*Potential Spoilers* What will the Alternate Enterprise-A look like

Sean Hargreaves
6 hrs ·
Heads up Trekkies.......
I've decided to release my Franklin design renderings early as I'm getting tons and tons of messages about when am I going to release them.
I'll release these now and on Tuesday my Yorktown work, and then Thursday my Enterprise renderings.

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Saw it today...can we assume ST4 will be set 3+ years later then the events in Beyond? I ask because in ST09, we see the Enterprise in an Iowa cornfield, and she's much further along in construction then when the timelapse construction of the E-A begins in Beyond, and it was 3 years later before she was on her maiden voyage. It's possible ST4 could be 4 years or more later, which means we are now past the original 5 year mission...
wow look at the Franklin, he really did just flip it upside down for the final movie.

Same thing happened with the original Enterprise and the Reliant. Maybe in this case the "engines down" configuration would've been damaged too much in a crash landing?
Saw it today...can we assume ST4 will be set 3+ years later then the events in Beyond? I ask because in ST09, we see the Enterprise in an Iowa cornfield, and she's much further along in construction then when the timelapse construction of the E-A begins in Beyond, and it was 3 years later before she was on her maiden voyage. It's possible ST4 could be 4 years or more later, which means we are now past the original 5 year mission...

I think McCoy asked Kirk why he got their mission extended at the end of the movie, wasn't clear how long, but maybe the 5 year mission re-sets, but either way they should still be on it in ST14

Figure the A took at least 1 year probably more to finish so would make sense to re start the clock as Idris would say
Well, I'm sure he did what he was instructed to do. He created something and got told to flip it.

Well I mean a lot of the details on the bottom of the original design are on the top now, I assumed he just moved the nacelles, not just flipped it.
One problem I have with NuTrek is that they don't show too much of the ship's interior other than the usual places such as Engineering, Sick bay, Transporter room and of course the bridge. I for one would've loved to see other parts of the ship such as Kirk/Spock quarters, recreation room etc. It would just add more depth and scale to the ship and make it feel like its a home away from home on screen. Probably too much to ask to show all that in a single movie, but they could've shown parts of the ship across two to three movies. They did that with the Ent-E. Showing more parts of the ship that were never seen before with each movie through FC, Insurrection and Nemesis..

Star Trek Beyond addresses this considerably. We see far more of the ship than we've seen in either of the other new movies.
Well, here is my phantom sketch of the new E-A, eager to see how close sit gets to the original.

Points that I couldn't really make out and that are probably most off:
-Length of the nacelles
-Aft end of the nacelles
-Texture of the nacelles
-Underside of the nacelles
-Pylon thickness & forward edge shape
-Length of the secondary hull
-Shuttle Bay





you can fin the rest of the images I made here

I believe he will be... I messaged and he advised me that the Refit of the Enterprise retains the same size... 725 Meters Long!

than human in the Kelvin timeline must be HUGHE, at least 12-13 feet tall, since you can see Kirk and co running on on of the two decks on the edge of the saucer from a window in space ;)
than human in the Kelvin timeline must be HUGHE, at least 12-13 feet tall, since you can see Kirk and co running on on of the two decks on the edge of the saucer from a window in space ;)

Please- no more Enterprise size discussions........lol

Thank you so much for your drawings SeQuBu- very cool sir!
I like it as an abstract impression of the Enterprise. Not sure it is better than the 1701. The secondary hull has moved far away from the side view, but the forward view is improved with the wider pylons and nacelles.
There were some changes made by the FX crew that he noted before today. The tops of the pylon and before the deflector dish were slightly altered.

I also don't think the pylon stretches as far back on the bottom in the CGI model.

I really like that beveled saucer.
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