My Science Project

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Anwar, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Anwar

    Anwar Admiral Admiral

    Dec 11, 2006
    Moncton, NB
    Does anyone remember this movie? It was a mid-80s film, came out about a month after "Back to the Future" IIRC.

    An alien ship crashed in the 50s, and the only surviving component was the engine (a space-time warping thing). It ends up forgotten and left in an abandoned junkyard shelter for 30 years until a teenager finds it and figures it would make a cool science project. Turns out it absorbs electricity and without a ship to power it just opens random space warps around it. Kind of goes out of hand once the science teacher (Dennis Hopper?!) plugs it into the city power grid.

    I was in the crib around then, so my first experience was seeing it on TV in the early 90s. A little freaky for a kid, but still funny enough to be enjoyable, though I missed the start so I never knew the Orb device-thing was from an alien ship. I always figured it was just some random thing the hero found in a junkyard. Didn't get what they meant when they kept saying "warp" either. 20 years of Doctor Who and Star Trek later it all makes a lot more sense.

    Anyone else seen this?
  2. stonester1

    stonester1 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 14, 2004
    Yep, got it. Its in my DVD library. Fun 80s comedy science fiction.
  3. FordSVT

    FordSVT Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 17, 2001
    Atlantic Canada
    Loved this movie when I was a kid, the final scene at the end with the T-Rex was awesome at the time, probably the coolest looking dino on screen pre-Jurassic Park. No jokes!
  4. Anwar

    Anwar Admiral Admiral

    Dec 11, 2006
    Moncton, NB
    Apparently, foreign distributors renamed this "Time Busters" because they thought it worked out as a Ghostbusters-type story. I can see why, because even the Poster looks kind of like Ghostbusters!

    When I saw this on TV, I believe it was broadcast with the title "Adventures in the 4th Dimension" or something like that. I don't think my little kid self would've had much interest in a movie called "My Science Project", the subtlety would've gone over my head.
  5. CaptMurdock

    CaptMurdock Commodore Commodore

    Mar 10, 2004
    The future birthplace of Capt. Christopher Pike
    This is a fun little movie. One of the interesting twists is that the main hero is not the science nerd (played by Raphael Sbarge) but the greaser muscle-car guy (John Stockwell) and his expat Brooklyn sidekick (Fisher Stevens, in one of his most hilarious roles). Also, Dennis Hopper plays the science teacher, an ex-hippie (at one point Hopper dons his old Easy Rider get-up for a time trip back to the sixties). Definitely a popcorn turn-off-your-brain 80's flick.