Paramount apparently still doesn't get it...

I'm sorry to interrupt the discussion about Klingons, but according to Giant Freakin' Robot, Voyager is the next series to get the Picard Treatment.
There does seem to be some rumblings about a Janeway/Seven miniseries (which Alex Kurtzman and Kate Mulgrew have both mentioned in the past as a possibility). Jeri Ryan is also on record wanting Terry Matalas to be involved if she comes back again.
I'm sorry to interrupt the discussion about Klingons, but according to Giant Freakin' Robot, Voyager is the next series to get the Picard Treatment.

GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT on Twitter: "My only regret is that we didn’t have this story ready in time for #FirstContactDay yesterday." / Twitter

Whether or not this is true, I'll reserve judgement, but I lean towards this being more likely than not. VOY's cast is the only other cast besides TNG's where I could see a full reunion happening. And they've already re-introduced several VOY characters in the Kurtzman Era.

Never, EVER believe a word of what GFR posts. They are a known clickbait site that totally makes stuff up all the time with no sources other than some nebulous wording like ‘from the same source that revealed Strange New Worlds!’
Prodigy is essentially shaping up to be a Voyager sequel. Add a few more legacy characters for the second season's search for Chakotay and I could see where someone could misconstrue that as being a whole new show.
Well that’s an explanation… but being mentioned multiple times doesn’t mean the explanation holds up to scrutiny… Because it really, really doesn’t.

Why not? When Decker points out it's such a complete refit that it essentially is an entirely different ship, I think that is pretty clear.
Prodigy is essentially shaping up to be a Voyager sequel. Add a few more legacy characters for the second season's search for Chakotay and I could see where someone could misconstrue that as being a whole new show.

If Prodigy had been the only show Paramount+ produced, I’d be fine with that. It’s a legitimate sequel to the Berman era while being completely original, not at all derivative, and only relying on legacy characters in supporting roles, not the focus of the whole show.
Why not? When Decker points out it's such a complete refit that it essentially is an entirely different ship, I think that is pretty clear.

I’m not saying it’s not clear. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense. If you have to go to that much effort, why not just build a new ship?

It’s a paper-thin line intended to handwave away why the Enterprise looks so different.
I’m not saying it’s not clear. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense. If you have to go to that much effort, why not just build a new ship?

It’s a paper-thin line intended to handwave away why the Enterprise looks so different.

Perhaps symbolism. The Enterprise's 5-year was historic, so keeping her around is great PR. Plis, Kirk was an admiral at that point and probably had enough pull to keep her going instead of being scrapped.
Perhaps symbolism. The Enterprise's 5-year was historic, so keeping her around is great PR. Plis, Kirk was an admiral at that point and probably had enough pull to keep her going instead of being scrapped.

I’m not arguing with you, ‘cause generally we do tend to fall on the same side of things. Again, I’m not saying there aren’t reasons for it to happen or that it isn’t explained… I’m just saying to change that much of the structure of something… like, even the internal superstructure would have had to have been remodelled…

I just don’t think it makes any sense at all, explanation or nay, but that’s just me.
I read somewhere that in real life, it’s actually cheaper and more efficient to refit a ship rather than build a whole new one. But regardless, my personal headcanon is that the Enterprise was a testbed for the refit process in general, but that all other TMP Constitution classes were new builds, expanding on the technology learned from the refit. This would explain why no other starships were known to be refit in such an extreme manner from their original designs.
I’m not arguing with you, ‘cause generally we do tend to fall on the same side of things. Again, I’m not saying there aren’t reasons for it to happen or that it isn’t explained… I’m just saying to change that much of the structure of something… like, even the internal superstructure would have had to have been remodelled…

I just don’t think it makes any sense at all, explanation or nay, but that’s just me.
Same. I know there is an explanation and I've read the novel, and Mr. Scott's guide and all the ancillary wonderfulness. But, when I sit down and watch the film, especially going from "Turnabout Intruder" to "TMP" it jars me. The explanation becomes almost secondary because the changes are so stark.
The in-universe reason why TMP was such a jarring change from TOS was because it was Roddenberry’s want that the events and visual style of TOS didn’t actually happen the way we saw them, and that TMP was actually how things looked. A creative decision that the producers of DSC and SNW have also followed with their shows. Which is all fine and good on the surface. However, the other Paramount+ shows have chosen not to follow this line of thought and have depicted the visual style of TOS rather than the new visual style of SNW. So until everyone agrees on a unified visual style for the period rather than the flip-flopping back and forth between the two, there’s going to be a visual disconnect that people will continue to argue about, because Paramount is telling us that it’s all the same even though there are two distinct styles.

Of course, there are more fundamental differences between TOS and DSC/SNW than just the visual style, but that’s another topic.
It's sad to me that everyone obsesses over the starship designs, sizes, angle of the nacelle pylons etc.

If you want a true continuation of "The Cage", argue for a cold, sexist Captain Pike instead of the one based far on Bruce Greenwood's interpretation than Jeffrey Hunter's original.

But nobody cares about the story. It's just the size comparison charts. You know, that far less important facet of the show. And nobody's demanded a blue connecting dorsal yet, so I wonder how with it the size-chart-obsessed actually are when it comes to this stuff.

Argue for a silly little printer coming out of Spock's console and no use of modern tablets. Clipboards and paper only.
Best to not even compare or analyze these new CBSALLACCESS+ Trek to the phenomenal stuff done from TOS to TNG. Trek was running out of ideas since VOY, and the franchise declined from there; while JJTrek gave it a jump to the heart by the time the 3rd one came around the franchise seem to return back to the bottom. It was no question CBSAA+ Trek was creatively bankrupt from the start distancing themselves away from what was tried and true to more of the Star Wars clichés serializing Star Trek.

I came to terms with these things during PICARD season 1, they're lazy, overblown galaxy threatening plots drenched with nostalgia bait. It's creative bankruptcy at it's heights, but I'm okay with that and now with PICARD, and I'll never watch the other CBS+Trek shows, I'm just watching those shiny little lights* and don't even care or invest in those ridiculous plots because it's not coming from something new and fresh. It's borrowing heavily from a point in time of Star Trek when they did it a lot better.

*Visual Effects
It's sad to me that everyone obsesses over the starship designs, sizes, angle of the nacelle pylons etc.

If you want a true continuation of "The Cage", argue for a cold, sexist Captain Pike instead of the one based far on Bruce Greenwood's interpretation than Jeffrey Hunter's original.

But nobody cares about the story. It's just the size comparison charts. You know, that far less important facet of the show. And nobody's demanded a blue connecting dorsal yet, so I wonder how with it the size-chart-obsessed actually are when it comes to this stuff.

Argue for a silly little printer coming out of Spock's console and no use of modern tablets. Clipboards and paper only.
Yeah, it seems like 80% of the complaints are about the visual aesthetics, there's way less concern about the other items.

With Discovery, other than Burnham being Spock's sister, I can't immediately think of any other "canon breaking" complaints that weren't about the aesthetics - even the hologram thing is more about the visuals than the technology.