Spoilers My main suspects for the anomaly.

The Kelvans finally got a message back to the Andromeda Galaxy and their superiors were so mad they couldn't occupy and rule over our galaxy that they decided to create a weapon through subspace that could inflict damage to us.
What if it's the intergalactic Gorn from the Star Trek (Kelvin timeline) video game? Just joking. Though I do think they looked cool and would love to see them in live-action, especially because I think DISCO would do them justice look wise.
Just stick with the bit about how there is a seemingly impossible diplomatic breach to address, find a way to address it, keep some extremists (like Tarka?) on one or both sides so the show still hits its season finale explosion quota, and end with some inspiring monologue.

It's Star Trek, not rocket science.

This is just me keeping steady with my theory from the beginning of the season that it is far less about who, and far more about the themes of miscommunication that were smacking left and right as early as the season premiere. If I'm wrong, and this ends up being the work of a genuinely unapproachable threat of mass evil, well, I'll be surprised.

But you don't put Book in the "seemingly justifiable vengeance" hotseat in a Star Trek show without some degree of subversion in the works!
Does passing through the galactic barrier necessarily mean they were from outside the galaxy? They might have had a reason to travel through the galactic barrier, like to avoid someone. Or there are another sources of the particles that the Federation doesn't know...
Yeah they just mention the DMA passed through the Galactic Barrier. They don't mention if they came in directly from outside it or came from the inside, passed through, then returned. If they returned, then the DMA could be caused by Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner (or anyone else serving on the Enterprise)
My new hypothesis:

The galactic barrier actually exists in part to keep out what lurks between the galaxies.

The Q Continuum novels and Shatnerverse novels support this hypothesis.

Coming next week: episode 7: Board meeting, featuring Admiral Vance conducting a holographic conference reviewing all tech and races.

You joke, but I'd totally watch that.
Still going on that Kelvan idea..

Wherever Discovery went in the void the mycelial network was different. It even looked different on the viewer. Maybe they actually did go to Andromeda and couldn't interact with the network in that galaxy, yet. Has to be remembered the DMA's most hostile act by far was to take out a planet full of the only species besides tardigrades that can create interface persons for the DASH drive.
My working theory (given small-Universe trek) is that it is the alien robots/AI from Picard, which happens to be related to Control from season 2. This concidencially puts Discovery at the center of the response, with a computer having evolved this season AND a Soong-style android on board
My working theory (given small-Universe trek) is that it is the alien robots/AI from Picard, which happens to be related to Control from season 2. This concidencially puts Discovery at the center of the response, with a computer having evolved this season AND a Soong-style android on board

I think this would make the most sense from a "Chekov's Gun/tying up loose ends" POV, but I must admit I kind of want it to be something else. If one of the themes of the season is "strength through unity and solidarity," then I wonder if there might be an adversary with a belief in individualism or separatism that would make a good thematic counter?