Now that the strike is over, whither Season 3?

I love me some Strange New Worlds and I certainly wouldn't turn away more episodes. But I don't want more episodes just for the sake of having more episodes. I want the right number of episodes of a season/series that are needed to tell the story. Case in point: Yeah, I could have used more of SNW season 2. It was amazing. Great characterization, amazing stories, wonderful arc overall. On the other hand, Picard season 3 could have told a much tighter story in six episodes. There was way too much meandering and what was spent on filling time could have been minimized greatly.

Just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
I love me some Strange New Worlds and I certainly wouldn't turn away more episodes. But I don't want more episodes just for the sake of having more episodes. I want the right number of episodes of a season/series that are needed to tell the story. Case in point: Yeah, I could have used more of SNW season 2. It was amazing. Great characterization, amazing stories, wonderful arc overall. On the other hand, Picard season 3 could have told a much tighter story in six episodes. There was way too much meandering and what was spent on filling time could have been minimized greatly..
Apples and oranges. Picard was a serialized show(really just a long movie broken into 10 separate parts) with one storyline while SNW is episodic and tells many stories. While the old standard of 26 might be too much, 10 is WAY to few. Not for a show this good. There should be 15 episodes at the very least. That would be the sweet spot IMO.
Yeah, still a believer in the whole leave them wanting more thing.

They could do 15 episodes and still leave us all wanting more. There's no reason to believe otherwise.
I am not advocating more for the sake of more because that can lead to a lot of chaff among the wheat. We see that a lot in the last couple of seasons of TNG but there's no reason that the fan base should be content with settling for a mere 10 episodes per season. Let's face it there is a wide range between 10 and 20+. They can, and should, do more than 10. 15 sounds like a reasonable compromise.
I have no idea of the demands on your time but conceptually 10 episodes still isn't enough, especially when we have to wait so long for the next season. I'm sure the actors love it because it gives them time to do other things.
I'm sure the actors would also love to be paid for more episodes and not have to hustle for other work as much.

Yeah, I personally would like it if SNW were 15 or even 12 episodes a season. 10 episodes a season seems about right for Lower Decks.
They could do 15 episodes and still leave us all wanting more. There's no reason to believe otherwise.
I am not advocating more for the sake of more because that can lead to a lot of chaff among the wheat. We see that a lot in the last couple of seasons of TNG but there's no reason that the fan base should be content with settling for a mere 10 episodes per season. Let's face it there is a wide range between 10 and 20+. They can, and should, do more than 10. 15 sounds like a reasonable compromise.

With the exception of 2021 (likely due to COVID), since 2020, there have been over 30 episodes of Star Trek a year. (2020 - 32, 2021 - 18, 2022 - 41, 2023 - 45). In 2024, we will likely have 40 episodes (10 of Disco, 10 of Lower Decks and 20 of Prodigy). Not only am I interested in fewer episodes per series, I love the idea of having different tales being told with different crews. While Discovery for me is not as good as it was the first few seasons, I love that audience is getting another season, and while I enjoy Prodigy, its not really targeted to me, but I love that audience is getting more episodes. I do like Lower Decks and am excited for those episodes.

Point is: There are limited resources, even when it comes to filmmaking. I would sacrifice a few episodes of a show I like so that other audiences can have what they like. We have not even begun to see what the aftermath from the strikes is. And I don't think it will be MORE episodes of Star Trek per season. In any incarnation.
I would sacrifice a few episodes of a show I like so that other audiences can have what they like. We have not even begun to see what the aftermath from the strikes is. And I don't think it will be MORE episodes of Star Trek per season. In any incarnation.
Agree on all points. There is no need to cater to my tastes, and I don't see this increase of 15 episodes with increasing costs across the board.
Another factor is Anson Mount (and possibly other performers) probably not wanting to do more than 10 episodes. Actors want flexibility these days. I I'd take 5 seasons and 50 episodes of Anson Mount, rather than 75 episodes without him/ or being MIA for allot the show to its detriment.
I'm sure the writers and other production personnel would love to have the increased stability to their paychecks, residuals, and guild health insurance plans with another few episodes to the season to keep them working on a regular basis.
That's why it sucks not to have five Trek shows anymore... even with a year between seasons, there's always new Trek each week.
5 Trek series is overkill. Even though there are only 10-13 episodes season. We already need a break after 6 years. Lol
Not with such a wide variety. I mean, Enterprise was pure franchise fatigue because it refused to be an actual prequel. But after the seriousness of, say, Picard, a viewer might be ready for the goofy fun of "Lower Decks".
We had 4 lousy years between Enterprise and the 2009 film. It's been pretty much non stop Trek since 1987.....most of the product we have gotten since 2009 shows that it needs a creative break imo.
5 Trek series is overkill. Even though there are only 10-13 episodes season. We already need a break after 6 years. Lol
How so?

If it isn't for everyone (and what Trek is?) that doesn't mean it's time for a break. I mean, creatively, we have a larger variety than how VOY, and ENT felt the same. What's the break need and why is this funny?:shrug:
How so?

If it isn't for everyone (and what Trek is?) that doesn't mean it's time for a break. I mean, creatively, we have a larger variety than how VOY, and ENT felt the same. What's the break need and why is this funny?:shrug:

I just feel there is Too much mediocre Trek right now.....