Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: Watching the Clock

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It's that time of year again... Europe went off of daylight saving time last weekend, and North America followed suit this weekend. It's just part of the twice-per-year tradition in part of the world to move the clocks back and forth, and disrupting the lives of people who have to deal with the changes.

So since a number of us have had to focus on the clocks recently, our contest theme for this round will be Timepieces: clocks, watches, or any other device used to measure time.

Standard avatar contest rules apply: images must be no more than 200 x 200 pixels and 1 MB, and they must be SFW. No media images are allowed (so no pictures of Doc Brown's clock wall!). Each entrant may enter up to three avatars. Please try to provide a brief identifier/description of your timepieces, so that I can identify them for the poll. The contest will be open for about a week, but I may extend it if necessary.

Have fun! But hurry and enter, the clock is ticking! :techman:

Cuckoo's Clock, had to include one since I live close to the Black Forest


Hourglass, one of the oldest ways to measure time


Big Ben, probably the most famous clock in the world
I just asked the text to image AI to create an image of Donald Trump and a time orb of light... I am suprised that my AI text was related to the theme and similar ..I don't think I can use that for my entry as time orbs are not really know as a clock device.. but maybe then again trump might through up red flags too... let me know OK.. 000. and is AI allowed to make the avatar?



  • KLwHRfFDuXejdeoNIcqq--1--nh3zg.jpg
    81.6 KB · Views: 0
I just asked the text to image AI to create an image of Donald Trump and a time orb of light... I am suprised that my AI text was related to the theme and similar ..I don't think I can use that for my entry as time orbs are not really know as a clock device.

Yeah, sorry, the time orbs don't seem to be an actual timepiece, so I don't think they'd count.

Also, please don't give Trump a time orb. He's dangerous enough without the complications of time travel! :lol:

and is AI allowed to make the avatar?

I don't think that has ever come up before. That might be something we need to decide as a community.
Oh no...

I guess I will do a AI avatar this time and force the issue..

AI clockwork tan avatar 1
time pieces 1.jpg

cat clocks 2.jpg
cat clocks avatar 2

macabre time clock avatar 3.jpg

Macabre time clock avatar 3


  • cat clocks 2.jpg
    cat clocks 2.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 0
  • macabre time clock avatar 3.jpg
    macabre time clock avatar 3.jpg
    79.4 KB · Views: 0
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I guess I will do a AI avatar this time and force the issue..

Thanks for forcing it in a contest I'm running! :lol:

I know that AI art is a contentious issue, especially among artists. So I am certainly interested in the opinions of other contest participants. Please feel free to share your thoughts, if you are so inclined.

For my own personal thoughts, for the purposes of our contest, I'm inclined to allow it. The entries are surreal interpretations of clocks, but I didn't specify the entries had to be reality-based depictions. If someone entered The Persistence of Memory, I would allow that, and for the contest, I'm not sure that the differences between human-created art and computer-generated art are significant enough to disqualify one category in its entirety.

But I am keeping an open mind and can be convinced otherwise! :)
Last call! The poll will go up tomorrow night, in a little over 24 hours from now!


Nixie Tube Clock


Tix Clock


The Peace Tower Clock in Ottawa

There are a lot more famous clocks out there if anyone still wants to enter!