Rumor: Paramount has discussed cancelling SNW S3

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Just due to general stupidity, I'd say Paramount might very well have discussed it. Or at least a single anti-Star Trek person made a suggestion.
I put no stock in this video, whomever they are.

And, with the current business climate would not surprise me if this was a topic of conversation. Saving money is the name of the game.
Was there an official statement from CBS/Paramount? No? Then my time would have been wasted watching that video.
Warners did some kind of press release lauding how much money they've saved by not making movies since the strikes began.
Technically true. They're saving money by not spending it. Of course, they also won't be able to make money, which in the long run will lead to them losing money.

Though, really in the event the strikes do have an impact on the Star Trek franchise, I find it far more likely something like the Academy series or even the hypothetical Legacy spin-off are in more danger than SNW S3.
Whatever this video says, the exact opposite is going to happen.

I'm also not worried about the strikes effecting SFA or whether or nor not Legacy is greenlit. The gap between DSC S2 and SNW S1 was three years.
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Presented without endorsement. The situation is complex and there are valid arguments for and against.

The situation isn't all that complex. Right now SNW is the only live action Trek series even close to be able to resume production quickly post Strike.

It's also the current Live Action 'face' of the Star Trek franchise and pre production had started on the first 7 episodes of S3 in some form.

It's one of only two currently in production series that have made Nielsen's streaming top 10 list (multiple times) in the P+ streaming service.

It's not getting canceled unless Paramount decides to put the Star Trek franchise entirely 'back on the shelf.'
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

If Paramount aren't going to continue with something like Strange New Worlds, they may as well just pack it in altogether.

Star Trek is one of Paramount's tentpoles and Strange New Worlds is their best-performing Star Trek. If they're not doing that, what are they doing?
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