Now with significantly less hair then the last thread:

....ok, maybe only the few Trekkers who have me on facebook know about this but my #1 lover is:

rp.jpg yeah, you can imagine how I am feeling about all these kilt pics. You all remind me of my fantasy husband.

I'm going to have to hunt down my Roddy costume pics. I dressed up as him for a wrestling themed stag night. Complete with coconut.

Holy SHIT.

My pants are going to be drenched after.

I can't WAIT!
^ If Kirk's_Tights is getting her fantasy husband, I demand someone to dress up as David Tennant right now!
^You can't always get what you want :p

They took off the cast, bandages and the stitches yesterday:


Ouch! Hope you're healing nicely.
Did you at least get to lounge on sofas, read lots of books, and have people bring you food and drinks?
Yes, yes, and yes :o

My buddies are going on a field excercise next week, and honestly; even though its raining atm, I'd rather be able to go with them than be stuck at home another six months.. :shifty:
^ Weak consolidation!
I don't know you, I have never even spoken to you before, but dammit, that hair was the one bright spot in my life!
... when I am tired I tend to get overly dramatic. Seriously, though, looks good on you.

^You can't always get what you want :p

This is so not how my life is supposed to work. Say, you currently have a lot of free-time on your hands, right?

Yes, yes, and yes :o

My buddies are going on a field excercise next week, and honestly; even though its raining atm, I'd rather be able to go with them than be stuck at home another six months.. :shifty:

Yeah, hanging out is only fun when you can balance it with something. Still, since you have no other choice, try to enjoy it as much as you can.
Will you have to repeat any of the exercises you are now missing?
^You can't always get what you want :p

This is so not how my life is supposed to work. Say, you currently have a lot of free-time on your hands, right?
I could try the accent, would that be enough? :p

Yes, yes, and yes :o

My buddies are going on a field excercise next week, and honestly; even though its raining atm, I'd rather be able to go with them than be stuck at home another six months.. :shifty:
Yeah, hanging out is only fun when you can balance it with something. Still, since you have no other choice, try to enjoy it as much as you can.
Will you have to repeat any of the exercises you are now missing?
I just started the ALO2 (Basic Lieutenant Training 2) in January. But I already missed out a lot. Recovering from the injury and the surgery will take a couple of months as well. So my CO decided I'd have to restart the ALO2 again this august. So basically my training has been extended another six months.
the best picture of me ever taken: thats me and my little brother and baby sister

its downhill from here

and finally me crewing on a Monster Truck during pre-show(which meant being the dude that asks everyone to stay off the tires, and then getting dirty looks from those people)

you can see my head just above the left rear tire.

on a side note, I love being around and helping the people who run those things, I dont have any ambition in the industry beyond crewing and just helping out in general, I dont know, there just something about working on a 1500 Horsepower 10,000 pound $110,000 machine that is very gratifying, especially when the guys go out and rock the house.

oh, and rolling a 700Lb tire/wheel combo around by yourself is an experience too!
Some Brazil pics..

off the plane at Goiania


Drove the car, a Chevy Monza


A view of the city of Goiania


The sister in law's house in Santa Maria, Tocantins


a typical house in Santa Maria


a visit to a farm..


the rental car in Santa Maria
....ok, maybe only the few Trekkers who have me on facebook know about this but my #1 lover is:

rp.jpg yeah, you can imagine how I am feeling about all these kilt pics. You all remind me of my fantasy husband.

Fact about Roddy Piper: He once had every single answer in the world, and then just for fun changed all the questions.:devil:
One of my friends decided I'd look cute in her hat.

Me and one our best cellists before our annual Fiddle Fest

My best friend and I at 7 o'clock in the frickin' morning. There is no good reason to be at school this early, we are.
^ If Kirk's_Tights is getting her fantasy husband, I demand someone to dress up as David Tennant right now!

Just show up to any British sci-fi con. There seems to be a minimum requirement of having a dozen of them in any costume competition.

Fact about Roddy Piper: He once had every single answer in the world, and then just for fun changed all the questions.:devil:

:lol: Brilliant.

Here's one for KT... if she can get to Florida, she'll find this man, the father Tyler:


...before our annual Fiddle Fest

This sounds like an event I have to sign up to!

I've been designing an outfit for someone/thing...

ezrimeetshelo.jpg daughter has proven it's not as scary to kids as I'd thought :(
^ If Kirk's_Tights is getting her fantasy husband, I demand someone to dress up as David Tennant right now!
I can dress as David Tennant, but the results are going to be... underwhelming. :lol:

Now, if only I could find some pictures of my Italian goodness with a kilt, the girls will be melting. ;)
If you're Italian; Roman Gladiator gear does the trick too I'm sure! ;)