Rumor: Paramount has discussed cancelling SNW S3

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Taking off the “this would never happen because I like this show” glasses.

I could absolutely see something like that at least being discussed by the higher ups. Perhaps with the possibility of doing a 90min/2hr “movie” to wrap up the S2 cliffhanger.

I don’t think they would actually pull the trigger on something like that though. But I would think anything is on the table.
Taking off the “this would never happen because I like this show” glasses.

I could absolutely see something like that at least being discussed by the higher ups. Perhaps with the possibility of doing a 90min/2hr “movie” to wrap up the S2 cliffhanger.

I don’t think they would actually pull the trigger on something like that though. But I would think anything is on the table.
I don't care if SNW runs for two seasons or 20, but that stupid video isn't the way we'd find out.
I could absolutely see something like that at least being discussed by the higher ups. Perhaps with the possibility of doing a 90min/2hr “movie” to wrap up the S2 cliffhanger.
It's possible. I agree. But I remember what I was taught about Journalism when I took a course on it in college: "If it bleeds, it leads." I'm dead-positive whoever put together this video got wind of a tiny morsel they liked, spun it, and made a video out of it.

I'm more inclined to believe SFA gets turned into a two-hour movie than SNW. Not that I think that would happen either. But, on a sliding scale of "most likely" to "least likely"...

I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that the third season could be the last, but I think they'll still make it, and I don't think they're at the point where they'd just end it after Season 2. I don't think the two Strikes effect whether or not SNW continues. Especially since DSC is over and PIC was only ever going to be three seasons. Not to mention what they did to Prodigy. They've thinned out what's on their plate quite a bit. If SNW ends earlier than expected, it's going to have to do with the Streaming bubble bursting. That's the only way I see it happening. If.
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Oh, for sure I don’t trust that video. I’m just saying the idea that it could get wiped out before they start filming S3 is something I’m sure has at least been discussed.

I do think S3 will be the last. I’ve thought that for a while and I feel stronger about it when you factor in the strikes.
The only two shows they have production assets for are SNW and DSC (whose assets will presumably be used for SFA.) It would make more sense to just keep using the assets they have for SNW rather than cancel that show and focus only on a lower-budget series geared toward teenagers.
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