Picard in the series has no charisma and authority

Star Trek Picard season 2. Instead of Star Trek we got present-day Los Angeles.

That's why season 2 was so weak.

That's definitely one reason why I found S2 disappointing. I figured they'd be on Earth for 2-3 episodes and then travel back to the future, not spend the entire season there.
Star Trek Picard season 2. Instead of Star Trek we got present-day Los Angeles.

That's why season 2 was so weak.

Right. The late 24th century characters also fit well in Los Angeles. When Kirk and company went they all looked out of place because of their clothes and attitudes. When Picard and company went they all looked like they belonged. Their clothes were spot on 21st century as well as their attitudes. TVH did it much better and more realistically.
While I admit that Picard's appeal is dependent in large part on your already being familiar with TNG, and DS9/VOY to a lesser extent, I don't hold that against the series. It's a spin-off, a sequel, and it's counting on people tuning in because "Hey, I used to watch TNG!" But it's also not pretending it's still in 1994. I'm not the same as I was 30 years ago -- you would hope someone in their 40s wouldn't be the same as when they were 14! -- and these characters shouldn't be the same either. It's called the passage of time.

Part of the appeal is "What are they like now?" If they were all exactly the same, that would be boring. And we wouldn't need to see it because we'd have already seen it! So I like seeing the characters in a different context.
Stewart's age means he's probably not able to speak with that commanding voice he once had. But the series until now definitely has portrayed Picard being weak, old, uncertain, dominated by others and a shell of his former self. He actually reminds me of the "alternative timeline" Picard that Q engineered in "Tapestry". Weak, lacking confidence and ambition. TNG Picard would never tolerate the sass he's put up with from the likes of Raffi.
Picard in PIC is a lot less cranky and off-the-handle than Future Picard in "All Good Things".

"All Good Things", by the way, was made in 1994 and has Rick Berman's name in the credits. So those things alone should make Picard not being what he used to be totally okay, going by some of you people's standards.
Picard stopped being cranky after season 2. What he was is stoic with a serious temperament. He was bold and very confident as you would want in a leader but not someone with a big ego. He was a good listener and had wisdom. Cultured as well but not someone who opened up easy about his own feelings.
Stewart's age means he's probably not able to speak with that commanding voice he once had. But the series until now definitely has portrayed Picard being weak, old, uncertain, dominated by others and a shell of his former self. He actually reminds me of the "alternative timeline" Picard that Q engineered in "Tapestry". Weak, lacking confidence and ambition. TNG Picard would never tolerate the sass he's put up with from the likes of Raffi.
TNG Picard also had his own ship and could call all the shots. PIC Picard has been forced to bum rides, so beggars can't be bosses...
TNG Picard also had his own ship and could call all the shots. PIC Picard has been forced to bum rides, so beggars can't be bosses...
Furthermore keep in mind that Picard is established as having done nothing but make wine for 14 years. No matter what charisma or authority he had once, those traits often have to be practiced to stay good at them, and this applies to real life as well. It's not surprising he's stammering and confused every so often in the new show, in fact it's realistic given the background we're presented in the show.
I can safely say that if I resigned from my job and 14 years later tried to exert the authority I had at the time, whichever of my peers were still around would likely be less-than-inclined to hop-to my orders.

I know many if not most of us love the character of Jean-Luc Picard, but the reality is that when you resign from a job, you don't really get to just show up again one day thinking everyone's going to give you the same respect you had at the time, especially if you resigned under a bit of a cloud as he did.
Patrick Lost his voice around 7 years ago. So yeah that has a big part to do with the way he delivers lines I think....BUT ....at 1:59 he belted out a pretty good ENGAGE with his now raspy voice. But it had that old authority again. It's like seeing Beverly and seeing her hurt, snapped him back. Too bad it's Robot Picard. But since they killed human Picard off it's not Patrick's Fault. Thank God they didn't make him a 100% healthy old man robot. If they did we would really be in trouble....lol

I loved Deep Space Nine.
Yeah it did so well ratings wise the first two seasons that by season 3 they added a full Starship (the USS Defiant) and started having more episodes away from Bajor and the Station, and when that didn't work as well as they hope, they added Lt. Worf from TNG in S4.

Now for me DS9 was the best of the 24th century Berman era shows; but honestly I don't think it was all that interesting until they added the Defiant and really flushed out the Dominion as an enemy Star Nation in season 3.
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It is frustrating to see a legendary officer be disrespected in almost every interaction he has with other Starfleet officers. I don’t really expect everyone in the fleet to bow down to him every time he walks in a room, but it seems like everyone he encounters is out to tell him how insignificant he is.
It is frustrating to see a legendary officer be disrespected in almost every interaction he has with other Starfleet officers. I don’t really expect everyone in the fleet to bow down to him every time he walks in a room, but it seems like everyone he encounters is out to tell him how insignificant he is.
The dude trashed Starfleet on public broadcast. That's going to sting.
The dude trashed Starfleet on public broadcast. That's going to sting.

He’s right to be pissed after they pulled the plug on his rescue efforts before the Hobus supernova. But he’s still Jean-Luc Picard. There should at least be someone within the organisation showing him an ounce of respect.
He’s right to be pissed after they pulled the plug on his rescue efforts before the Hobus supernova. But he’s still Jean-Luc Picard. There should at least be someone within the organisation showing him an ounce of respect.
No, there shouldn't. He trashed Starfleet in public, and walked away for over a decade.