, the term "soft reboot" is oxymoronic and describes something that doesn't actually exist.
Retcons and/or changes created through alternate timelines are not discrepancies.

Also, the term "soft reboot" is oxymoronic and describes something that doesn't actually exist.
Well, something should be a prequel or a reboot IMO. DOFP is in the curious position of being both a prequel to the original trilogy, a sequel to the original trilogy, and a sequel to the reboot.
They were not. He only has bone claws at that point.

A sequel to the prequel ( First Class ), that is.

Yeah you are right - bone claws - so it's pretty clear that Magneto must have just spread out the adamantium in his bones to toughen up his claws. Ouchie. And Xavier's return is teased at the end of X3. What is people's beef?

The continuity problems with First Class do exist so whether you think it is a prequel or a reboot may be a personal choice. Personally, I like Moira and hanging Moira on a Carol Danvers chassis when they had already used Moira as a Scottish scientist forty years later was just a ludicrously sloppy blunder. Gabrielle Haller would have worked much better for many reasons. Even assuming she was meant to be Joe MacTaggert's mother, it's a weird coincidence that he married a woman with the same name as his mum.
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One thing I would love to try would be to take DoFP Rogue Cut and splice in some footage of Captain Marvel fighting Sentinels. They could have given her strength and flight without the need for explanation.
Yeah you are right - bone claws - so it's pretty clear that Magneto must have just spread out the adamantium in his bones to toughen up his claws. Ouchie. And Xavier's return is teased at the end of X3. What is people's beef?

The continuity problems with First Class do exist so whether you think it is a prequel or a reboot may be a personal choice. Personally, I like Moira and hanging Moira on a Carol Danvers chassis when they had already used Moira as a Scottish scientist forty years later was just a ludicrously sloppy blunder. Gabrielle Haller would have worked much better for many reasons. Even assuming she was meant to be Joe MacTaggert's mother, it's a weird coincidence that he married a woman with the same name as his mum.

The Moira in The Last Stand was never named onscreen... hence the retconned* introduction of Moira in First Class.

* Retcons are not continuity errors
The Moira in The Last Stand was never named onscreen... hence the retconned* introduction of Moira in First Class.

* Retcons are not continuity errors
"Hello Moira..." I suppose he didn't say her surname
I'm beginning to remember why the X-Men cinematic universe discussion thread became such a circular argument mess.
If anyone can make comedy out of that, it's Deadpool. He put a bullet in his own brain. Deservedly so.
Ryan Reynolds breaking the fourth wall in order to exaggerate continuity issues as a form of low-hanging humor means nothing.
Ryan Reynolds breaking the fourth wall in order to exaggerate continuity issues as a form of low-hanging humor means nothing.
Makes me laugh, because it's true, which is most definitely something. If some people enjoy Origins, then they are terrible people, who must be stopped.