Original TOS VFX footage 4K 60fps

Apparently Trek World got a lot of these from “The Roddenberry Vault” Blu-ray collection.

It’s a shame so many of these were never used in the series. I know some of them were “ruined” by inadvertent shadows cast by the camera and other equipment, but not all of them were (that head-on shot in particular).
Apparently Trek World got a lot of these from “The Roddenberry Vault” Blu-ray collection.

It’s a shame so many of these were never used in the series. I know some of them were “ruined” by inadvertent shadows cast by the camera and other equipment, but not all of them were (that head-on shot in particular).

If it is from that bluray collection i wonder how much is overlapped with this other video?

Looks like a lot of overlap, but what’s posted in post #1 looks to be higher resolution and also considerably cleaned-up.

I'm having trouble finding a 4K version of the bluray. Do you think Trek World got access to the film itself or just upscaled the 1080p bluray for their video?
Here is a question.

Does the bluescreen “eat” into the outline of the model at a distance in your eyes?

The lower part of the saucer seems sharper, more pointed farther away.

We know it is a rounded dome…up close.

Maybe the sharper look is why the sketch of the Enterprise in The Making of Star Trek is more severe…and perhaps why the model for DS9’s Trials and tribbleations” has a more pointed lower sensor dome.

Maybe someone artistic could do an “apparent outline” vs a “true outline?”

Datin’s Enterprise is a study in optical illusions I think…beyond mere differences between pilot and production details…the bridge dome was changed during the production era according to Kerr over at a Hobby Talk page as I recall.

Some 11 foot shots make the lower saucer contours look more curved.
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