Romulan Star Empire?

I don't have a preference.

I do intensely dislike the poorly-premised nitpicking and exaggerated disapproval of trivia that some Trekkies engage in. It lessens the little bit of joy we can take in our hobby, and the less of it the better.

This series is quite simply becoming the best version of Trek since the original, IMO, and I just don't care whether all the specifics match a TV series from the mid-20th century. Of course they're going to change things and they should change things.

And no amount of "but they don't have to/why?" makes any difference at all.
Sherlockbatch 8-Ball 4c Without A Doubt.jpg
Even if SNW does lead into a straight-up reboot of TOS I think I'm OK with that. It's not like TOS would suddenly stop existing.
Be interesting if They decided to somehow tie the events of "First Contact" & "Regeneration" into SNW's storylines and have Pike realize at some point that history has been slightly altered.

Perhaps his accident doesn't go exactly as foretold, or actually occurs earlier than thought in which he survives with less injuries and he decides to investigate why.
Better to reconsider ones initial statement as being not entirely correct when presented with the available Facts, than declare that one is "leaving the field and taking ones ball."

Which is pretty much what you did.

There's no shame in admitting that your assumptions may have been wrong all along.
It usually ends up improving ones outlook, rather than destroying ones enjoyment.
Why keep on contradicting events,

There has been no contradiction of events, only of popular interpretations of earlier episodes. Having different creative ideas in fiction is not the same thing as contradiction.


Taking TOS characters who were shallowly-written and giving them depth and complexity is not a contradiction.

and the look and feel of the show?

The only time the look of TOS changed was when CBS released the remastered edition of TOS in 2006-2007 and thereby added CGI versions of the original visual effects. Nothing about SNW changes the look and feel of TOS, remastered or original editions.

SNW does not replicate the look of TOS because it is completely unrealistic to expect an ongoing 2020s high-def television series with a mass audience to re-create the look of a program made almost 60 years ago for a low-def analogue cathode-ray technology that's completely out of date.

The vast majority of people feel that SNW replicates the feel of TOS very well however.

It's because the current producers find the original series an embarrassment I believe! :angryrazz:

They have openly stated that they decided to make SNW because they love TOS and want to do a modern version of it.

It may in fact surprise you to learn that people can have different creative impulses than you when creating fiction without hating the thing they're reinterpreting. Not everyone has the mindset that change is bad or that creative reinterpretation equals disrespect. Art is all about evolution and reinterpretation over time. Shakespeare did not survive because everyone continued to replicate the look and feel of the Lord Chamberlain's Men's original productions at the Globe for four hundred years.
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Back on topic....
Was that a Reman punching Pike?

Wrong color and the
Remans didn't have cheek...spikes(?)
SNW Orion's Office 1c2.jpg

But then, with all the reimagining of various species' looks, you never know.
As long as we don't see their faces, there's no continuity here to violate. ;)
Then let's bring in the Borg. Have them fully identify themselves and then attack Earth.

My point is that continuity isn't all that terribly important. New stories replace old stories. If continuity becomes a limitation, then alter it and move on. It's what Trek has been doing since 1966...
I kind of wonder if the V'tosh Ka'tur will be how SNW do the Romulans. Like, some V'tosh Ka'tur are actually Romulan spies. We know that there where Romulan spies on Vulcan as early as ENT season 4. And we know from PIC season 1 that even in the late 24th century, Romulan spies are still posing as Vulcans. I just think it seems, well, logical.
I still say that the best way to do it is that most of Federation history pre TOS has been a cold war between Romulus and Vulcan with only the highest levels of government in both organizations even aware of it and the whole Earth/Romulan war was a proxy war Vietnam/Afghanistan style with the Romulans trying to take out a rising potential Vulcan ally, a trilogy/miniseries bookmarked by meetings at a far off station NuBSG opening style between one representative of each organization playing metaphorical 3D chess with Humans as the pawns.