My Father Has Died


In the small hours of the 11th of March my father has passed away from complications related to a stroke he suffered almost two years ago. He was 71.

I just feel so tired and numb.
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Yeah and 71 seems "young" nowadays (but his relatively premature demise was the endpoint of 10-12 years of steeply declining health).
Sorry to hear that, man. It is a tough thing, probably second toughest thing you;ll go through. The grief will ease and the good memories come to the front.
We can say that we're sorry for your loss, and I have no doubt that any of us are... especially those of us who have known what it is like to lose a parent (and I'm not among them. My father had a stroke as well, but he recovered from it. Never was quite the same afterward, though).

Still, knowing that you have to face this unenviable journey through the darkness and uncertainty of grief, it just seems so inadequate. :(

My thoughts and prayers are with you. So you hang in there, Ok?
I'm sorry.

My dad died Christmas Day 2002 from cancer, complicated by diabetes and strokes. My mother is still "here", but in decline.