Props Re-used

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Mod of Balance
I've been going through my neighbor's set of TOS DVD's. One of things that has always impressed me is the rather creative way in which the prop masters took existing props used in one episode, took them apart and reassembled them for other episodes. Often times, I'd completely missed it. Right now I'm watching "Gamesters of Triskelion", and the scene where Kirk contends with the Providers in their underground chamber has just completed. In it, you see the bubble that is topped with a red star, covering the Providers. That is re-used from the top of Lazarus' ship in "The Alternative Factor." In the background of that same scene is the matte painting that was used for the pergeum mining facility on Janus VI.

Most viewers probably take these things for granted; I know I once did. However, I suspect when we think about it some part of us is impressed at least a bit with the prop work in this series. I could think of several others, but then where'd be the fun in that? Your turn. ;)
The Atavachron from the episode where Beta Niobe goes nova was originally Gary Seven's computer from Assignment Earth.
The Romulan cloaking device in "The Enterprise Incident" is Nomad from "The Changeling," with a few alterations. I always loved that! :)
The high-back command chair used by Kirk in Mirror, Mirror was also used by Commodore Wesley on the Lexington in The Ultimate Computer. -- RR
Most of M-5 was used to build Gary Seven's computer, which was then used pretty much unchanged as the Atavachron.

As far as hand props go, the communicator from The Cage turned into McCoy's little remote control in "Spock's Brain", and Garth's little universal remote was a Phaser I upside down, painted blue, with some added buttons.
Klingon cruisers reused as Romulan cruiser. Probably the most obvious fo the reuses.

The model was created to be a Klingon ship, yes, but it debuted as a Romulan vessel. The model used for the Romulan vessel in "Balance of Terror" had gone missing. Supposedly it was mostly plaster, and somebody had dropped it. Or stolen it, but it's never reappeared.
Klingon cruisers reused as Romulan cruiser. Probably the most obvious fo the reuses.

The model was created to be a Klingon ship, yes, but it debuted as a Romulan vessel. The model used for the Romulan vessel in "Balance of Terror" had gone missing. Supposedly it was mostly plaster, and somebody had dropped it. Or stolen it, but it's never reappeared.

Plus they covered their asses some what by having Spock say
"I think that was the line??"
the disruptors used by the emenians in a taste or armageddon were the same used by klingons and romulans throughout the series
There is a boomerang shaped piece of wall art that shows up at least twice.



And Professor Crater used the laser pistol from The Cage in The Man Trap.

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