Russell T. Davies Returns to Doctor Who as New Showrunner

Also from DWM Russell's 6 demands for returning:

1 Actually making it, not some figurehead Executive Producer position.
2 A new series every year.
3 Increased publicity / behind the scenes coverage.
4 All of Who on iPlayer.

I'm assuming 5 or 6 is spin-offs.
2 A new series every year.
Interesting. That would imply the many gap years the show has had after RTD left actually had nothing to do with Moffat or Chibnall or their skills as producers. Also, since RTD is apparently "demanding" a steady annual output, I wonder if this means he's rethought his "gap year after every fourth year" thing mentioned in The Writer's Tale?
Interesting. That would imply the many gap years the show has had after RTD left actually had nothing to do with Moffat or Chibnall or their skills as producers.
I'm shocked.



If only some people said that, repeatedly, for years.

If only.

Also, since RTD is apparently "demanding" a steady annual output, I wonder if this means he's rethought his "gap year after every fourth year" thing mentioned in The Writer's Tale?
I imagine that's still with the gap year. The idea was you got the show every year, meaing a break would be good for all involved (particularly him and whoever else is making it).
Also from DWM Russell's 6 demands for returning:

1 Actually making it, not some figurehead Executive Producer position.
2 A new series every year.
3 Increased publicity / behind the scenes coverage.
4 All of Who on iPlayer.

I'm assuming 5 or 6 is spin-offs.

I'm wondering if 5 or 6 is that he can choose his own replacement one day?
This is nice. Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons on set for "The Star Beast". Hope they get a cut of the money from all the Beep toys they'll be selling.

One last (jaw dropping) bit from DWM.

This is not CGI. Nor is it a miniature composited in. It's a full size prop. Now that's your Disney money at work! (The hole in the roof is the only CGI bit.)

That’s your Sony/Bad Wolf money at work. These were made before Disney paid a cent.
Well, we've had worse (specifically, series 4). Maybe it'll grow on me when we get the shorter, fully mixed version from the main titles.