Stopped by the Gucci store over the weekend. This shiny jacket retailed for $1400... I think I'd buy it. I predict shiny will be in for the next 6-8 seasons...
Not a Potter movie buff, but I liked the pics, wanted to see what the whole place looked like, and I am good at cheating when given a hint. It's Lacock Abbey in Wiltshire. Can I trade in my 100 Anorak points for a free National Trust membership so I can visit it too? :)

The actual village of Lacock where the first image was taken is National Trust run but free to enter (which is only fair really as its a real live village where people live) - you only have to fork out if you want to go in the abbey itself. Bit of a hike from Oxford for just the village though! :D

The Potter remark stuck in my head because I was walking through the courtyard bit of the abbey and couldn't shake a strong feeling of having been there before when I knew I hadn't. It had just clicked where I'd seen it before when I turned the corner and was confronted with a sizeable noticeboard about filming HP at the site :lol: Lots of mystery left in life. The house that is 'Harry's parents house' in movies 1 and 7 is in Lacock as well as I understand it but I haven't a clue which one. I was more interested in a wonderful pub I found.

This is my favorite picture of my friend Katie. My beautiful, funny, warm, sweet, goofy, top-drawer, clever and amazing friend Katie. She died this past Friday night in her sleep, while on vacation in Australia. I'm now told it was due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. She was an absolute sweetheart, filled with joy and energy and light... I loved her and I miss her very much.
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doubleoh, a few years ago I had a close friend pass away from the same thing. She was also young and sweet and goofy. That kind of death is so damn sudden and, at least in my case, hard to get over. I'm sorry for your loss.
My condolences, doubleohfive. My friend's father died that way a few years ago while he was getting ready to mow the lawn. His wife wondered what was taking so long and found him on the grass.

Remember Katie as she was in life...and have a party to celebrate that life.
doubleohfive, I'm so sorry for your loss. I, too, had something similar happen not too long ago. My best thoughts to you and to her friends and family.
doubleohfive, I am so very very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful vibrant woman! That is just soo sad! {{{{hug}}}}
I can sympathise exactly with doubleohfive. A close friend died sometime Monday night/Tuesday morning. Was fine when she was checked at 10pm and didn't want to go bed (she had cerebral palsy so needed assitance) and when they went in next morning she was found slumped at her desk. No cause of death at this point but people should know later today.

She turned 25 three weeks ago, very active, very lively and very well liked.
Oh doubleoh, how devastating it is to lose a beloved friend, and so suddenly. I wish I had eloquent words for you now, advice on dealing with grief...something better than the limitations of this medium and my own inarticulation.

You have my heartfelt condolences.
doubleohfive, my condolences on the loss of your lovely sweet friend. It never seems right when people are young and so full of potential.
My sympathies are with you doubleoh. I realize nothing anyone can say will make such a tragedy and loss easier for you. Just know our thoughts are with you and try to remember the good things.