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Other Star Trek Message Board


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
Greetings! There was another Star Trek message board that was around a while ago that I would like to visit again if it's still around. I lost the link to it and it's quite possible it's long gone, but I thought I would ask just in case. I remember it was heavily involved in trying to get a fifth season for Star Trek: Enterprise. Does anyone remember that site? Thank you!
There was also the "Hailing Frequencies BBS" back in the late 90's that I frequented before coming here around 98 or 99. Then I think it went away altogether and the rest is history...
Don't forget Star Trek Central! My one back in the day... but that got acquired in 1999 and died with the dot come bubble in 2001.

It's scary to think many people here were likely born after my board came and went!