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Contest: ENTER Misc. Avatar Contest: Hindsight is ...

Kai "the spy"

Alright, the year 2020 is over, and what a shitshow of a year it was. In fact, let's document what a shitshow it was. Entries should choose among all the horrible, sad and apocalyptically weird events which happened between January 1 and December 31, 2020.

Entries may not exceed 200x200 pixels and/or 1 Mb data. Keep it safe for work and Google Ads.

And also, let's not go with sarcastic entries of disappointing media releases á la "Can you believe what a mess Tenet was?". It's disrespectful to those who may have liked the media in question (to say nothing of its creators), and as by the rules of the internet would lead to a long and tedious debate derailing the thread. There was enough shit going on in the real world. In fact, movie release dates being pushed back and the suffering of movie theaters are valid choices.

So, as I said, there was enough shit going on in the world, and because of the many choices, you may enter as often as you like.
wanted to post this image--- but it is just too too sick IMO

quote the New York Post?

Longtime Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested Thursday on a six-count indictment charging her with grooming young girls for sex.

The British socialite, 58, was arrested by the FBI in New Hampshire around 8:30 a.m., authorities said.

is this really going on--- I mean I missed this last year-- but see it in the review. OMG what the fuck?

this so seems like drama that just can't be?? wtf why ? this is so wrong it really is... OMG- I don't want to look at 2020 anymore it is over.. just plan old over now.
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@Think , due to copyright concerns, please don't repost the entirety of an online article. Our preferred method is to quote the first paragraph or two, and then provide a link to the original source. I have edited your post accordingly. Thank you.
^. OK I did not know that was preferred--- sorry -- I don't want to think that this stuff even happens --- just makes me upset-