Posting Change - All Posters Read Please


T'Bonz - Romulan Curmudgeon
Due to some complaints from Google regarding some rather dodgy images posted on the BBS in the past, it's necessary to tighten up on some of the images in some posts (removing them from the BBS and forbidding them going forward) - specifically those with more adult or mature content as well as fixing some objectionable issues in Fan Fic.

While we've never allowed NSFW stuff including pornography, it is no longer permissible to post images that are borderline, such as those containing:
- strategically covered nudity
- sheer/see-through clothing
- lewd/provocative poses
- close-ups of breasts, buttocks, crotches

When in doubt, ask a mod, or just don't. This includes linking to same.

These posts (and threads devoted to same) will be removed from the BBS.

Those who participate in the fan-fiction section of the BBS will also have some new posting rules, which will be laid out there.

Thanks for your cooperation.
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