Please start consolidating threads.

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The stoicism of the true warrior
Over the last two years or so, there's been a growing trend of "megathreads," for lack of a better term (generally with the "rumors, news, etc. until release" or whatever title), for various upcoming movies. These are great, as they provide centralized repositories for not only the discussion of an upcoming movie, but also a great spot for people to post news.

This is a good thing.

Recently, though, there's been a trend of posting threads for every little bit of breaking news. We don't need that. If there's something new regarding the production of The Hobbit, people who are interested in that movie will know to check the Hobbit thread. Same with Wolverine 2 -- we don't need a thread for every time Darren Aronofsky's been mentioned / confirmed / un-confirmed / confirmed for the project. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Moving forward -- please consolidate threads. If there's an already ongoing thread about a movie, don't post a new one just because a casting announcement has been made; rather, post the news in the ongoing discussion thread. If there isn't one in the first few pages (seriously, it doesn't take that much effort to check the second page for a thread), then feel free to make a new megathread. But please stop posting threads for every little bit of news regarding a project that already has a thread devoted to it. It just creates white noise and clutter. If it's major news ("Peter Jackson run over by bus; 'The Hobbit' in question," "Lucas announces Blu-ray Disc releases of the unaltered original trilogy," etc.), feel free to post a new thread. But if it's really only germane to a specific project, don't post a new thread for it -- just keep it in the discussion thread.

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