Spoilers R rated content - what does it add?

Does Discovery 'need' to have R rated material? No.
Am I offended by it? no.
Is it appropriate for all ages? No.
Should the show continue in this vein? Yes, in my opinion. I like shaking things up a bit in this not so new millennium if it is organic to the story.
What does it add? F-bombs and Klingon tits, that's what it adds! Seriously though, all the R-rated stuff we've seen so far has been pretty tame. By comparison, The Tick has had multiple uses of the word "fuck" in at least 4 out of its first 6 episodes, all of which managed a TV-14.
My personal experience in the working world leads me to lean toward this line of thinking as well. But I have always worked in offices. These people don't. They are in the space navy. And "swearing like a sailor" is a very real phenomenon.

Yeah it varies by workplace. Mine is one where the strongest of language and a very dark sense of humour is almost mandated. In others, they are unfailingly polite, and a spectrum in between. Occasional outbursts of bad language in Starfleet seem quite reasonable.
could honestly have lived without chopped up klingon corpses and (worse) ridged klingon breasts.

tilly's cursing? now that i do like, so... conundrum.
My bias against the Tilly F-bomb scene stems from my dislike for the character. On the whole, as an exuberant social misfit prone to blurting, I can see her saying that. Would I have written it that way? No. I never really see the need for it, to be honest.

I missed the Klingon boobs because I was too busy rolling my eyes at the unnecessary luridness of the scene. I guess the showrunners don't think their audience have much of an imagination, so they feel the need to splay it all out as a form of spoon feeding. No thanks. It could have been done so much more effectively had more been left to the imagination. Hitchcock was a master at it, and the technique still works.
Honestly, even the more explicit gore on Discovery hasn't been as disturbing to me as the exploding head in "Conspiracy" or the woman cut in half in "In Theory."

Or half the things Charlie X did.

The difference seems to be the frequency of questionable overtness. Handful of TOS and TNG episodes combined can barely keep up with STD's first season alone, never mind fantasy-induced violence versus something that hits closer to home.
Well if the colourful metaphors (fucken cool, kind of a metaphor) have enriched Discovery so much how come they've only use one... once?
Is your argument really that they shouldn't be cursing on the show, and to prove my point, they haven't been cursing enough?

Things work best in moderation. If there's a place to drop an f-bomb into the dialogue organically, they will (which I think they did), but to just throw it around in every other sentence like this is The Sopranos doesn't fit this franchise.
Well if the colourful metaphors (fucken cool, kind of a metaphor) have enriched Discovery so much how come they've only use one... once?
They've also used 'shit'. They put occasional swearwords where they fit naturally, which is the best way to use it.
My bias against the Tilly F-bomb scene stems from my dislike for the character. On the whole, as an exuberant social misfit prone to blurting, I can see her saying that. Would I have written it that way? No. I never really see the need for it, to be honest.

I missed the Klingon boobs because I was too busy rolling my eyes at the unnecessary luridness of the scene. I guess the showrunners don't think their audience have much of an imagination, so they feel the need to splay it all out as a form of spoon feeding. No thanks. It could have been done so much more effectively had more been left to the imagination. Hitchcock was a master at it, and the technique still works.
The Klingon boob scene was in a flashback of torture and sexual abuse. I thought it was creepy showing Tyler's attacker enjoying herself. Yuck.
Also- I think it's along the lines of "war is hell." If we have a war arc and it's all clean and neat, it kind of saps the realism. Especially in the landscape of modern television.
I'm not really convinced it's Voq. Could be just another Klingon. Was there a long time gap between the last time Voq was seen and the first appearance of Ash?
I'm not really convinced it's Voq. Could be just another Klingon. Was there a long time gap between the last time Voq was seen and the first appearance of Ash?

Tyler was tortured for seven months, L'Rell (his apparent reason for surviving) was stranded for six of those months. So that one month gap is where Voq was lost and Tyler appears.
Star Trek is not Game of Thrones... never was.

Its not Care Bears either. It seems like some people think Utopian and family friendly means Star Trek can never be controversial and the characters have to be the Get Along gang.

That being said the F bombs felt forced. I will give the scene with the naked Klingon credit, is that its played for horror, rather then sex appeal, she is not some objected sex pot like T'Pol or 7 of 9.
I registered just to respond, I honestly do not notice it, its just normal for me. Nothing seems out of the ordinary compared to what I normally watch these days.
Tyler was tortured for seven months, L'Rell (his apparent reason for surviving) was stranded for six of those months. So that one month gap is where Voq was lost and Tyler appears.

My question was that was there actually a seven month jump between the episodes we saw Voq last and Tyler first?