Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to star in Deadpool III (2024)

I figure Deadpool is literally moving from the Fox Universe to the MCU via multiversal shenanigans. So Jackman's Wolverine could just be visiting and then go back home. Though I do hope we end up with Fox's X-23 in the MCU permanently at the end of this.

Wolverine gets really pissed off at Deadpool and throws him through a portal and that takes him into the MCU :D
If Hugh is getting back in the gym for this I wonder if he'll stick around for Secret Wars since they are pretty close to each other. Man, what might be... Anything is possible. Marvel makes dreams real.
Yeah, there is really only one way Hugh’s return ends and that’s handing over the multiversal torch to his successor in Secret Wars.

But first, there’s this movie. Which Wolverine and Deadpool story do they adapt, do you think?

They already did the iconic Deadpool skewers Wolverine pose in DP1, but I can see them doing the reprise of Wolverine skewering Deadpool. There was a pretty good Wolverine Origins story which was more or less just a drag out fight between the two but the movies have not quite gone that far in terms of the violence in that.
Will they adapt an X-Force story (after making X-Force such a joke last time out)? Or will they adapt another Deadpool story and port Wolverine in?
I do remember Hugh saying he would play Wolverine again for the MCU. Back then he probably didn’t see it happening.
I see it as a one and done in all probability.

Maybe handing over to a new MCU variant or, if we're REALLY lucky, sticking around via an occasionall cameo (via de-ageing fx, keeping his shirt on etc.) as a mentor to X23.
OMG - best news of the day!

I loved the announcement video, especially the deadpan, barely hiding a huge grin look on Ryan's face after Jackman walks by in the background. That's how you do PR and the Deadpool movies were masters at it.

I can't wait what kind of supercrazy story they pull off and i'll be in the theatre on release day, that is 100% certain!
Why? :(

The MCU doesn't need to be contaminating the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise of all time (the X-Men Cinematic Universe) with its inferiority.

Uhm - the "X-Men cinematic universe" is what - 10 movies? And it had some real stinkers in them - Last Stand, the last one with Phoenix ( can't even remember the name) and the less we speak of the first Wolverine movie the better.

In contrast tell me where the MCU inferiority is with more than 25 movies up to date and a half dozen TV shows, all successful and many of them also critically and fan acclaimed ( i'm personally not a fan of the Thor movies, others like them).

Now us Nerds can discuss this to death and we do but in no way or shape do i see the MCU "ruining" the X-Men, in fact after these Multiverse movies i fully expect the X-Men to take full centerstage for the next 1-2 phases mixed in with "regular" superhero and unless Marvel truly slips some of them might even be really fantastic and most of them surely will be good.

So i realy don't get where you see inferiority.

The lead up to this is going to be fun.

I was going to say - the Deadpool marketing has been so fantastic over the years and i have no doubt Reynolds and Jackman will have insane fun until the movie drops. Can wait to swallop up every interview, clip and PR campaign along the way.
The reason that the XMCU is the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history is that it consists of 13 movies (counting Deadpool and Deadpool 2) that were released across a span of 20 years without any breaks in in-universe continuity.

As for why I view the MCU as being inferior, I'm not a fan of the vast majority of that Shared Continuity Universe's films, whereas there's not been a single XMCU film that I've seen that I didn't enjoy.
Sounds cool but maybe I'm just getting old now, and I just can't get excited about things that far away anymore :shrug: These things announced so early always give a meh reaction now.
Things can change an awful lot in two years, especially as we know from the last two/three. And just after so many disappointing movies over the last few years, Star Wars sequels, Jurassic World sequels etc, Love & Thunder sounded so great and what was that mess we got after all that wait.
Hell it was almost 22 months ago now they announced all those Star Wars projects, and for half of them since then we've had nothing (Lando, Droid Story, Alcolyte, and look what's happened to Rangers OTNW and Rogue Squadron.)
Plus how can I get excited for a release date when at this stage it really means nothing, Aquaman 2, Shazam 2, Flash for example. As well all the Marvel that have been delayed and swapped about like The Marvels, Black Panther 2 etc

Anyway, just a moaning semi rant ;) I don't think this will be bad btw, just saying I'm kinda getting bored with everything always being so hyped up forever now, announced too far in advance, and it often not being worth it when it finally arrives.
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The reason that the XMCU is the longest consecutively-running Superhero film franchise in history is that it consists of 13 movies (counting Deadpool and Deadpool 2) that were released across a span of 20 years without any breaks in in-universe continuity.

As for why I view the MCU as being inferior, I'm not a fan of the vast majority of that Shared Continuity Universe's films, whereas there's not been a single XMCU film that I've seen that I didn't enjoy.

Then maybe you should watch them all before making such a bold statement. Just an idea.

And what do you mean no breaks in in-universe continuity? Where did the MCU break continuity? One of its main qualities is that its movies are all linked and reference each other, characters cross over from time to time and there was an overarching story with the Infinity Stones and now the Multiverse.

I honestly don't get your argument.