Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (Zack Snyder, Dec. 22 on Netflix)

From the trailer, this is to Star Wars what The Orville is to Star Trek, without the intentional parody aspects. Hollywood bigshot wants to work in his favourite franchise, franchise says no, bigshot does it anyway by filing off the serial numbers

The only reason we have Star Wars is because Lucas couldn’t get the rights to Flash Gordon. Also, Star Wars is a patchwork quilt of older sci-fi, 30’s serials, the Foundation series,and Kurosawa, etc. Asimov coined the term and concept of a Galactic Empire.

Han Solo and the Falcon?

TRADERS— … and constantly in advance of the political hegemony of the Foundation were the Traders, reaching out tenuous fingerholds through the tremendous distances of the Periphery. Months or years might pass between landings on Terminus; their ships were often nothing more than patchquilts of home-made repairs and improvisations; their honesty was none of the highest; their daring …”

That’s just off the top of my head. Star Wars is awesome, but it’s hardly original. For my part, the Seven Samurai riff stood out far more in this trailer than anything else.
The only reason we have Star Wars is because Lucas couldn’t get the rights to Flash Gordon. Also, Star Wars is a patchwork quilt of older sci-fi, 30’s serials, the Foundation series,and Kurosawa, etc. Asimov coined the term and concept of a Galactic Empire.

Han Solo and the Falcon?

TRADERS— … and constantly in advance of the political hegemony of the Foundation were the Traders, reaching out tenuous fingerholds through the tremendous distances of the Periphery. Months or years might pass between landings on Terminus; their ships were often nothing more than patchquilts of home-made repairs and improvisations; their honesty was none of the highest; their daring …”

That’s just off the top of my head. Star Wars is awesome, but it’s hardly original. For my part, the Seven Samurai riff stood out far more in this trailer than anything else.
It drives me crazy how persistent the belief that Star Wars originated things. It's a riff, pure and simple.
Most of the stuff in this that's similar to Star Wars, isn't really anything unique to Star Was.
Like @The Lensman said, there is a lot more Seven Samurai there than Star Wars.
All anyone needs to do is watch movies pre-77 and post-77 to see the difference Star Wars made. It had its influences, it also influenced others, it's all good.
My wife and i are definitely looking forward to it. . THIS week!!

Oh, and at least for me.... i think i will be thinking that this is a non cheesy version of Battle Beyond the Stars, which i might watch now....
Well, as it stands, it is currently Zack Snyder's worst reviewed movie on Rotten Tomatoes with a 22% Rotten score.

He already says he plans to release a three hour "Directors Cut".
Well, as it stands, it is currently Zack Snyder's worst reviewed movie on Rotten Tomatoes with a 22% Rotten score.

He already says he plans to release a three hour "Directors Cut".
It's a Netflix film. How isn't it already the director's cut?
It's a Netflix film. How isn't it already the director's cut?

It's only hearsay, but I gather that Netflix chose to release two versions in an attempt to artificially recreate the "Snyder Cut" hype over Justice League. Which, if true, is stupid but sadly unsurprising.
It's only hearsay, but I gather that Netflix chose to release two versions in an attempt to artificially recreate the "Snyder Cut" hype over Justice League. Which, if true, is stupid but sadly unsurprising.
Just as long as they warn us which version has the Russian family.
So i did indeed re-watch Battle Beyond the Stars.... and THAT movie was surprisingly still good... they had very distinct and different characters, and pretty good effects considering the time and budget. They just needed some more time to give each of the characters a way to specifically contribute to taking down the bad guy (like the Thermal guys stopping the sonic tank).... would have been nice for a couple more survivors...

I would hope that Rebel Moon will also maintain that diversity as well. I think even most critics of Justice League can agree he did a good job of creating a diverse set of characters (especially personality wise).

Now is the Rotten Tomatoes score "real" critics or "fans"....if it is the latter, it could be an anti-Snyder League conspiring to take him down.

Oh, and is Ray Fisher's character the heart of THIS movie too???
It's a Netflix film. How isn't it already the director's cut?

From what I gathered from the interview Snyder, this is a PG-13 movie, simply because Netflix wanted a version more people could watch. Netflix actually suggested an R-rated cut, this movie's Snyder Cut if you will. Which according to Snyder, will be a almost different movie all together.