New Classic Who Blu-Ray Sets (2021 edition)

I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am probably going to buy this.

The reason I can't believe I was going to say that is because as much as I like Sylvester McCoy as an actor, the 7th Doctor's era was the low point of the entire original run of Doctor Who.
Season 24 perhaps but not 25 or 26.

Yes, even 25 or 26.

There are individual stories I enjoy in Season 25 and Season 26, but overall I think they were aiming too high for something and didn't have what it took to achieve it.

I concede that 25 and 26 were an improvement from 24, and (being a lifelong Dr. Who fan) I wish we could have seen the show continue.
I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am probably going to buy this.

The reason I can't believe I was going to say that is because as much as I like Sylvester McCoy as an actor, the 7th Doctor's era was the low point of the entire original run of Doctor Who.

At the time, it was.

And I say that despite finding Dragonfire and Time and the Rani enjoyable for incredibly different reasons.

So bad, that even a few key scenes in "Paradise Towers" and "Delta and the Bannermen" get past viewers, and these show McCoy's persona in an embryonic yet important state as Cartmel was able to get enough time to work on any of them, though not enough to prevent "Delta" from being the worst ever story until the new series came about...

Season 25 was massive back in the day, and ended on a high note. Then again, next to season 24, what wouldn't be?

Season 26 was when everything felt right, despite limited episode count that put the crunch on all its stories. But, to prevent a repeat of the public outcry behind 1985's "hiatus", they didn't announce the show not being renewed. No worries, there were still call-in campaigns and other things... Season 27, from what exists on paper and documentaries, doesn't sound all that exciting. But who knows, at the time I didn't think Red Dwarf V came across great on paper, but when finally seeing it I (like everyone else) was astounded by how great it was. So great that it tops fan consensus charts, FWIW.

Also, there's a gross irony in that JNT let tons of recorded material for "Ghost Light" get wiped... in an age when everyone was scrambling to get recovered wiped DW recordings returned to the archives... at least most of McCoy's stories had material kept.
Seasons 25 and 26 combined are better than pretty much every season in the '80's. Season 18 is the only one that can contest against it crucially.
Video up for the Auton changes:

Absolutely loving the new doll animation. Previously there's been some pretty clunky CGI, but this really looks like something that "belongs" there as it were.

Actually, pretty much everything looks fantastic. There's a new shot of the radio dish turning that looks great. The CSO edge clean up is great, as is the perspective correction, especially with the car drive, the lab and the kitchen. You could argue the Nestene looks *too* good, and I wouldn't argue that (it's not clunky like previous CG, but also doesn't quite look like it belongs because of the intricacy and quality of it), but I still like it.

I hear good things about Skinner's docu piece, "Terrance and Me" too. Will be watching my copy this weekend, can't wait. :)
How many of the sets have had updated effects? I'm curious to see if BritBox has the original or new effects.
How many of the sets have had updated effects? I'm curious to see if BritBox has the original or new effects.
Several dozen of the DVDs had new effects. The new boxsets have all the DVD CGI (some of which ironically are now older than the original effects were when they were released on DVD!) and usually one new story (Revenge of the Cybermen, Castrovalva, Logopolis, Planet of the Daleks, Terror of the Vervoids, Talons of Weng-Chiang, Terror of the Autons).

From memory BritBox is generally the original versions, but for some reason they have the DVD special edition of Day of the Daleks, which has updated effects and new Dalek voices.
Day of the Daleks SE has some stuff I love and some I'm not too hot on.
Everything that's done in the present with the extra daleks, Ogrons shooting first, improving the scope of the battle etc is great.
But there's this establishing shot of the Dalek base in the future they keep going back to which is way too cg-ish, and although Briggs says he calmed down his Dalek voice compared to nuwho, he really didn't much lol.

I have my copy of the S8 BD now. So far I've watched Autons with the new effects and clean up, and that's great. Also Terrance & Me, which is a great look back at Terrance Dicks. Didn't realise Skinner was a Who fan.
I unashamedly love the special edition of Day of the Daleks. I realize I probably shouldn't, but I do love it. That said, I do wish they had kept the "no complications" line, for a laugh,
Several dozen of the DVDs had new effects. The new boxsets have all the DVD CGI (some of which ironically are now older than the original effects were when they were released on DVD!) and usually one new story (Revenge of the Cybermen, Castrovalva, Logopolis, Planet of the Daleks, Terror of the Vervoids, Talons of Weng-Chiang, Terror of the Autons).

From memory BritBox is generally the original versions, but for some reason they have the DVD special edition of Day of the Daleks, which has updated effects and new Dalek voices.
OK. I'm a little surprised, most of streaming services tend to have the newest version of this kind of stuff.
I think they're keeping the Blu-ray stuff exclusive for now - for some reason you can buy season 12 as a download from iTunes, Amazon etc but none of the others.
Out of interest for those who missed the first issues of these Collectors Editions, Amazon are taking pre-orders for some reissues (Season 12 and 19 at the moment). It appears that the packaging is different this time though, although it was retained when they reissued Season 12 before. Unsure if this means they will be changing from now on, or if keeping the old format to indicate if a "first" edition.
Out of interest for those who missed the first issues of these Collectors Editions, Amazon are taking pre-orders for some reissues (Season 12 and 19 at the moment). It appears that the packaging is different this time though, although it was retained when they reissued Season 12 before. Unsure if this means they will be changing from now on, or if keeping the old format to indicate if a "first" edition.
Yep, the first edition will remain the current limited edition packaging, with a standard reissue coming some 18 months to 2 years afterwards. This is all for the UK only - the North American and Australian releases will remain unchanged as far as we know.
I bought my copies of season 12 & 19 from HMV last Monday and I'm two stories in - Robot & Ark in Space. One thing I did notice was that not all the extras from the DVDs have been 'ported over. On the Ark in Space SE there was an extra called 'Doctor Forever! Love and War' about the Virgin line of DW books that isn't included on the box set (perhaps because of issues with disc space) so people hoping to trade up their DVDs for Blu-Ray box sets may have to keep a few back if they want access to all special features.
I bought my copies of season 12 & 19 from HMV last Monday and I'm two stories in - Robot & Ark in Space. One thing I did notice was that not all the extras from the DVDs have been 'ported over. On the Ark in Space SE there was an extra called 'Doctor Forever! Love and War' about the Virgin line of DW books that isn't included on the box set (perhaps because of issues with disc space) so people hoping to trade up their DVDs for Blu-Ray box sets may have to keep a few back if they want access to all special features.
Some of the extras are being moved around to more appropriate places - all the Doctor Forever documentaries are presumed to be saved up for what fans are calling 'The Wilderness Years' boxset - basically the TV Movie and the various charity and animated webcasts etc produced between 1989 and 2005.

There are some other examples, like for each Doctor the 'Stripped for Action' and 'Tomorrow's Times' features are moved to the last disc on their final season.

So once the collection is complete there shouldn't be anything missing, but if you don't intend to buy every season or don't want to wait you might want to hang onto the DVDs if there are any features you really want to keep.

There are full disc breakdowns on this site so you can see what's been moved around for each story.