Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

Deadpool 1 has a bad story because it makes no sense for the character. The movie wants us to think Wade is a hip, savvy dude, but it also wants us to take seriously his baffling assumption that his doting, amazing girlfriend would be disgusted with him, now that he looks... still pretty handsome, honestly, if not Ryan Reynolds-handsome. This casts a pall of dumbness over the whole picture.

Deadpool 2 has a good story. It's the same story as Days of Future Past, but, hey, that's a great flick, so, steal from the best and all.
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The First Class movies may not have been technically intended as a reboot, but that certainly what they came across as. The continuity between the original trilogy and the First Class movies only works if you squint really hard and perform some mental gymnastics to justify it.

For my part, now that the FoX-Men franchise has been officially folded into the larger MCU multiverse, it simply works better for me to assume that there was a multiverse factor in play during those movies as well. YMMV, of course.
There are like two lines of dialogue that First Class seems to ignore.
Well, I remember in the first X-Men movie Xavier saying that he met magneto when he was 17 and they bought built cerebro together. First class has it being built by Hank McCoy exclusively.

We see Xavier, standing, in both X-Men Last Stand flashbacks and Wolverine origins despite First Class depicting him losing the use of his legs in 1961.

We see Xavier recruiting Cyclops in 1985 in Wolverine origins, despite of seeing him already firmly established with the X-Men in 1983, as per X-Men Apocalypse. There's also the two different Emma's from Wolverine origins and first class. We've seen two different takes on Caliban and Angel.

There was nothing in the original X-Men trilogy to indicate that Xavier and Mystique had any kind of familial relationship.

That's just off the top of my head.
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We see Xavier, standing, in flashbacks in both X-Men Last Stand flashbacks and Wolverine origins despite First Class depicting him losing the use of his legs in 1961.

When we catch up with young Xavier in DOFP he's standing.

We see Xavier recruiting Cyclops in 1985 in Wolverine origins, despite of seeing him already firmly established with the X-Men in 1983, as per X-Men Apocalypse.

For one, it's unlikely any of Origins takes place in 1985. But it doesn't even matter because Apocalypse is in the new timeline. Cyclops can be recruited at a different point.

There was nothing in the original X-Men trilogy to indicate that Xavier and Mystique had any kind of familial relationship.

It never said they didn't. We didn't really know anything about Raven's past. We might have assumed she was always a villain, but that proved not to be the case.
See, now I define that as the "squinting and performing mental gymnastics" that I mentioned above.

Also, in Last Stand and Origins, we see Xavier standing AND using his mental powers, when he could not do both in Days of Future Past.

Again, as I said earlier, your mileage may vary.
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Okay, I have a mea culpa about the date of Wolverine origins. The nuclear power plant seen in the final act, while not named directly, it was pretty obviously supposed to be a representation of Three Mile island. The disaster there took place in 1979, which would mean that would be when Xavier recruited Cyclops. I don't know what had my mind thinking 85. Oopsie.
First Class introduces several retcons for things established in the first X-Trilogy, but retcons, by definition, are not inconsistencies, so the 'First Class is a reboot because it contradicts the first X-Trilogy' argument is baseless.
Having watched Reynold's second video, they make it clear they're not touching Logan's death in 2029. So this is, simply, set before it.

Or whatever they want since Deadpool ended the last movie with a time travel device and proceeded to spend the credits mucking up the timeline.
I don't know what had my mind thinking 85. Oopsie.
I know why. Xavier suggests in the first movie that Logan has been on the run for 15 years, and people sometimes take that to mean the bulk of Origins happened in 1985 since they assume the first movie takes place in 2000. But since this impression of 15 years came from a mind-meld I tend to think it's more of a guess as opposed to a precise estimate.
I know why. Xavier suggests in the first movie that Logan has been on the run for 15 years, and people sometimes take that to mean the bulk of Origins happened in 1985 since they assume the first movie takes place in 2000. But since this impression of 15 years came from a mind-meld I tend to think it's more of a guess as opposed to a precise estimate.
The climax of Origins was dressed up in the accident at Three Mile Island, which was in 1979.