Post a Random Fact About Yourself

I am pretty good at reading upside down and/or in a mirror. I trained as a young teenager because of a dare and it stayed with me. I think Da Vinci did things like that too but I think it was because of the inquisition.

I have every known form of dyslexia, disgraphica, discalcula, audio processing disorder and the rare visu canal processing disorder. It seems to have made me more "creative" because I literally dont process the world like most of you do, except tactically (touch) is similar. Like my best friend who is high functioning autistic (and also a female trek fan) , overlapping stimuli are the worst....but she likes them, me it make me want to vomit. I have problems on standardized psych tests because tehy dont allow for that for the untrained I have to explain so my reactions can be property interpreted and along with a high IQ I can get into trouble because I have different patterning responses. Before modern computers they used to seek out people like me as codebreakers because some human generated patterns are obvious to us if not most of the population.

It also means I could never learn another language because I usually have to imprint a new word over the old not make it an alternative or additional thing. So of course my parents who spoke multiple languages gave me a fame that mixed french and german names that english speakers have trouble pronouncing.

Reading upside down, backwards, left ro right/right to left.....its all pretty much the same to me, and made me wonder for years if DiVinchi was dyslexic. .
I don't have any allergies that I know of. I can eat pretty much anything I want without a problem for example. I used to think that it comes from having been poor but now I am not so sure. Well, I am almost sure that the fact that my parents grew and raised most of our food was a great contributor (it spared me decades of poisoning by industrial chemicals that are put in almost all the food we buy in stores). My brothers don't suffer from any allergies either.
I don't have a sun allergy, but I might as well have.I'm so pale, I'm almost transparent. I literally can get a sunburn in 15/20 minutes, easily.I have to cover up, wear sunscreen and a hat even if I'm just going out to water the yard. My mom lost a big chunk out of her leg to skin cancer (I used to tell the kids at school she'd been bitten by a shark; it sounded cooler!) and I've had several small spots cut off (not fun), so the sun is not my friend.

I'm definitely an indoor cat.
there are few things I loathe more than ironing my laundry

That makes two of us!

I keep forgetting to wear a cap when I'm out doing yard work.

I also wasn't wearing one that time in NYC when I happened upon the filming for Spider-Man 3, stayed too long to watch, and got a fair bit of burn. :(
A watched pate never burns :D I recommend a very strong sunblocker and/or a hat. People frequently underrate the risks and get skin cancer on top of their heads.
I can hold my breath for three minutes (while the average person can't get to a minute without feeling like they're gonna die). It comes from training, not a natural ability.
today has new personal records.. like I just broke the 5000 video uploads at youtube --- I am still uploading but yeah 5001 going for more now.---

Today I finished a 200 page manuscript book of 12 staffs per page .. filled all of the book I will photo the whole thing and make a movie from it with sound--- maybe today?, but we will see.-- this is the third one finished, so it is not really that big a thing.. --- I finished one a year or so ago then the other one and now this the final one. just till I buy 3 or so more manuscript books mmmm yeah--- I do have the full page 26 staff papers left from the set of three pads they are not in the book form and come free after a page is finished.- I put them on my wall / the stuff I put down in them is like mmmm moment to moment logs of sound, ideas, and shapes or forms --- some--- :)

New to my routine is the ACA meetings I go to .. emotionally freeing so very much so.. It brings me happiness with my emotions. you know.---

facts are facts and so on.
^^^ Sounds like fun.;)

it is great really makes me happy and self-aware and love myself --- it has been 6 months about of the harm-none self love the whole life of mine had me think I was bad --- like really bad and needing to kill myself-- or hurt myself till six months ago-

so yeah I still need to photograph the music writings -- I will do it . and make the videos -- but things get delayed --
My grandparents, parents, all my aunts and uncles, two cousins, and one nephew have died. My extended family has shrunk to next to nothiing.