

Official Tahmoh Taster
Rear Admiral
Unfortunately it has become necessary to do some pruning. We haven't had any in almost two years, so I think we've done well. But this move will help us to improve the reliability of the Trek BBS.

I have decided to cut around 20% of posts - 850k posts - taking us back down to around the 3 million mark.

Rather than chopping away a bit at every forum, a few forums will take the hit most.

TNZ will be reduced by 450k posts - the bulk of the prune. The reason for this is that it's not a publicly accessible forum, not in search engines and I would like to preserve posts that are more widely available to everyone. Additionally TNZ is very much a topical forum, so there is less requirement for such an extensive archive. This prune would still leave it as the largest forum on the Trek BBS.

200k will be chopped from Miscellaneous, 150k from sci-fi and fantasy, 50k from TV and media.

This action will take place on 12 December 2010 - so please keep copies of any threads that you require prior to this time.

If you have any questions please post in this thread.