Poll: Janeway & Gender

Do you like Janeway?

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I actually love her voice. It's part of KM's and Janeway's special charm.

However, she might be a smoker, but that has nothing to do with her voice. If you find some of her earlier stuff, you'll discover that she sounds just about the same. I'm sure it has an effect, but not that great an effect. ;)

About why I love Janeway...I've tried to explain that a million times, but nobody here seemed to listen so I gave up.

Listening is not the same as agreeing.

And anyway I personally love Janeway as a character. I just read Captain's Table: Fire Ship, in my opinion easily the best Janeway story in any medium and a personal favorite; she's the only character in it that we know, it's all and only about her.

She had a few writers that didn't seem to get her properly, but when written well even all those contradictions can come together into a uniquely compelling person.
I would like to make a little challenge for the pro-Janeway crowd.

In short summary style, explain why Janeway works for you. What is there to like about her?


Command style?

Why not take it further and challenge fanficwriters to submit a resurrection story? Kind of like a caption contest. Winner gets a box of rice a roni or a board game. . . .

Am I in the forum for that idea?
It was started during the "Great Janeway wars" :rofl:, and I guess it was an attempt by the Janewayites (they seem to prefer that term, although MJF was coined by one of them, too IIRC :shrug:) to "prove" that TrekLit readers are sexist thugs who hated Janeway because she was a strong woman.

P.S.: Kind of a appropriate that a Janeway thread becomes a "Zombie thread". :lol:
Can't vote. I do care about her, but I don't think the sum total of my feelings is either like or dislike.
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