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News Megalopolis - Francis Ford Coppola's long-time passion project is finally here

I saw it this fall as it was playing down the street for seven bucks. I'll just mention it was a MIDNIGHT COWBOY cast reunion, in a minor sense.
I am nevertheless annoyed that I can only rent it on Amazon, not buy it. If it’s good I’ll want to see it more than once; if it’s spectacularly bad, possibly ditto.
Coppola talked to Stephen Colbert on Tuesday night what he intended for the film, what he wants people to get out of it, and what he hopes will be its legacy:

While I think part of his answer for the film's legacy is a bit pretentious, I'm glad he doesn't care about awards or box office earnings. Those expectations miss the point of his goal for this film (or probably any of his films).

I don't knew when I'll get to see it but I'm not surprised the reviews are heavily divided. I just hope that when I do get the chance to watch it, I'll at least keep an open mind. I just hope it's not another Southland Tales...
So does this movie take place in some alternate universe where the Roman Empire controls the planet? Like Magna Roma from TOS ("Bread and Circuses")?
The impression I get, without having seen it but having read several reviews, is that this film is an intensely personal fable that is ultimately meaningful mainly to Coppola, and looking for a logical in-story explanation for its worldbuilding is probably a waste of time.
Maddeningly, it’s still only available to rent on Prime (US), not to buy. If I’m spending that much, I’m keeping the thing.
Maybe, but Coppola's eye is usually pretty good IMO. It's like Ridley Scott's movies: may not make sense but it looks good.
Wow, so it sounds like it's exactly what I was afraid from the moment I saw the first trailer.
I know Ryan George and the Honest Trailer guys are going out of their way to lampoon the film, but it does look like it's very easy to lampoon.
Watched it. I have no idea at all how to talk about it. I don't get why Adam Driver is popular - he's very goofy-looking and not that good an actor. But Aubry Plaza is always just awesome. *blink* was that Dustin Hoffman?? *blink* was that Talia Shire?? I DO get why Giancarlo Esposit is popular. Nathalie Emmanuel is very good too. The film certainly does look... interesting.