Spoilers 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' series [Spoiler Discussion]

Well, she's still alive so I guess it's not a good rumor.

Also, Han was supposed to die in ROTJ. Wedge was supposed to fly escort in a TIE fighter with the shuttle Tyderium and panic. Lots of fun stuff get's left out ;)
Obi-Wan was going to live through ANH, right up until the end of location shooting when Lucas realised he'd have nothing to do for the last third of the movie except stand in the control room, looking all solemn and worried.
Shaak Ti had like three dozen deaths!

Are we really circling back to having to point out "made up stories are made up" again?

Isn’t that just a rumor, though?
No, the guy who wrote the script back when this was going to be a movie (and is still credited in most episodes since it's all built on his material) has come out and said he'd intended Reva to die in the process of being redeemed. Also her motivations were vastly different in that version.
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Harrison wanted Han to die in ESB. The carbon freezing was a compromise, it gave an in if Harrison decided to come back or something.
On the flip side, according to Harrison, it wasn't his idea to kill off Han in TFA.
He’s not Qui-Gon. He may have been stabbed through the gut with a lightsaber and dropped down a bottomless shaft, but those are never fatal in the Star Wars universe. He survived.
Han's toast. Starkiller Base went up in a colossal explosion. Even J.J. can't write a goofy enough story to bring him back from that.
Obi-Wan was going to live through ANH, right up until the end of location shooting when Lucas realised he'd have nothing to do for the last third of the movie except stand in the control room, looking all solemn and worried.
And just to clarify, Marcia Lucas, not George.
Agreed. It has its faults (and, let's be honest, what SW film doesn't?) but it's still a decent take on an unknown region of the canon. Also really liked Rogue One. Not sure I get all the hate. Like with Trek, I'm firmly in the "fuck the fandom" camp.
I don't hate Rogue One but I don't like it either. The characters just don't work for me. But, from a design standpoint I am glad it exists. It was good world building.
R1 is far from my favorite but it’s grown on me over time. I still have serious issues with it and I think the ending hurts more than helps in matching up to ANH but that’s just my opinion. And I know I’m in the minority.