Spoilers Picard 1x1, "Remembrance"

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Bit I enjoyed: The first dream sequence was superb. There's a real poignancy visible when Picard says he doesn't want the dream to end. And then the dream ends. That's very authentic.

Bit I didn't enjoy: The Federation reporter's prejudice on the Romulans was way too sledgehammer.

I would've liked to have seen that prejudice done more delicately, befitting sentiments that might prevail in the 24th century but needed Picard's sensitivity to ferret out. As it was, the sentiments were very 21st century-esque.

But all in all, I thought it was good.
Agreed, but I did say 'parts' of HQ. I'm certain we haven't seen the whole thing.
The image is missing the complex on the right side that we've seen in the show, it has whatever is there today in modern day.

When we first see Picard go to the archives, the camera is panning down on the right side.


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Why not simply a synth body given that also gives you the advance of having BS simply appear as largely himself ?

I actually like the idea of bringing Data back as an organic synth, maybe 'overcooked' to age him approximately as old as Data would be chronologically. Data could have a second chance to live as a full human. It would be the perfect conclusion to his journey to become more human, and this time, he would also age and be mortal. Exploring his reactions to losing his android strength and computational power would be fascinating - are we the sum of our strengths, or the quality of our character. It would be a lovely bookend for Picard to explain the final stages of life to Data, just as Picard used to explain other aspects of life to him. And Spiner could simply appear as himself.
No 4K UHD version on Amazon. That’s a shame.
It’s not in 4K anywhere. They would have advertised the hell out of if it was. CBS just doesn’t believe they should invest in this technology. Once we get into space in Picard, I’m sure it will be very pretty but won’t be as sharp as The Expanse, which looks f-ing amazing in 4K
Is Picard supposed to be in his 90s at this point? Anyway, I’m in my mid 50s and can’t run up stairs anymore.
I think 90, early 90s. I just imagine that by the 25th Century things have come quite a bit further in terms of what 90 is.
Patrick Stewart looks more lively in interviews so I felt he is playing Picard as a little more frail.
So in Picard's archive in the Star Fleet museum, his Shakespeare book is apparently open to the play that he quotes from earlier in the episode to Number One.
Why would he since he makes it clear he's been waiting to die?
But he's also been subconsciously looking for a reason to live. To go on more missions/adventures.

He may be saying it's time for the Jedi to end but he truly wants to become a legend once more, to borrow from another franchise's most controversial film.
But he's also been subconsciously looking for a reason to live. To go on more missions/adventures.

He wanted to but he wouldn't, unless something prompted him out of his malaise. It's the same as someone wanting to do something but they can't bring themselves to do it. Something's holding them back. Or they'll put it off until "later". And "later" and "later". Then "later" becomes "too late", "later" becomes "never". Then Dahj showed up, something horrific happened right in front of his eyes, and it snapped him out of it.

You know what the last 14 years of Picard's life have been like? Just like what we see in the beginning of "Remembrance". I think, in-universe, this is the first time Picard's life has had any movement in a decade-and-a-half. He's been dormant the rest of the time. "Waiting to die."
He wanted to but he wouldn't, unless something prompted him out of his malaise. It's the same as someone wanting to do something but they can't bring themselves to do it. Something's holding them back. Or they'll put it off until "later". And "later" and "later". Then "later" becomes "too late", "later" becomes "never". Then Dahj showed up, something horrific happened right in front of his eyes, and it snapped him out of it.
Yes. Dahj showed up with the phaser he'd thought he'd lost on Bespin.
I get the feeling he still has doubts but his visit to Riker & Troi will be his "ghost Yoda" moment.
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Being on a streaming service means no rating information for USA. But did pretty good in Canada:
The article says " highest rated of the year "; and we are only in January of 2020.;)

I'm sure it did very well and it's probably one of their highest rated shows in a while but again the way the articles written being the highest rated premier of the year in January sounds like they're really trying to play it up.
The article says " highest rated of the year "; and we are only in January of 2020.;)

I'm sure it did very well and it's probably one of their highest rated shows in a while but again the way the articles written being the highest rated premier of the year in January sounds like they're really trying to play it up.

As much marketing as they put behind it, it would be a disaster if it didn't do very well.