Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

I can only speak for myself, but most of the ideas he and writers have given out in interviews and come up with don't excite me. I don't really care about seeing Alexander again.

Neither does Worf, apparently!

I also deeply dislike the idea that he put in place, both with the finale and the potential Legacy series, that nobody is happy in this universe unless they're in Starfleet.

Yeah, I don't like that idea. But as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason to think Deanna and Data are back in Starfleet. Personally, I prefer to think Data is living on Coppelius with Soji and the other androids, and that Deanna is living on a major cosmopolitan planet -- Deneva, maybe -- where Kestra is going to uni.

Seven nearly DIED in S2.

Had she stayed with the Rangers, she risked either dying alone and/or being swallowed up by the Borg.

I mean, Seven has nearly died (often at the hands of the Borg) many, many times aboard Starfleet vessels, too. That's not meaningfully different.

I'd prefer Akiva Goldsman or Kirsten Beyer running it over Matalas (Matalas seems too eager to recreate Berman-era Trek).

Or maybe co-showrunning with one of them.
I got into the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms books in the late '80s. They tried new characters (including a "second generation") and settling, but 30-odd years later they're back to the originals. I won't deny that there is some appeal in the nostalgia, but it's so creatively shallow.

I hope Trek doesn't go further down that path. TV shows are at least somewhat limited in that the original actors can't be a part of it forever - at least until AI generation is more firmly established.
The same goes for Kestra.

Shaw is dead. Let him stay that way.

I'd prefer Akiva Goldsman or Kirsten Beyer running it over Matalas (Matalas seems too eager to recreate Berman-era Trek).

I honestly feel like she's the least likely since Matalas seems super uninterested in that character for whatever reason lol! But I'm sure they'd have all of them there in the show, which like I said, isn't an interesting concept to me. I mean personally, I'm not sure any of the TNG kids are all that compelling or worth having a series about, at least in the form the Legacy show would take. I feel like they'd end up just turning them into the TNG mini-me cast and that's a no from me. I'd really rather the idea be Seven, Raffi, and a bunch of new characters but that's obviously just me and I'm aware I'm in the minority.

Yes, all the teasing about bringing Shaw back also kills some of my interest.

I'd feel much better about the idea if Breyer or Goldsman were involved as well.

Yeah, I don't like that idea. But as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason to think Deanna and Data are back in Starfleet. Personally, I prefer to think Data is living on Coppelius with Soji and the other androids, and that Deanna is living on a major cosmopolitan planet -- Deneva, maybe -- where Kestra is going to uni.

I don't remember where and I'll look later and see if I can find it, but I swear in one of his post-show interviews Matalas said the intention was that at least Deanna was back in Starfleet too. Obviously since they didn't say it onscreen specifically we can hopefully just ignore that in case it ever comes up again. I'm really not fond of the no one is happy unless they're in Starfleet angle. Your ideas are much more in line with what I wish they'd show and do with the character.
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I got into the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms books in the late '80s. They tried new characters (including a "second generation") and settling, but 30-odd years later they're back to the originals. I won't deny that there is some appeal in the nostalgia, but it's so creatively shallow.

I hope Trek doesn't go further down that path. TV shows are at least somewhat limited in that the original actors can't be a part of it forever - at least until AI generation is more firmly established.
My unfiltered opinion is this: They should dive all the way in on the 32nd Century, the same way Star Trek dived all the way into the 24th Century over 30 years ago. Once TOS had its last movie, that was it. It was all about the 24th Century for the next 10 years. If they want to avoid having characters from TOS or from TNG/DS9/VOY, if they want to move past all the story lines from TOS or from TNG/DS9/VOY, then where DSC has been since its third season and where SFA will be is the answer.

If anyone wants to stop seeing legacy characters then, instead of supporting shows with legacy characters, support the shows without them. Put your money where your mouth is. "But STD sucks!" Okay, great, keep having your legacy characters you claim you don't want to see but can't stop talking about.

I'm not one of those people, though. Almost everything in the '00s and '10s was pre-TOS. Seeing more of post-TNG/DS9/VOY after this much time has been a change of pace.
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My unfiltered opinion is this: They should dive all the way in on the 32nd Century, the same way Star Trek dived all the way into the 24th Century over 30 years ago. Once TOS had its last movie, that was it. It was all about the 24th Century for the next 10 years. If they want to avoid having characters from TOS or from TNG/DS9/VOY, if they want to move past all the story lines from TOS or from TNG/DS9/VOY, then where DSC has been since its third season and where SFA will be is the answer.

If anyone wants to stop seeing legacy characters then, instead of supporting shows with legacy characters, support the shows without them. Put your money where your mouth is. "But STD sucks!" Okay, great, keep having your legacy characters you claim you don't want to see but can't stop talking about.

I'm not one of those people, though. Almost everything in the '00s and '10s was pre-TOS. Seeing more of post-TNG/DS9/VOY after this much time has been a change of pace.

One thing about being in the 23rd, 24th, 25th centuries is that it is still somewhat relatable to our current time and where we could be. Going all the way to the 32nd century just takes it into hard sci-fi/fantasy realm and too far away to be relatable. I'm not a fan of going that far out in time.
I honestly feel like she's the least likely since Matalas seems super uninterested in that character for whatever reason lol! But I'm sure they'd have all of them there in the show, which like I said, isn't an interesting concept to me. I mean personally, I'm not sure any of the TNG kids are all that compelling or worth having a series about, at least in the form the Legacy show would take. I feel like they'd end up just turning them into the TNG mini-me cast and that's a no from me. I'd really rather the idea be Seven, Raffi, and a bunch of new characters but that's obviously just me and I'm aware I'm in the minority.

I'd prefer they stick to what they had in Picard (Jack and the La Forge sisters).

There's a section of the fandom that wants to include everyone and their dog (Kestra Troi-Riker, Naomi Wildman, Alexander Rozhenko, Miral Paris, etc.).

Personally, I'd prefer they bring back Soji (after they screwed Isa Briones in S2 :mad: ).
I'd prefer they stick to what they had in Picard (Jack and the La Forge sisters).

There's a section of the fandom that wants to include everyone and their dog (Kestra Troi-Riker, Naomi Wildman, Alexander Rozhenko, Miral Paris, etc.).

Personally, I'd prefer they bring back Soji (after they screwed Isa Briones in S2 :mad: ).
I like the La Forge sisters jack is ...fine but that is all the napobabys i can stand.
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I'd like to see Beverley Crusher return for Star Trek Legacy Talking to Jack on a viewscreen and asking him how he's doing aboard the new Enterprise.I like Geordi's daughters returning too.Or bring Soji back as a guest star
I'd prefer they stick to what they had in Picard (Jack and the La Forge sisters).

There's a section of the fandom that wants to include everyone and their dog (Kestra Troi-Riker, Naomi Wildman, Alexander Rozhenko, Miral Paris, etc.).

Personally, I'd prefer they bring back Soji (after they screwed Isa Briones in S2 :mad: ).

This is why my preference is none of them. Because if they have Jack, the La Forge sisters, Alexander (Matalas already said he’d be a big part of it), and Soji but no Kestra then that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Especially since Riker and Troi would probably be on the show too in some form.
Shaw is dead. Let him stay that way.
I disagree. Shaw's probably the best new Star Trek character created since 2005. But at the same time, I see Shaw first as a Todd Stashwick / Deacon fan from 12 MONKEYS, so I'm not approaching it cold.

I'd prefer Akiva Goldsman or Kirsten Beyer running it over Matalas (Matalas seems too eager to recreate Berman-era Trek).
Goldsman? See PS2. Please, no... Beyer did write some great VGR novels. Perhaps with less executive interference she could contribute work of comparable quality.

I'd prefer they stick to what they had in Picard (Jack and the La Forge sisters).

There's a section of the fandom that wants to include everyone and their dog (Kestra Troi-Riker, Naomi Wildman, Alexander Rozhenko, Miral Paris, etc.).
I agree on that front... Please just let Alexander be alive, but with no further elaboration. It's too late to try and make another attempt at fixing that character. Kestra? Well cast, I'll give PS1 credit for that... Naomi? Maybe could be in a VGR reunion?
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This is why my preference is none of them. Because if they have Jack, the La Forge sisters, Alexander (Matalas already said he’d be a big part of it), and Soji but no Kestra then that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Especially since Riker and Troi would probably be on the show too in some form.
Indeed. They set the table for something new. Use it.
One thing about being in the 23rd, 24th, 25th centuries is that it is still somewhat relatable to our current time and where we could be. Going all the way to the 32nd century just takes it into hard sci-fi/fantasy realm and too far away to be relatable. I'm not a fan of going that far out in time.

There’s very little in the 32nd century that isn’t as relatable as anything in the 24th century. In the Star Trek universe, it’s pretty much the same no matter what time period a show is set in.

From TrekMovie.com:

Akiva Goldsman co-created Star Trek: Picard and was co-showrunner on season 2. And he has high praise for season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas, offering his support for the idea of Terry’s “Star Trek: Legacy” spin-off, telling Cinemabland.​

Well, I think what Terry did with Season 3 is so extraordinary, and I think that the appetite for it is, I think, undeniable. So certainly, I am a huge advocate of some version of that continuing. It was so spectacular, I think, what he did. And so, you know, right now, there’s no pitching of anything. Right now the world is uh shut down [due to writer’s strike]. But, you know, I would really hope – let me put it like this: I signed the petition [for Star Trek: Legacy] too.​

The petition Goldsman is referring to is the one that is now approaching 60,000 signatures. This level of support is almost twice that for the post-Discovery season 2 petition calling for a show set on the USS Enterprise with Captain Pike which preceded the greenlight for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.​
Akiva Goldsman's support for Legacy is something I'm going to file away under Useful Information.
I'm pretty sure CBS's idea to make SNW had nothing to do with an online petition.

But hey, if it helps, more power to them.
I have a very different reason for filing this away as Useful Information: namely that the guy in charge of SNW supports Legacy, which some view as "competition" in the next "Series vs. Series Debate" since, stupid as it sounds, apparently there always just has to be one. That's how some people get through their day and get their jollies.
I have a very different reason for filing this away as useful information: namely that the guy in charge of SNW supports Legacy, which some view as "competition" in the next "Series vs. Series Debate" since, stupid as it sounds, apparently there always just has to be one. That's how some people get through their day and get their jollies.
Yeah, well my dad can beat up your dad!!!