Spoilers 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' series [Spoiler Discussion]

Well for live action we have two seasons of Andor, Ahsoka, two more seasons of the Mandalorian, The Skeleton Crew, The Acolyte, and Lando in the works.
For Animation: the second season of the Bad Batch. A second series for Visions, Tales of the Jedi, and Young Jedi Adventures.

And then we have a few film projects which keep being around, but we have little detail on them. Patty Jenkins' Rogue Squadron and whatever Taika Waititi is coming up with.
"The Acolyte" sounds intriguing to me, but I wonder if I will be somewhat lost going into it, since I have not kept up with the whole "High Republic" thing at all. Hopefully with general audiences in mind, it will be developed in a way that makes sense watching on its own without requiring an encyclopedic knowledge of the time period in which it takes place.

I'm ambivalent about the upcoming Andor series. I really liked Rogue One (for which Andor is a prequel), but after watching the trailer, I'm just kind of "meh" about it. My internal voice simply said, "So what?" I'll give it a try, but I'm not expecting great things by any stretch.

See, I thought the trailer was great, I'm really excited about it now.
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Don't get me wrong - I do hope it's something good and interesting, but I'll not be sad if it isn't. Right now, I'll watch anything.

Everything I usually watch is on hiatus for at least another month and the only thing that's recording on the DVR right now is "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch"! :ouch:
With the character of Andor in "Rogue One," we got to see the more morally ambiguous side of the Rebellion. I'm sure that kind of thing has been explored a lot in the novels, but as I mentioned, I haven't kept up with those in years. So seeing it on screen was kind of a fresh take. I'm looking forward to more of that in the series.

With the character of Andor in "Rogue One," we got to see the more morally ambiguous side of the Rebellion. I'm sure that kind of thing has been explored a lot in the novels, but as I mentioned, I haven't kept up with those in years. So seeing it on screen was kind of a fresh take. I'm looking forward to more of that in the series.

Heh... Don't forget Saw Gerrera (an exceptionally sloppy and not-to-subtle allusion - even by Star Wars standards - to Che Guevara). You can't get much more "morally ambiguous" than that. :lol:
Heh... Don't forget Saw Gerrera (an exceptionally sloppy and not-to-subtle allusion - even by Star Wars standards - to Che Guevara). You can't get much more "morally ambiguous" than that. :lol:
Ah yes, Mon Mothma described him as an extremist. I wonder if he will show up in "Andor."
When I first saw Rogue One, I didn't make the connection that the character had previously appeared in a "Clone Wars" story arc in season 5. Interesting overall character arc, with that background as a freedom fighter trying to separate his planet Onderon from the Separatists (or something like that).

Speaking of Separatists, I always wondered what happened to the people in the former Separatist systems under the Empire. Would they tend to try to join the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Empire, even though the Rebellion's aim was to restore the Republic, which the Separatists had withdrawn from in the first place?

I think it would be interesting to see the Rebellion making overtures to former Separatist worlds to try to get them to join the fight, and convince them that bringing back the Republic is also in their best interests. And again, maybe this stuff has been thoroughly explored in novels already. But if so, I haven't read those!

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Speaking of Separatists, I always wondered what happened to the people in the former Separatist systems under the Empire. Would they tend to try to join the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Empire, even though the Rebellion's aim was to restore the Republic, which the Separatists had withdrawn from in the first place?

Bad Batch Season 1 showed us the Separatist capital world under the empire.

In Legends there were some separatists that joined the Rebellion. I don't know if new canon has covered that yet.
Bad Batch Season 1 showed us the Separatist capital world under the empire.

In Legends there were some separatists that joined the Rebellion. I don't know if new canon has covered that yet.

Oh yeah, I do remember in Bad Batch, Hunter and especially Echo holding onto their distrust of former Separatists even though the war was over, and the Republic they had fought for against the Separatists had been transformed into an evil Empire. Of course, Echo had some particularly nasty personal experiences with Separatists during the war. It's hard to move past that. I wonder if we'll see more of Avi Singh and his planet in Bad Batch Season 2.

Speaking of Separatists, I always wondered what happened to the people in the former Separatist systems under the Empire. Would they tend to try to join the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Empire, even though the Rebellion's aim was to restore the Republic, which the Separatists had withdrawn from in the first place?
With Grievous and the leadership dead and the army shut down the Separatists worlds were not in much position to do much but to either fight against the Empire, and potentially align with the Rebellion, or surrender.
I gotta say, I really enjoyed the series -- and I used to be the first one to say an Obi Wan series would be an absolute snore fest. It's a great follow up on the the prequel trilogy, and great that they got all the original actors back together!
"The Acolyte" sounds intriguing to me, but I wonder if I will be somewhat lost going into it, since I have not kept up with the whole "High Republic" thing at all. Hopefully with general audiences in mind, it will be developed in a way that makes sense watching on its own without requiring an encyclopedic knowledge of the time period in which it takes place.

I should think they will have in mind those in the audience who haven't read the High Republic books. After all, tie-in material like novels and comics are confirmed to only be read by 1% of the fandom. It'd be rather stupid to make a show only 1% of the audience will be able to follow. Besides, when the current shows have incorporated characters from the books, like Thrawn on Rebels or Black Krrsantan(sp?) on Book of Boba Fett, it's been done in a manner those unfamiliar with the books/comics will be able to understand, so I think it's safe to believe that will continue to be the case.