RPG Recruitment Thread

Looking for a New Adventure? Looking for something Exciting? Tired of your same old same old? If you answered yes to these questions then I have the place for you. This is a NOVA Based Simmulation.
The current year is 2388.

SFMC Kovar codenamed "Camp Kovar" serves as a Marine Base for the 4th Fleet's Task Force 93 in the Raeya sector.

As a Marine Base, SFMC Kovar is responsible for basic security and defense within the Kovar System as well as the inhabitance of Kovar Colony. SFMC Kovar is also equipted to handle medical assistance as well as diplomatic functions.

Along with SFMC Kovar, the Black Knights Starfighter Group which is located at Falrock Canyon on the north side of the planet has teamed up with the Marine Base for extra support.

Kovar Colony was established in 2378, the planet has scattered settlements on its many islands. Its capital city, New Hampton, is where the governing body resides and where a Majority of the Colony's trade occurs.

My name is Lieutenant Colonel Katana Leah the Base Commander.

I have a lot of openings that need to be filled and I am looking for you.

Base Deputy Commander
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Battalion CO - Chief of Security
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Counselor
Chief Science Officer (Starfleet)
Marine Detachment CO
2nd Battalion (Rifle/Weapons) - Battalion CO
2nd Battalion - Force Recon Company - Company CO
"Shadowhawks" Combat Deployment Group - Wing Leader
"Screaming Eagles" Ordinance Deployment Group - Group Leader
Deck Hanger Staff - Officer of the Deck

Also all Assistance and Junior/Enlisted positions are available just check out the website.

I hope to see you aboard for some great adventure and fun writing.

We don't need any new players...

That's right, you read the title correctly, we don't need any new players on Starbase 400...

...but what we do need are more dedicated writers to join our community!

Mission 87 is in full swing and Starbase 400 is looking for a few interested, dedicated people to join our family and fill a few empty positions in our team.

The 2012 winner (and 2013 and 2014 nominee) of the Simming League's 'Simming Prize', managed by the 2011 'Simming Prize' winner (and 2014 nominee) Mike Bremer, Starbase 400 has a rich, dedicated community. Simming continuously since 1995, Starbase 400 has developed a vast backstory, complete with two dozen permanent NPCs, a fleet of ships, and a
dangerous intersection of space to defend.

To support its in character universe, Starbase 400 maintains an academy, a database, a timeline of sim canon, and logs of each mission to ensure members are informed. Infused with a focus on character development and realistic storytelling, these factors combine, producing an intensely vibrant sim.

Now, Starbase 400 is looking veteran, dedicated players to join our family! How could you go wrong being apart of something this special?

Starbase 400 is based in the Prime Universe in 2391, a time of change. Romulus and Remus are no more, the Enterprise-E has been decommissioned, and new technologies are being introduced. Starbase 400 is a Spacedock type starbase positioned near the Klingon and Romulan borders. She has
what amounts to a small fleet assigned to her.

Missions vary from Exploration to Combat, Special Operations to Scientific! Starbase 400 is a family, many players have been with the simm for 10 years or longer, and the best part is, everyone is a star!

Currently, we’re looking for fill these key positions;

Chief Flight Control Officer
Command Master Chief
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
1st Marine Division Executive Officer
Assistant Chief Intel Officer
Security Officer

…and a variety of other rolls!

SB400 is Nova based simm that's been an active simm since 1995. For nearly 20 years we've provided quality interactive simming for new and veteran players alike. We take Canon Trek and mix it with elements of Simi-Canon as well as the Simm's history to make a unique simming experience!

Our LCARS site features a custom flash menu with data ranging from a Historical Timeline to Support Ship specs, a full Star Trek database to image galleries. Read though our mission logs, galactic news, apply for our web design award, or tour the Starbase.

The NOVA/Gaming site also has crew info, mission logs, application to join SB400, and more!




USS Cerberus is a Play-by-Nova simm, and is part of Obsidian Fleet's Task Force 21.

Recruiting Needs - High Priority:
Starfleet Criminal Investigation Service Liaison
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Counselor
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Behavioral Analyst
...and more!

We are presently working on a "for fun" mission while we get started, but will be starting our first investigation soon!

Grab the Badge Below & Join Our Crew![/b]
The current year is 2388, Camp Kovar, SFMC Kovar FOB-93 serves as a Marine Base for the 4th Fleet's Task Force 93 in the Raeya sector. Camp Kovar is located near the city of New Elmbridge. This city is the second settlement and like its sister city of New Hampton bay.

As a Marine Base, Camp Kovar is responsible for basic security and defense within the Kovar System as well as the inhabitance of Kovar III (aka Kovar Colony, Kovar Prime). Camp Kovar is also equipted to handle medical assistance as well as diplomatic functions. Along with Camp Kovar, the 93rd Marine Air Group codenamed "The Black Knights" which is located at Falrock Canyon on the north side of the planet has teamed up with the Marine Base for extra support.

Kovar III is a Federation colony in the Kovar system. The colony was established in 2378 on the third planet that orbited a Type G star named Kovar. The planet is Class O planet, more then 80% is made up of water. Kovar has two natural satellites - Telus and Telos. The planet is roughly equal to size to Earth in the Sol system and has a rotation period of 28 Earth hours per day. One Kovar year is equal to 378 Earth days. Kovar is led by Governor Sean Thompson, a former Starfleet officer who had served on Kovar since its founding.

Kovar is a thriving colony with settlements all across the planet. Its capital city, New Hampton, is where the governing body resides and where a majority of the colony's trade occurs. Kovar was always vital to the defence and support of Starfleet assets. All of the planets inhabitants are Federation citizens with most of them being humanoid. The world is governed by a colonial democracy with a congress leading the legislature branch of the government and the governor heading up the executive branch of the government.

Key positions that still need to be filled, if your looking for a good sim, with a lot to create, please come check us out.

Chief Diplomatic Officer
Battalion CO-Chief of Security
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Counselor
Bravo Company CO
191st Combat Support Squadron "Shadow Hawks"-Squadron Leader
192nd Ordnancy Deployment Squadron "Screaming Eagles"-Squadron Leader
193rd Maintenance & Support Squadron-Squadron Leader

Also all Assistant Chief Positions are open as well as junior and enlisted positions are available. Also if you don't really want anything or don't see a particular position on the Manifest please feel free to email me at kleah [at] kovar [dot] bravofleet [dot] com and I am sure we can work something out.

Come check us out at http://kovar.bravofleet.com hope to see you there soon!


The USS Comet is the first in a new generation of Starfleet vessels, launching in the year 2404 to begin a historic twelve-year mission of exploration. It's path will take it beyond known space into the distant Perseus Arm of the Alpha Quadrant, supported by the latest technologies the Federation has to offer and crewed by the best and brightest minds of this new generation of Starfleet officers.

Equipped with new inventions, such as the Tactical Holographic Projectors, fully-integrated holographic systems for support of holographic crewmen, neural interfaces for pilots and others with the new implant technologies, devastating transphasic torpedos, and an array of updated shuttle and auxiliary vessel designs, the Comet is well-armed to face the dangers of the unknown. Yet, it remains a ship of peaceful exploration at heart, supported by advances in miniaturization, scanner technology, and ship design that will support the crew for the long mission they face.

As an independent sim, we are free to explore the kinds of characters, concepts, and future that can help set Comet apart from other games. Our small and close cast of members are writers, not just players, who are seeking others who want to try something different. The game itself is run through the NOVA system that many are familiar with, and is an 18+ simulation. Listed below are the current positions for the ship we are seeking to fill the most, and we welcome any visitors to the site as well. Other positions available are listed on the site itself and will be considered on a case by case basis.

Top Open Positions:

Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Counselor
Marine Commanding Officer

Thank you for taking the time to look over the game, and wherever you may find a place to write and have fun, on behalf of the crew of the USS Comet we wish you the best.

Captain Llywelyn Faraday
Commanding Officer
USS Comet
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UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG

Star Trek adventure is just a click away. Join an active Star Trek community and lead your character from cadet to captain -- and beyond! Your adventure begins here.

UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG offers the highest quality experience on the internet today with a friendly and welcoming online community that’s over 20 years old! Our training course will help you integrate into the community with no experience at all, and once you’ve been promoted to ensign, you’ll have access to our highly active forums, and be placed on a ship or station that suits your personal writing speed. Check us out at http://www.starbase118.net!
Bravo Fleet - Task Force 99

Looking for something new, but you're really not sure WHAT kind of Star Trek simm you might want to join? Then stop by Bravo Fleet’s Task Force 99. We have a variety of simms to choose from.

Looking for an Enterprise Era simm? We’ve got those. Dominion War era? We’ve got those too. Modern era? We’ve got those. Looking for a NuTrek era simm? We’ve got those too! Ship or Starbase, NOVA, Email, Forum, or FanFic simms, we have ‘em all!

Most of our simms are looking for both new and veteran players to fill key positions. Most of our simms are age appropriate for 13+, but a few are 16+ and 18+ for more mature simmers.

So if you are looking for unique simming experiences, beam over to Bravo Fleet’s Task Force 99 today!

'My Friends, We're Home'

After several years, Starbase 400 has returned to Bravo Fleet!

Aboard SB400, Episode 88 is in full swing and Starbase 400 is looking for a few interested, dedicated people to join our family and fill a few empty positions in our team.

The 2012 and 2014 winner of the 'Simming Prize', Starbase 400 has a rich, dedicated community. Simming continuously since 1995, Starbase 400 has developed a vast backstory, complete with two dozen permanent NPCs, a fleet of ships, and a dangerous intersection of space to defend.

To support its in character universe, Starbase 400 maintains an academy, a database, a timeline of sim canon, and logs of each mission to ensure members are informed. Infused with a focus on character development and realistic storytelling, these factors combine, producing an intensely vibrant sim.

Now, Starbase 400 is looking veteran, dedicated players to join our family! How could you go wrong being apart of something this special?

Starbase 400 is based in the Prime Universe in 2391, a time of change. Romulus and Remus are no more, the Enterprise-E has been decommissioned, and new technologies are being introduced. Starbase 400 is a Spacedock type starbase positioned near the Klingon and Romulan borders. She has what amounts to a small fleet assigned to her.

Missions vary from Exploration to Combat, Special Operations to Scientific! Starbase 400 is a family, many players have been with the simm for 10 years or longer, and the best part is, everyone is a star!

Currently, we’re looking for fill these key positions;

Chief Medical Officer
Command Master Chief
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
181st Tactical Fighter Wing XO
1st Marine Regiment Commander
Security Officer

…and a variety of other rolls!

SB400 is Nova based simm that's been an active simm since 1995. For 20 years we've provided quality interactive simming for new and veteran players alike. We take Canon Trek and mix it with elements of Simi-Canon as well as the Simm's history to make a unique simming experience!

Our LCARS site features a custom flash menu with data ranging from a Historical Timeline to Support Ship specs, a full Star Trek database to image galleries. Read though our mission logs, galactic news, apply for our web design award, or tour the Starbase.

The NOVA/Gaming site also has crew info, mission logs, application to join SB400, and more! SIGN UP TODAY, JOIN THE ADVENTURE!


A Proud member of Bravo Fleet's TF99
Lostworlds - Star Trek New Horizons

Lost Worlds Sci-fi and Fantasy forum is one of the Internets youngest but most active forums for all fans of Sci-fi and fantasy. As such we also host several Role Play games in those genre and we are currently seeking players and fans of Star Trek who would like to join us. In particular we are looking for a co-writer who can develop plots, keep the story and interest going and generally help to supervise the game.


This is the year 2393 which is almost the 25th century. The USS Nexus is a prototype Star fleet vessel and the first to be created to contain an AI system. She was a Sovereign Class MK – III type with the capability to split into three smaller ships with different capabilities. When she was approved and passed, they placed Captain Malcolm Thomas in command of this ship with Commander Camryn Sheppard. Soon, the ship was crewed with over a thousand people and christened to start her maiden voyage across the galaxy. Her first mission was to go to Bajor and transport the new CO for Deep Space Nine.

Please send me an PM or email if interested. Thanks :)
Star Trek: Lionheart

A new ship with a well seasoned captain, a new mission and a new mystery. Many times you may have read similar words.

Only, what if things started off a bit different. What if your character found themselves on a ship with no idea how they got there, wondering why the red alert klaxons were screaming, surrounded by strangers? And the first mystery to face them was what they needed to do in the next thirty seconds to survive?

Star Trek: Lionheart is a proudly independent PBEM game that will start in media res, meaning in the middle of the action. Your character, like the rest of the crew, starts with partial memory loss and the adventure will be to discover how they got that way. Are you tired of games that start off with the typical meet and greet? Perhaps Lionheart is for you, then. If interested check out the web site and contact the GM (that's me) at tstockel@rocketmail.com
The USS Victory is currently recruiting for many open positions. Join the excitement of our second mission under the command of Captain John Wallace and his XO, LtCmdr Kelly Michaels. Click on the image below to join our exciting new sim.

USS Marionette

USS Marionette - Task Force 7

The USS Marionette is a simulation that was put together initially as a pet project in order that I could play around and try things out. In the course of me setting up the ship, a mothballed Task Force was found and now The Marionette has been re-tasked with helping to rebuild the Task Force.

Set in the Prime Universe, after Romulus was destroyed (2390ish), the USS Marionette is a Sovereign Class vessel hoping to protect the Federation from the political fallout that will inevitably head its way. During the course of its aims to continue to protect the peace of the Federation and perhaps form new alliances the Marionette also hopes to carry on the scientific research that the Federation encourages.

If you are interested in what is effectively an Independent Sim, bound by its own canon and individuality. If you are just interested in role-playing with no encumbrance that often comes with Fleet hierarchy (no this, no that, don't do this, don't do the other...) and in general you just want to write, cool interesting stories with others, they could find a worse place than the USS Marionette to engage your characters no matter how many you want.

The Marionette isn't particularly fast paced, instead it was put together to allow people (me) to put in a little effort into writing posts and working on character development, but how much you post and how often and how fast the plot goes is completely up to those that sign up.

Most positions are open, some are reserved (not needed) and you're welcome to apply for additional "other" roles too. You're most welcome to have what ever level of position you like and a rank will be allocated appropriately.

Current Top Positions Open
(Bridge officers first and order of Seniority)

Operations Officer (Will be Second Officer if Chief)
Security & Tactical Officer (Will be Third Officer if Chief)
Intelligence Officer (Science & Communications)
Flight Controller (Pilot)

Chief Medical Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Counsellor

Interested? Why not take a look at our posts so far over on the USS Marionette? (http://www.ussmarionette.starfleetuk.org)

Signing Off,

Commander Ixion Eastmeadow
USS Marionette
Task Force 7: Command Group

About Task Force 7
The Task Force, is Task Force 7, the place initially constructed to make it easier for the administrator to find what active communities he had aboard his server. The Task Force also served as home to those ships recently made independent against their wishes or had to leave whatever fleet for whatever reason. Task Force 7 is not affiliated with any other fleet but that did mean it could go in a whole new direction. Generally however it is a home to anyone who wants to call it home. You can find out more about Task Force 7 by investigating www.starfleetuk.org or http://tf7.starfleetuk.org
The USS Tesla is open for recruits. I'm the XO, a Nyberrite named Alztak. The elevator pitch is that you get to play an alien merc on a stolen Starfleet ship that's about to head to the Gamma Quadrant. We have a fake Klingon captain, my XO, and a human security chief, but all other positions are open. Come on by and take a look! We're at http://tesla.bravofleet.com
Do you remember a time when the star trek franchise was more about exploration than action? Here at the USS Samurai we do. One day we might be dealing with high level negotiations the next exploring ruins of an ancient civilisation long since forgotten by time. We strive to push the boundaries as we patrol beyond the federation borders to seek out new and exciting adventures. New to simming? No problem. As we are a member of Obsidian Fleet you have the availability of our fleets academy to help you. Plus most of our senior staff members are quite experienced and are always willing to help if you need a little bit of help.

Current Open positions are:

Chief Medical Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Marine Commanding officer

and many more.
Take a look at http://uss-samurai.starfleetuk.org/index.php to see everything we have to offer

*Please note if accepted as executive officer you will be enrolled in obsidians fleet’s academy’s XO course.
USS Samurai is a Play by nova simmulation rated PG-13
This is the year 2393 which is almost the 25th century. The USS Nexus is a prototype Star fleet vessel and the first to be created to contain an AI system. She was a Sovereign Class MK – III type with the capability to split into three smaller ships with different capabilities. When she was approved and passed, they placed Captain Malcolm Thomas in command of this ship with Commander Camryn Sheppard. Soon, the ship was crewed with over a thousand people and christened to start her maiden voyage across the galaxy. Her first mission was to go to Bajor and transport the new CO for Deep Space Nine.

However, en route during her mission, the USS Nexus traces an distress call to the badlands coming from an old ship lost 200 years earlier. Upon further investigation, an rogue wormhole hits the USS Nexus and drags her into the Gamma Quaduant 70,000 light years away from Earth. The USS Nexus is marooned in the middle of nowhere and the crew must quickly find a way to survive in this unknown part of this galaxy.

Can you help us survive? If so, please shoot me an PM if you are interested in hearing more!

The year is 2404,the Klingon Empire has disengaged from the Khitomer accords and has begun a violent expansion into its neighbors. The Romulan people attempt to reunite and regain past glories. The United Federation of Planets stands at another pivotal moment in it’s history. Do they arm themselves for the war many say is inevitable, or do they go back to that which has made the Federation the shining beacon of the galaxy?

Project Comet is the Federation's official response to that question. A twelve year mission of exploration into the heart of the Perseus Arm, one of the last unexplored regions of the Alpha Quadrant. Equipped with the latest technology, the USS Comet, first in a line of new exploration vessels, sets out to become a name for the history books. Will you help those stories be told?

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them."
-Galileo Galilei


Come see for yourself. Say hello on our in site chat. We don't have much history yet, but perhaps you can help us change that!
Hi all,

It's been a while since I last advertised the USS Marionette and I thought that I should update. I've decided to open up the vast majority of positions, so if you are interested I'm willing to discuss roles that you might be interested in.

There have been a number of new posts since the last advertisement and there is the opportunity to get involved with a Starbase role-play off the bat. I'm really interested in creating a small group of writers here that have a common idea in mind instead of sticking just minutiae simming though if that's what players want to do I have no objection.

The Federation Role Playing Game

The Federation Role Playing Game is a creative writing game set in the Star Trek universe. New players take the roles of new graduates into the fleet, and participate in writing a series of collective stories with their shipmates. With over twenty years of a mythos already built up, and a clear, concise set of rules, the FRPG aims to be the premiére Trek writing sim on the Internet! Come join our adventures!


Urgent Communique: USS Vanguard Crew Activation

Attention Citizen,

You are hereby requested and required to report to the USS Vanguard, Prometheus Class, in a position of your choosing, as per Starfleet Reserve Activation clause.

Currently, the Vanguard has been assigned to pursue the Starship Tesla to deal with the latter ship’s theft. You are to join the crew of the Vanguard and assist her Commanding Officer in any and all ways required of you.

Your mission profile will include:

Exploring strange new worlds
Meeting new civilizations
Defending the Federation from those who seek to destroy it
Socialising with other members of the crew.
Writing excellent material with other excellent writers.
Having fun.

Signed, Admiral Jason Foster

The USS Vanguard is based out of Bravo Fleet's Task Force 72. Many of the chief officer position are open so act fast before they all fill up.The website is http://ussvanguard.bravofleet.com . Please check us out and hope to be writing with you soon!
Urgent Communique: USS Vanguard Crew Activation

Attention Citizen,

You are hereby requested and required to report to the USS Vanguard, Prometheus Class, in a position of your choosing, as per Starfleet Reserve Activation clause.

Currently, the Vanguard has been assigned to pursue the Starship Tesla to deal with the latter ship’s theft. You are to join the crew of the Vanguard and assist her Commanding Officer in any and all ways required of you.

Your mission profile will include:

Exploring strange new worlds
Meeting new civilizations
Defending the Federation from those who seek to destroy it
Socialising with other members of the crew.
Writing excellent material with other excellent writers.
Having fun.

Signed, Rear Admiral Jason Foster

The USS Vanguard is based out of Bravo Fleet's Task Force 72. Many of the chief officer position are open so act fast before they all fill up. The website is http://ussvanguard.bravofleet.com. Please check us out and hope to be writing with you soon!
Our current mission is called Shaking Off the Dust.

The Vanguard has been cleared to leave dry dock on her shakedown cruise, a very necessary thing for new starships or starships that have recently been refitted. During this cruise the warp engines will be tested as will weapon systems and the multi vector assault mode. During the warp engine test, an anomaly forms in the intermix chamber causing the Vanguard to accelerate uncontrollably resulting in her veering off course to a system not regularly ventured. It is in this system where the vanguard and hew crew will meet their first test and failure means utter destruction.


Below are the positions still open:

Chief Science Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Counselor
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Marine Commanding Officer
and all of the Assistant Chief positions