Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

If this ever happens, they'll probably need a 5 year time jump at this point.

Ed is getting older.

If this ever happens, they'll probably need a 5 year time jump at this point.

Ed is getting older.


Terry said that he cast him because he wanted someone who looked "world-weary." Someone who looked as if they'd been through the wringer.
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I'm aware Terry said something along those lines.

However, the longer that this project doesn't happen, it's going to be harder for him approaching 40 to play 22/23.

Maybe late 20s.

The time jump would be ideal. It would also allow for new upgraded sets and a potential refit, like Drexler mentioned.
I'm aware Terry said something along those lines.

However, the longer that this project doesn't happen, it's going to be harder for him approaching 40 to play 22/23.

Maybe late 20s.

The time jump would be ideal. It would also allow for new upgraded sets and a potential refit, like Drexler mentioned.
They'll probably upgrade the sets anyway. If they film in Toronto, the sets could be mostly new.
However, the longer that this project doesn't happen, it's going to be harder for him approaching 40 to play 22/23.
I mean, it happens in TV and movies all the time. The guy who played "Cupcake" in Trek XI was 43 when the movie was filmed, yet the character is only supposed to be like 19 or something.
Lower than ever. Maybe less than 10%. Rumors are Paramount is not interested.

Nothing's come out in the trades.

SNW is nearing the end of its lifespan (Disco got cancelled after S5. Yellowstone is leaving after S5. P+ policy seems to be cancelling all shows after five seasons.)

https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/yellowstone-being-discontinued-effective-immediately-003000857.html#:~:text=Here's the truth: Part two,November 2024, the reporting said.

What does P+ have to offer the grownups? A bunch of horny SFA cadets?
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Lower than ever. Maybe less than 10%. Rumors are Paramount is not interested.

What rumors?

All we know is that CBS/Paramount have made no official statement about another show other than SFA. "Legacy" is and always has been just Matalas's pipe dream that overactive fans have taken to be some sort of gospel. Does that mean that CBS/Paramount is not interested? Beats me, because like I said, they've mentioned nothing about it. If I had to guess, I'd say they have no intention of making a follow-up to PIC, because it's probably beyond their budget.
I hope Legacy is made, BUT... If PIC Season 3 is it, then it's a good note for me to go out on, as a fan. DSC Season 5 is just an encore. Aside from that, I'm prepared to be done. Prodigy is okay, but it's not the same. And S31 will just be a TV Movie, also not the same.

I got eight years out of Star Trek the first time (1991-1999) and seven years out of it the second time (2017-2024). So almost as long during both stints.

Unlike so many other people here, I know when it's time to take my exit cue.
SNW is nearing the end of its lifespan (Disco got cancelled after S5. Yellowstone is leaving after S5. P+ policy seems to be cancelling all shows after five seasons.)
Yellowstone is a double outlier case. It dates back to when CBS and Paramount (Viacom) were two different companies. Paramount developed it for the Paramount Network (the former TNN) and sold the streaming rights to Comcast-owned Peacock. When the companies remerged, they were stuck with the Peacock deal.

You also have the problem of Kevin Costner wanting out. Since they have to replace the lead, they'll "cancel" the original show and start up a new one with a different lead while retaining other cast.
I hope Legacy is made, BUT... If PIC Season 3 is it, then it's a good note for me to go out on, as a fan. DSC Season 5 is just an encore. Aside from that, I'm prepared to be done. Prodigy is okay, but it's not the same. And S31 will just be a TV Movie, also not the same.

I got eight years out of Star Trek the first time (1991-1999) and seven years out of it the second time (2017-2024). So almost as long during both stints.

Unlike so many other people here, I know when it's time to take my exit cue.

Not a SNW fan at all, eh?