Contest: ENTER Mics. Avatar Contest: Saved


Fleet Admiral
My idea for this av contest was actually inspired by my entry for the last contest, where I entered a picture and GIF of one of the Skydog Sanctuary horses, and the theme is saved. So the idea is anybody or anything that was saved in some way, from death or injury, anything else that you need to be saved from. Just explain how and why it was saved.
Usual avatar contest rules apply, with a max size of 200x200 and 1MB. Let's set a limit of three entries per person.
My first entry:

Mikey the pig from Arthur's Acres, they saved him after he was attacked by a dog and the people who had him refused to be to get him taken care of.
I usually leave these up for about a week, so I'll go probably be setting up the poll tomorrow, if I remember.
Ooops, I totally forgot about this thread. I'll try to remember to post the poll tomorrow.
Trying something different here:


Wall Street* had to be saved repeatedly in the past two decades through government bailouts

*Yes, it was actually individual entities like Goldman Sachs or AIG, but you get why I simplified it to Wall Street.