Spoilers 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' series [Spoiler Discussion]

Rogue One is alright but has a million problems. My main issues are that the 1st and 2 acts are identical and Jyn is way too passive and does nothing that advances the plot until the 3rd act And yeah, the Darth Vader stuff at the end doesn't jive with the start of ANH.
Obi-Wan was going to live through ANH, right up until the end of location shooting when Lucas realised he'd have nothing to do for the last third of the movie except stand in the control room, looking all solemn and worried.

Yep, in that version he would have given the briefing to the X-wing pilots, instead of General Dodonna (who I guess wouldn't exist at all). I bet that's why the briefing ends with "May the Force be with you", it was originally Obi-Wan's line.
The only reason Rogue One has any real impact at all is because of the Darth Vader scene at the end, and that was a last minute addition because they realized how flat the movie was falling.

I was having a friendly argument / debate with a friend about Rogue One when it was released. He felt it was just as good as any of the original trilogy movies, while I said that I didn't find any of the characters compelling. He tried to start a counter argument to that when he realized he couldn't remember any of the Rogue One characters names. :lol:
The only reason Rogue One has any real impact at all is because of the Darth Vader scene at the end, and that was a last minute addition because they realized how flat the movie was falling.

I was having a friendly argument / debate with a friend about Rogue One when it was released. He felt it was just as good as any of the original trilogy movies, while I said that I didn't find any of the characters compelling. He tried to start a counter argument to that when he realized he couldn't remember any of the Rogue One characters names. :lol:
That's how I feel about it is that much of the characters were not really characters, and some where kind of useless. It's frustrating because it sounds like an interesting idea, but the motivation that drives a lot of them is lacking to make them set apart.

I think the space battle is the best part of Rogue One, and there is some little nods to ANH that help. Tarkin was quite enjoyable, and Vader's castle was really cool to see. But, that's all that it does for me. It makes small little nods and connections, rather than being about it's own characters.
I've often felt like the trailers gave Jyn a bit of a harsher, rougher edge than she seems to have for much of the final cut, and I feel like that would have helped. There are also seem to be some hints that we might learn more about some of the other supporting cast that never were actually elaborated on. Baze has lines implying he was once a soldier in the Clone Wars but has turned against the Empire because he's aware it's no longer the same government. Wookiepeedia describes him as serving with the Guardians of the Whills.

Adding in the phantom TIE Figher that was featured in the trailers (when Jyn is on the catwalk) didn't help either, as that shot looked a lot better than the version in the movie honestly. :rommie: I still enjoyed RO, but I wish more of the trailer aspects had been kept personally.
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I think there’s stuff that was left in there that doesn’t make sense. Baze’s calling Jyn “little sister” kinda comes out of nowhere. Certainly fees like a bit left from an arc that we largely didn’t see. Also, they shortened Jyn and Cassian’s mission at the end. Apparently getting the plans and transmitting them happened originally in two different buildings. I also feel like Bode is fairly pointless. I wonder if he had a more substantial arc originally.
I also feel like Bode is fairly pointless. I
Bode is one character that I could do without, and largely had little to do. He was treated very poorly by almost everyone, aside from Jyn, and wasn't additive to the story at all. I think removing him and reducing the cast count a little might have helped the film.
That's how I feel about it is that much of the characters were not really characters, and some where kind of useless. It's frustrating because it sounds like an interesting idea, but the motivation that drives a lot of them is lacking to make them set apart.

That's what happens when a studio creates a story that never needed an extra moment of exploration beyond:

"Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet."

That was satisfactory for generations, yet someone or a group felt there was something interesting or necessary enough to build an entire film around that opening crawl information.
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Rogue One is alright but has a million problems. My main issues are that the 1st and 2 acts are identical and Jyn is way too passive and does nothing that advances the plot until the 3rd act And yeah, the Darth Vader stuff at the end doesn't jive with the start of ANH.

Especially the Vader scene.
That's what happens when a studio creates a story that never needed an extra moment of exploration beyond:

"Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet."

That was satisfactory for generations, yet someone or a group felt there was something interesting or necessary enough to build an entire film around that opening crawl information.
I mean, it was part of the expanded universe with Kyle Katarn long before the film so I get that people feel there is a story there. I personally still think there is a story there that could be really interesting with characters who are really engaging. Rogue One just took a swing and a miss on that one.

If I were to ever reboot Star Wars I would start with that story.
The Dark Forces tutorial mission is just the tip of the iceberg for the EU. I count almost a half-dozen mutually-exclusive phases of "Operation Skyhook" from various stories, all mashed together by later reference works. I can't blame John Knoll for taking his own bite at the apple when the opportunity presented itself.
I'll have to revisit those. I enjoy those stories quite a bit and it's super fun, not just with Kyle but the various stages that got woven throughout.

I understand what Lucas was going for, and I think it works for what he did with "The Star Wars" and what became A New Hope. But, I think if someone were to tackle the story from another angle going and expanding upon the scroll of Rebels fighting and capturing the plans. Like that sounds like a fun story.
The only reason Rogue One has any real impact at all is because of the Darth Vader scene at the end, and that was a last minute addition because they realized how flat the movie was falling.

I was having a friendly argument / debate with a friend about Rogue One when it was released. He felt it was just as good as any of the original trilogy movies, while I said that I didn't find any of the characters compelling. He tried to start a counter argument to that when he realized he couldn't remember any of the Rogue One characters names. :lol:
i’m ambivalent on rogue one: I liked it a lot in the theater (going in knowing roughly the period it was set in and nothing else, by the way) but not so much rewatching it at home a couple of years later.