Props Re-used

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One that I'm not positive about ... the helmets used by the Romulan bridge personnel in "Balance of Terror" look exactly like those worn by some of T'Pau's attendants in "Amok Time". The only difference is the former are painted golden, whereas the latter are silver. Other than that, they look almost identical. I don't have any screen caps at the moment.
They're the same, with the Vulcan helmets having extra details glued on the front and sides, plus a spidley thing on the top.

Coolness! Thanks for being so resourceful.

This is one of those "re-uses" that actually can be rationalized as part of the overall Trek mythos. Call it a bit of artistic license or symbolic gesture. Or .... if the Vulcans and the Romulans came from the same root species, it's not that much of a stretch to think some similarities could develop.
We may think the reuse is cool and all but it can be a real stumbling block for introducing people to TOS. They see prop reuse and it can take them out of the story, become ammo for shooting at the series with.
Those folks must be really young and inexperienced. Star Trek is not unique in this. I see the same props appear in different science fiction series. I'm specifically thinking of that machine that sort of looks like a lathe except it has three bright red tubes running across it. It gets rented again and again for different sci-fi movies.

I wonder if those same folks are confused as to how Tom Hanks can be Frank Borman, Capt. John Miller and Dr. Robert Langdon.
Yeah, my kids. One of them was able to see past the "problem" and come to love Trek for its stories. The other, not so much. With her it's "That Start Track crap."
I guess it was cheaper to made a bunch of form fitting helmets instead of a bunch of tiny vulcan ears.
Most of M-5 was used to build Gary Seven's computer, which was then used pretty much unchanged as the Atavachron.

Thanks for confirming, I was really starting to wonder how I could have misremembered something I picture so clearly.

Just for comparison's sake.....

Gary Seven's computer - the name of which I forget

The Atavachron

The M5 Multitronic Unit

So the round screen is the main part that got passed down and stuck in my memory.
The computers at the starbase in "The Menagerie" that Spock reprograms are, I believe, the war computers destroyed by Kirk in "A Taste of Armageddon."
Star Trek is not unique in this. I see the same props appear in different science fiction series.

I vaguely recall hearing something about props from the Adam West Batman show ending up in some Star Trek episodes (or vice versa). Does anyone know anything about this?

And on a similar note I remember the robot costume from Forbidden Planet showing up in an episode of The Addams Family.
Star Trek is not unique in this. I see the same props appear in different science fiction series.

I vaguely recall hearing something about props from the Adam West Batman show ending up in some Star Trek episodes (or vice versa). Does anyone know anything about this?

And on a similar note I remember the robot costume from Forbidden Planet showing up in an episode of The Addams Family.

Not sure about Batman, but that might be possible since some props from Land of the Giants (A screen used in The Empath's Vian Lab) and Lost In Space (the suspended animation tubes from the Jupiter Two served as the tubes Ozaba and the other scientists were in; Vian Lab) appeared on TOS and all these shows providing props were 20th Century Fox shows.

Speaking of The Empath -- the three-pronged pedestal for The Controller from Spock's Brain makes an appearance in the Vian Lab; turned upside down with some weird glass/crystal structures hanging from it.
Star Trek is not unique in this. I see the same props appear in different science fiction series.

I vaguely recall hearing something about props from the Adam West Batman show ending up in some Star Trek episodes (or vice versa). Does anyone know anything about this?

And on a similar note I remember the robot costume from Forbidden Planet showing up in an episode of The Addams Family.
I don't know anything about the Batman props turning up on Trek, but this may be the Addams Family ep you mentioned.

Robby actually made quite a number of guest appearances:
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