Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

A BTS photo was posted of "the fam" around the Titans conference table from E8 and the table display is what looks like the fleet museum inventory, fwiw.
Yeah I posted it in the Episode 8 thread. It wasn't the museum, but the current Earth Spacedock.

Dave deleted it an hour or so after he posted it.

The only differences I can see between that photo and the final shot, is that half the table display had the Hero ships from the Frontier Day poster on it. In the final episode both sides of the table had the same graphic of Earth Spacedock.

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Here is a preview clip of episode 9, ‘Vox’:
Deanna knows what Jack is at long last! Did you hear her stiletto's clicking as she ran, adding intensity and urgency to the scene? I wonder what she saw when she opened up Jack's red door? :evil:
Yeah I posted it in the Episode 8 thread. It wasn't the museum, but the current Earth Spacedock.

Dave deleted it an hour or so after he posted it.

The only differences I can see between that photo and the final shot, is that half the table display had the Hero ships from the Frontier Day poster on it. In the final episode both sides of the table had the same graphic of Earth Spacedock.

If there were any more resolution on the photo, you could almost make out what's on the script pages Frakes has in his hand.
Yeah I posted it in the Episode 8 thread. It wasn't the museum, but the current Earth Spacedock.

Dave deleted it an hour or so after he posted it.

The only differences I can see between that photo and the final shot, is that half the table display had the Hero ships from the Frontier Day poster on it. In the final episode both sides of the table had the same graphic of Earth Spacedock.


So I'm seeing 3 Luna class ships, 1 Luna class "refit" from STO, 1 Intrepid class, and 7 Excelsior II's in the foreground. At the end of the table I'm seeing a Centaur type, an Odyssey class, a Pioneer class, a Constellation class, a Defiant class, a TOS Constitution class, and an Intrepid class on each side, and in the middle I see a Connie refit, an Intrepid class, a Galaxy class, an NX class (non-refit) and an Excelsior II class. There are more ships at the very end and some with front views that I can't identify.
and in the middle I see a Connie refit, an Intrepid class, a Galaxy class, an NX class (non-refit) and an Excelsior II class.
They’re in the same formation as the Frontier Day posters in previous episodes. So I think that was meant to be the Ent-B
"I promise, whatever we find there, you will not be alone"

Followed by Deanna running out and leaving him alone as soon as she finds something! That's one hell of a Counselor!

To be fair, it seems she saw something that genuinely terrified her. Counselors can get scared too. I think that scene just highlights just how dark and scary whatever is behind the red door.