Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

As a Star Trek fan and a fan of the old DCEU, I've learned to believe these movies are happening when I see the trailer. Sounds like a nice idea though. But right now, that's all it is.
The reason that the XMCU is the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history is that it consists of 13 movies (counting Deadpool and Deadpool 2) that were released across a span of 20 years without any breaks in in-universe continuity.

So what?
I would have loved it if they added a zinger after the song ends

" I was dreaming But I should've been with you instead...."


People would have lost their minds.
Sounds cool but maybe I'm just getting old now, and I just can't get excited about things that far away anymore :shrug: These things announced so early always give a meh reaction now.
Things can change an awful lot in two years, especially as we know from the last two/three. And just after so many disappointing movies over the last few years, Star Wars sequels, Jurassic World sequels etc, Love & Thunder sounded so great and what was that mess we got after all that wait.
Hell it was almost 22 months ago now they announced all those Star Wars projects, and for half of them since then we've had nothing (Lando, Droid Story, Alcolyte, and look what's happened to Rangers OTNW and Rogue Squadron.)
Plus how can I get excited for a release date when at this stage it really means nothing, Aquaman 2, Shazam 2, Flash for example. As well all the Marvel that have been delayed and swapped about like The Marvels, Black Panther 2 etc

Anyway, just a moaning semi rant ;) I don't think this will be bad btw, just saying I'm kinda getting bored with everything always being so hyped up forever now, announced too far in advance, and it often not being worth it when it finally arrives.
Maybe you just haven't met the right franchise yet. One day you'll find the perfect one for you.
As for me, Marvel all the way.
Then maybe you should watch them all before making such a bold statement. Just an idea.

Not counting the Deadpool films, which I view as a subseries/spinoff, the only XMCU films I have not seen are Dark Phoenix and New Mutants.

And what do you mean no breaks in in-universe continuity? Where did the MCU break continuity? One of its main qualities is that its movies are all linked and reference each other, characters cross over from time to time and there was an overarching story with the Infinity Stones and now the Multiverse.

I honestly don't get your argument.

To date, the XMCU is the only Superhero film franchise that A) lasted 20 years and B) was not ever rebooted.

In the 20 years in which XMCU films were being released, the Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man film franchises- which were the prominent Superhero properties committed to film prior to the emergence of the MCU - were rebooted between two to three times each.

The MCU has never broken its in-universe continuity, yes, but it also hasn't been around for 20 years.

The MCU has surpassed the XMCU in quantity, but not in longevity or (IMO) quality.
No, they weren't.

I mean they cast new (younger) actors in roles that were from the original movies in the 90s/early 2000s and altered backstory/characters/plotlines. We saw Phoenix saga play out DIFFERENTLY the second time it was presented in this 'new' continuity they established with the First Class universe.

Saying it's not a 'reboot' because Wolverine traveled to the past from the Original timeline is like saying the Kelvin Universe isn't a reboot because OG Spock travelled to it from the future.
Exactly. The hope for the FOX X-men franchise was to revitalize it. New Cyclops. New Jean. The past cast was getting old.

DOFP was sort of like a passing of the torch. "Apocalypse" was the new cast standing on their own.

"Apocalypse" stunk and Disney bought FOX so that killed FOX's plans
Not counting the Deadpool films, which I view as a subseries/spinoff, the only XMCU films I have not seen are Dark Phoenix and New Mutants.

To date, the XMCU is the only Superhero film franchise that A) lasted 20 years and B) was not ever rebooted.

The MCU has never broken its in-universe continuity, yes, but it also hasn't been around for 20 years.

The MCU has surpassed the XMCU in quantity, but not in longevity or (IMO) quality.

Then watch the abysmal Dark Phoenix and from what i hear New Mutants is equally bad ( i haven't seen it), you might want to adapt your argument after these.

Iron Man came out in 2008, that makes the MCU 14 years old now, you don't think the MCU will make it another 6 years? They have announced movies as far away as 2024 or even 2025 i believe and you can bet on it they have plans far beyond that, now that they have the X-Men and Fantastic Four back. So i guess they'll break the 20 year mark easily ( weird argument though to have the longevity of something as a mark of quality, we all know that Hollywood makes tons of crap as sequels just to make money).

As to reboots - come on, First Class wasn't a reboot to you? As others already said they replaced all the actors, started over with a new storyline and then reintegrated the old continuity in DofP ( which i actually liked how they did it).

If you want to die on your hill go ahead, i believe most other people her are not following your opinion.
The reason that the XMCU is the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history is that it consists of 13 movies (counting Deadpool and Deadpool 2) that were released across a span of 20 years without any breaks in in-universe continuity.

It also had a little bit to do with them delaying New Mutants for three years after it was already filmed.

Then watch the abysmal Dark Phoenix and from what i hear New Mutants is equally bad ( i haven't seen it), you might want to adapt your argument after these.

Actually, New Mutants was quite fun. Not the greatest movie they ever made but nowhere near the worst, either. Anya Taylor Joy and Maisie Williams were absolutely fantastic. There are aspects to it that will bother the comic purists but if you just view it is an elseworlds film it's easily in the top third of the franchise.
Maybe you just haven't met the right franchise yet. One day you'll find the perfect one for you.
As for me, Marvel all the way.
I love Marvel, I’m just getting older now. I can’t get that excited about something that’s two hours long that won’t happen for two years. Not bashing anything it’s just my thoughts :shrug:
I mean they cast new (younger) actors in roles that were from the original movies in the 90s/early 2000s and altered backstory/characters/plotlines.

First Class also used Rebecca Romijn and Hugh Jackman. As for any plot inconsistencies, that's like saying Star Trek TMP was a reboot because the Klingon heads changed. When in fact we were encouraged to act as if it had always been that way.

We saw Phoenix saga play out DIFFERENTLY the second time it was presented in this 'new' continuity they established with the First Class universe.

Things often play out differently in an altered timeline. It's only what you'd expect.

Saying it's not a 'reboot' because Wolverine traveled to the past from the Original timeline is like saying the Kelvin Universe isn't a reboot because OG Spock travelled to it from the future.

Exactly. Neither of these were reboots. OG Spock is the guy from TOS, the first six movies, and Unification ( hence the Ambassador title ).

As to reboots - come on, First Class wasn't a reboot to you? As others already said they replaced all the actors, started over with a new storyline and then reintegrated the old continuity in DofP ( which i actually liked how they did it).

Replacing actors in prequels so that younger versions of the characters can be portrayed is pretty standard practice. No one ever said The Phantom Menace was a reboot. People seem to have missed the point of DOFP. If First Class had actually been a reboot, there would have been no way to "reintegrate the old continuity" in DOFP since a reboot would have made a clean break from the earlier continuity. If the Wolverine of X1-X2-X3 time travels into his own past and finds himself in the First Class continuity, that's because the First Class continuity is supposed to be the past of X1-X2-X3.
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Things often play out differently in an altered timeline. It's only what you'd expect.

Wait. So replacing the entire cast and doing the same story about a dark phoenix but completely different with said new cast isn't your definition of a reboot?
Because that ticks every box that I'm aware of.
First Class also used Rebecca Romijn and Hugh Jackman. As for any plot inconsistencies, that's like saying Star Trek TMP was a reboot because the Klingon heads changed. When in fact we were encouraged to act as if it had always been that way.

Things often play out differently in an altered timeline. It's only what you'd expect.

Exactly. Neither of these were reboots. OG Spock is the guy from TOS, the first six movies, and Unification ( hence the Ambassador title ).

Replacing actors in prequels so that younger versions of the characters can be portrayed is pretty standard practice. No one ever said The Phantom Menace was a reboot. People seem to have missed the point of DOFP. If First Class had actually been a reboot, there would have been no way to "reintegrate the old continuity" in DOFP since a reboot would have made a clean break from the earlier continuity. If the Wolverine of X1-X2-X3 time travels into his own past and finds himself in the First Class continuity, that's because the First Class continuity is supposed to be the past of X1-X2-X3.


The definition of the term 'reboot' has become so distorted that the fact that people can no longer recognize when it applies and when it doesn't isn't surprising to me any more.

It's sad and tiresome, but it's no longer surprising.

@FPAlpha My assessment of the overall quality of the XMCU is not predicated on Dark Phoenix and New Mutants, and so whether or not I've seen them doesn't really matter because even if I see them and don't end up liking them, it won't change anything and I will still be a bigger fan of the XMCU than I am of the MCU.

One last thing before I bow out of this discussion, though: Yes, the MCU is going to eventually beat the XMCU's current distinction of being the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history, but it hasn't gotten there yet and until it does, I'll continue to point out and celebrate the fact that the XMCU holds a record that no other Superhero film franchise currently does.