Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

One last thing before I bow out of this discussion, though: Yes, the MCU is going to eventually beat the XMCU's current distinction of being the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history, but it hasn't gotten there yet and until it does, I'll continue to point out and celebrate the fact that the XMCU holds a record that no other Superhero film franchise currently does.
Hooray for pedantry!
Wait. So replacing the entire cast and doing the same story about a dark phoenix but completely different with said new cast isn't your definition of a reboot?

Not when the movie in question is a linear sequel to a movie that is itself a sequel to another movie which features the original cast.
You... you... ARGH!

Actually, New Mutants was quite fun. Not the greatest movie they ever made but nowhere near the worst, either. Anya Taylor Joy and Maisie Williams were absolutely fantastic. There are aspects to it that will bother the comic purists but if you just view it is an elseworlds film it's easily in the top third of the franchise.
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by it. I'd watch it again.
Another person here who loved The New Mutants. It isn't perfect but it's got a great collection of actors doing great character dives. I'm just disappointed that we'll probably never see them again.

...although in a world where Hugh Jackman returns to Wolverine and Patrick Stewart as Professor X, I guess never say never!

Brilliant! I figured someone would transcribe it...and I figured it was just the two of them goofing around. :lol:
Great; here's hoping we get a proper sendoff to Jackman's run this time. :bolian: (I consider Logan okay, but nowhere near a classic either as a movie tout court or a superhero flick, and its Best Adapted Screenplay nomination was a joke.)

... Of course, if Jackman wants to stick around for Secret Wars, that'd be great, too. :D
This will be an MCU film. I'm very interested to see what crazy plot to get these two over to another universe is going to be. I'm glad Hugh couldn't stay away.

"Deadpool" barely had a plot. "Deadpool 2" had a decent but unoriginal plot. I hope this movie will have a plot that stands out, or I will find myself regarding the "Deadpool" franchise as nothing to get excited about.
I think is wild. I wondered as a joke a while back that Hugh would appear in Deadpool 3 but as Hugh Jackman. I like this much better. I really like how Deadpool films commit to the comic book ridiculousness, like in costumes or powers or character's background, so I'm wondering if they'll put Hugh in a comics accurate costume. I'm not worried, and before this was announced I was hoping that a new MCU Wolverine would have that look from day one, so whatever. Basically I just hope it's a good film.
I feel like they were trying to get him for the first movie.

The opening credit sequence in that film references a cameo, but there's no cameo in the film. ( edit: other than Stan Lee of course )
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so I'm wondering if they'll put Hugh in a comics accurate costume
The way the MCU has leaned so hard into that the past few years it seems like a given.

I feel like they were trying to get him for the first movie.
Oh, it's been an ongoing saga for a long long time with Ryan teasing Hugh Jackman about it any chance he got. That's why this announcement is such a sweet payoff. Legendary move.