Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

At the end of the day, it's an episode that hooks you and nets you.

TOS - Retroactively, I was hooked right from the watching the pilots. I don't know if this is fair though, because the movies already gave me a head-start. I'd seen all the TOS Movies before TOS itself.

TNG - "Unification" hooked me when I decided to give TNG another shot when I heard Spock was appearing. Renting and watching "Encounter at Farpoint" had previously scared me off.

DS9 - "The Search, Part I" hooked me when TNG ending led me to give DS9 another chance. I'd previously stopped watching after "Emissary".

VOY - After the experiences with TNG and DS9, I decided to stick with VOY from the beginning. I soldiered on. Because of how up-and-down the episodes were, I don't think I was truly hooked until "Before and After", when it looked like that episode was a Preview of Things To Come. It wasn't really, but I didn't know that at the time, and I was hooked. Then "Scorpion" cemented it. So, the Krennim, the Borg, Species 8472, and Seven of Nine made me hooked as opposed to just watching. Season 4 was great. It's the best season of the series. Then it all slowly fizzled out afterwards.

DSC - "The Vulcan Hello" was good, and I was impressed with it... but it was "Context Is for Kings" that truly hooked me.

PIC - I was hooked right from the Trailer in the Summer of 2019. "Remembrance" cemented it.

Moral of the Story: No one should be hooked (or repelled) until they actually watch something.
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At the end of the day, it's an episode that hooks you and nets you.

TOS - Retroactively, I was hooked right from the watching the pilots. I don't know if this is fair though, because the movies already gave me a head-start. I'd seen all the TOS Movies before TOS itself.

TNG - "Unification" hooked me when I decided to give TNG another shot when I heard Spock was appearing. Renting and watching "Encounter at Farpoint" had previously scared me off.

DS9 - "The Search, Part I" hooked me when TNG ending led me to give DS9 another chance. I'd previously stopped watching after "Emissary".

VOY - After the experiences with TNG and DS9, I decided to stick with VOY from the beginning. I soldiered on. Because of how up-and-down the episodes were, I don't think I was truly hooked until "Before and After", when it looked like that episode was a Preview of Things To Come. It wasn't really, but I didn't know that at the time, and I was hooked. Then "Scorpion" cemented it. So, the Krennim, the Borg, Species 8472, and Seven of Nine made me hooked as opposed to just watching. Season 4 was great. It's the best season of the series. Then it all slowly fizzled out afterwards.

DSC - "The Vulcan Hello" was good, and I was impressed with it... but it was "Context Is for Kings" that truly hooked me.

PIC - I was hooked right from the trailer in the Summer of 2019. "Remembrance" cemented it.

Moral of the Story: No one should be hooked (or repelled) until they actually watch something.
TOS - It was more the movies, but I found the tv series just plain charming.
TNG & VOY - The very first episodes. Instant hookage. Too young to know any better, but I'm glad I owned Unification on video.
DS9 - Defiant. They gave me a ship. I didnt enjoy it without one.
ENT - Don't remember, too busy with Farscape. Learnt to love it later.
DSC - Is there a term for half-hooked? I was half-hooked from the beginning, then the hook fell out and I couldn't find it again.
 PIC - The Star Gazer, but that was a tough hook. (Same with  SNW, but its yet to finish so I wont count it.)

I do find it annoying when the hate flows without giving it a go. Indifference is fine, but not accepting something based on a preconceived bias is very sad.
But anyway, between originally even becoming a fan in the first place through the TOS Movies (which had an influence on PIC S3), liking Picard so much (from start-to-finish), the fourth season of Voyager, and liking Seven of Nine in general, I hope people can see why I'd look forward to something like Legacy. Even if they don't agree with it, I hope they can see it.

This is from an honest place. Not some "Kurtzman Trek SUX! STD! Jar-Jar Abrams! Terry RULES! Legacy IS THE SECOND COMING!!!" bullshit. That's not me. I have my own reasons for wanting to see the series.
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TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before." Absolutely fascinating, and really liked Kirk.
TNG: never had a full hook, but revisiting some different ideas in other threads has shown that I had more interest in TNG than I realized. Pegasus grabbed me, and I slowly revisited some of this show.
DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations. Needed that casual TOS link.
VOY: Scorpion. Species 8472 is a good hook.
ENT-never really happened.
DSC-Context is for Kings.
Lower Decks-out of the Gate
Prodigy-I'll let you know
But anyway, between originally even becoming a fan in the first place through the TOS Movies (which had an influence on PIC S3), liking Picard so much (from start-to-finish), the fourth season of Voyager, and liking Seven of Nine in general, I hope people can see why I'd look forward to something like Legacy. Even if they don't agree with it, I hope they can see it.

This is from an honest place. Not some "Kurtzman Trek SUX! STD! Jar-Jar Abrams! Terry RULES! Legacy IS THE SECOND COMING!!!" bullshit. That's not me. I have my own reasons for wanting to see the series.

I absolutely see WHY if you liked Picard Season 3 you would want Legacy. I have no qualms should they do it and am willing to give it a chance. Where we sit now, I’m just not that excited about it personally. But to each their own!
I can understand really hating part of a franchise you love. But I can't understand the aggressive indifference outside of some meta-irony internet thing of wanting to filibuster a thread.
I absolutely see WHY if you liked Picard Season 3 you would want Legacy. I have no qualms should they do it and am willing to give it a chance. Where we sit now, I’m just not that excited about it personally. But to each their own!
Same here. There just isn't enough information on a Legacy style series to make me go, "Yes! This!"

I guess I have to say I'm ambivalent only because my enthusiasm will change very little in the decision making process of those who greenlight such series.
Same here. There just isn't enough information on a Legacy style series to make me go, "Yes! This!"

I guess I have to say I'm ambivalent only because my enthusiasm will change very little in the decision making process of those who greenlight such series.

The only series I've been excited about just on a concept level was Strange New Worlds, because I have always had a fascination with Pike. That Akiva Goldsman was in charge wasn't a part of that excitement. Not even a little. But I've given every series a fair shot and watched most first run to completion. Some series I've truly loved. Some, less so. At the end of the day, this is a discussion forum. One should be able to come and discuss their feelings positively or negatively (or indifferently for that matter) without being told they are wrong to do so.
The only series I've been excited about just on a concept level was Strange New Worlds, because I have always had a fascination with Pike. That Akiva Goldsman was in charge wasn't a part of that excitement. Not even a little. But I've given every series a fair shot and watched most first run to completion. Some series I've truly loved. Some, less so. At the end of the day, this is a discussion forum. One should be able to come and discuss their feelings positively or negatively (or indifferently for that matter) without being told they are wrong to do so.
Pike has always been my favorite captain, so his show was definitely of interest.

The rest?

That depends on the presentation. I'm not automatically predisposed towards a show just because "Star Trek." It has to earn my attention.
Kirk and Scotty are pushing the line for me.

Seems I'm in the minority here.
They say "Star Trek", I say "Bring it on!". If I hate it, I have plenty of other things to do with my time. And if I love it, I win. Which, statistically, is more likely as there's only 2 series I haven't liked, and that's TAS and Voyager.

Entertainment is more passive for me. I'm not a writer. I'm not a conceptualist of any kind. That's their job. I'll let them bring to me what they want and we'll go from there.
I like surprises and to watch series without much prior information.
And SNW surprised me in a very positive way, so I got excited while watching it but not before.
Also I try not to care much about critisism but to form my own opinion.
If I hate it, I have plenty of other things to do with my time. And if I love it, I win.
I mean, that's my attitude too, I just don't say "You get grace because Star Trek." Star Trek is not special.

I personally want to enjoy it, and but I am more judicious with time so impress me quickly. If they do, win. If not, onward I go.