"Pen Pals" a Forgotten Gem?


Vice Admiral
I haven't watched Pen Pals for easily 15 years, as I did not remember it as a particularly engaging or interesting episode, but I decided to watch it today with my 9-year old son. I have to say, I think it is a really solid episode that I don't think gets much discussion.

The A and B stories are both really quite compelling. The A story has Data revealing that he may or may not have broken the prime directive by answering a hail from a lesser-developed world. The debate around what to do with this, and the role of the Prime Directive in this situation is actually all quite good. There is an ensemble scene in Picard's quarters (it actually looks like he had a spread of food put out in the background, which I had never noticed before) that contains some really good dialogue and has some heat to it.

The B story about Wesley taking on the geological survey team and looking to solve the mystery as to why all the planets in this sector are experiencing geological upheaval is also really quite good. There are some excellent lessons in early leadership on display here, and I like how the crew all treat Wes like an adult. It's actually one of the more realistic and believable (and entertaining) "Wes saves the day" stories.

It's also noteworthy that the A and B stories both weave together rather expertly, which isn't always the case.

Most of all, the dialogue and characterizations all seem spot-on, which was much more rare for TNG S1 and S2 (even though I really like these early seasons).

Add to all this some really brilliant location shooting for the holodeck horseback scenes, and I found myself pleasantly engaged in this episode...certainly FAR more than I ever remembered being.
Maybe seeing it through someone else's eyes enhances the watching experience? How old were you approximately when you watched it the first time?
I've never seen it.
Well I've seen parts of it in General Grin's recuts. I don't think that counts.
It's always been one of my favorites. I haven't watched it for a couple of years, but I will soon. Thanks for posting.
I've seen this one heaps, when Star Trek came on 2 episode VHS tapes in the 1990s this was on the one on the tape with Q Who?
I like this episode but it seems to me that Data should have understood the ramifications of answering Sarjenka's hale. He also dropped the ball by not reporting what he did immediately to Picard or Riker. I have to believe there are protocols around contact. Let's face it, Data isn't some inexperienced ensign. I know he states in the episode that he has been vague when talking to Sarjenka but his choices were baffling.
I like this episode but it seems to me that Data should have understood the ramifications of answering Sarjenka's hale. He also dropped the ball by not reporting what he did immediately to Picard or Riker. I have to believe there are protocols around contact. Let's face it, Data isn't some inexperienced ensign. I know he states in the episode that he has been vague when talking to Sarjenka but his choices were baffling.
I just watched it again, and yes, I agree with your point.

Also, the first half or so was overly preachy. I give credit to the actors for making the best of it. I still enjoy the overall story, and it was very touching. I was much more credulous back in younger years when TNG was first on.
Is it really "forgotten"? I always had the impression that it is one of the best and most popular episodes of Season 2.
Indeed. i just checked and this is the fourth thread about the episode in the past three years :lol:
Sorry about that. Mods, please delete if this thread is repetitive

Sorry to imply it was a duplicate thread. I don't think it is, as the other three didn't even make it into 2022 with a new post). I was just showing that it isn't really a forgotten episode.
I don't know how any episode can be forgotten when the show is in daily reruns on H&I channel (and probably others), and isn't it streaming on at least one service?

Anyhoo - Nikki Cox went on to a good career as a beautiful and talented actress, and I'm sad she self-sabotaged with totally needless cosmetic surgery-gone-wrong.
I don't know how any episode can be forgotten when the show is in daily reruns on H&I channel (and probably others), and isn't it streaming on at least one service?

Anyhoo - Nikki Cox went on to a good career as a beautiful and talented actress, and I'm sad she self-sabotaged with totally needless cosmetic surgery-gone-wrong.

I would have hoped that people realized that "forgotten" is a figure of speech to imply that it is underrated, not talked about much, or generally just exists in obscurity.

I also linked the word "forgotten" with the word "gem," which gives additional context to the meaning I was trying to get to. So...I'm not really sure where your confusion comes from.
I've not really watched this episode in a long time, but I don't remember liking it that much. After seeing this thread I may give it a rewatch with fresh eyes.

Data so readily "breaking" the Prime Directive always seemed a bit weird for a Lt. Commander who had the experience he had, android or not.
I would have hoped that people realized that "forgotten" is a figure of speech to imply that it is underrated, not talked about much, or generally just exists in obscurity.

I also linked the word "forgotten" with the word "gem," which gives additional context to the meaning I was trying to get to. So...I'm not really sure where your confusion comes from.

Okay, I see what you're saying, but 'forgotten' kinda means only one thing to me (i.e. 'nobody remembers it'), gem or not. Underrated would indeed have been a better adjective, IMHO.
Okay, I see what you're saying, but 'forgotten' kinda means only one thing to me (i.e. 'nobody remembers it'), gem or not. Underrated would indeed have been a better adjective, IMHO.

I'll certainly give that advice all the thought and consideration that it is due.