Spoilers Meet the bridge crew of the USS Titan-A

Geordi has TWO daughters serving on Titan (there's also Alandra LaForge, played by Levar's RL daughter Mica Burton).

Force Geordi to make Sophie's Choice (have him choose which daughter survives).

Pretty sure Sidney is shown getting her face shoved into a forcefield by a Shrike goon in the final trailer, so she is definitely going to be in peril.
Kill off a popular legacy character (that almost died last season) for a nobody?

I don't think so.

If anyone's going to get the axe, it'll be one of the TNG crew (this is supposed to be THEIR last outing):

  • Worf? (Would like nothing better than to die a warrior's death.)
  • Riker? (It would cut Picard to the quick.)
  • Beverly? (Tragic. See entry for Riker above.)

I really don’t think anyone is safe, especially if one of the actors wants to be done with it ala Harrison Ford finally getting Han Solo killed off in The Force Awakens (yes I know he came back as a force ghost later on).

Just because some of the actors are saying they would come back for more doesn’t mean it’s not a smoke screen to hide spoilers.

I certainly hope they all survive. But I’m expecting to lose up to two regulars. Seven and Raffi included.

Of course she will survive. Season 3 is a backdoor pilot for a Seven led 25th century show. The powers that be are absolutely going to capitalise on the demand for a 25th century series set on a Federation Starship and the fact that Seven is arguably one of the most popular characters from 90's trek.

I’m all for it and I’ll certainly watch if they do make a Seven/Titan/whatever show. But I’m not totally convinced we are gonna get one. Even if she survives S3.
I really don’t think anyone is safe, especially if one of the actors wants to be done with it ala Harrison Ford finally getting Han Solo killed off in The Force Awakens (yes I know he came back as a force ghost later on).

Brent Spiner asked for Data to die in Nemesis -- and he was brought back in Picard S1.

Harrison Ford is 80 (after 47 years, he's getting long in the tooth).

I’m all for it and I’ll certainly watch if they do make a Seven/Titan/whatever show. But I’m not totally convinced we are gonna get one. Even if she survives S3.

If they kill Seven, I'll have no further reason to watch Trek.

Disco and SNW just don't do anything for me.

I like the young crew they're putting forth on the Titan. Seven may have lost Icheb, but she's gained a entire crew filled with people who are Icheb's age.

If she has to go, I'd prefer to have her go out gracefully (as opposed to in a blaze of glory).

There's still the $64,000 question of "What's coming after Picard?"(Michelle Yeoh is now a Golden Globe winner and an Academy Award nominee; I can't see her coming back to Trek after all this).
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In an ensemble cast full of straight people, killing of queer Seven would be uncomfortable. Same for Raffi.
Especially with Trek only recently killing off a minority character in another show for the lolz.
There's still the $64,000 question of "What's coming after Picard?"(Michelle Yeoh is now a Golden Globe winner and an Academy Award nominee; I can't see her coming back to Trek after all this).

Paramount was pretty quick to remind everyone that Section 31 is still a thing after Yeoh won her golden globe. And I would argue that the powers that be have given the word for it to be fast tracked to capitalise on Yeoh's award wins. Yeoh has stated on multiple occasions she is eager to return as Georgiou and loved being a part of Trek. Yeoh is a very humble actor, and not the type who would suddenly now see Star Trek as beneath her. The only thing that would keep Yeoh from returning as Georgiou would be her movie schedule.
In an ensemble cast full of straight people, killing of queer Seven would be uncomfortable. Same for Raffi.
Especially with Trek only recently killing off a minority character in another show for the lolz.
Things should happen in a good story because it fits the plot not because how it will look on Twitter or just for the shock factor.
I don't want to see any of the crew die just so people have something to talk about. If the show is good there should be plenty to talk about without resorting to this
I remember back in 2008 when I printed a page with the images of the crew/aliens of the novel USS Titan.
Decades later now we have the Titan-A. I wonder if there could be room for a Star Trek: Titan (Seven of Nine) spinoff series?

Of course she will survive. Season 3 is a backdoor pilot for a Seven led 25th century show. The powers that be are absolutely going to capitalise on the demand for a 25th century series set on a Federation Starship and the fact that Seven is arguably one of the most popular characters from 90's trek.

We already know that Matalas absolutely wants to write/run that show and we will likely see this show try to operate as a backdoor pilot. He'll have enough elements there to be able to appeal to Kurtzman and whatever board he operates.

There are two three problems I see with this.

First thing, would a Captain Seven based show be different enough compared to the other shows we've got currently running? That is apparently Kurtzman's iron rule to try and appeal to many different fanbases.

We already have two directly ship based shows in Discovery and Strange New Worlds, one about the wacky adventures of lesser crewmen as a high jinks, high energy comedy and one about children and the joy of discovery and the dangers on the way. With Picard you have a sort of thickish veneer of a character study show but most of its plot beats have been about a rag-tag group of misfits solving Galatic Mysteries.

Each show is radically different. Would yet another Captain-on-a-ship show really be like that? Or would we have to scale down the theoretical Captain Seven show to a similar to Picard scale?

Second, would Paramount be comfortable overlapping Trek Universe shows? Right now there's a good, delicate balance of rolling shows throughout the year, would there be a risk of audience cannibalisation? Or would streaming make them more comfortable with this? We already know there's outline planning for at least two more Trek shows in the from of the Section 31 show with Michelle Yeoh which might be a compliment piece to Strange New Worlds, and the Star Trek Academy which we've speculated would be a good place for Mary Wiseman to show off her acting chops and would thus be a Discovery complimentary show.

Third, the wonderful problem of money. Each live action show is an $80-130 million question. Paramount is sinking probably the thick end of $300 million per year into Trek shows at the moment and thats with the stuff we have running right now! Is there space in a budget for another three shows operating on similar budgets?
"No one is safe" is just a tease. That's Hollywood Speak to get us excited.

These are the only two types of characters that I think will die:

1. Characters introduced in this season.
2. Characters who weren't main characters in TNG, the first two seasons of PIC, or another current series.

  • Secondary characters from TNG could be killed off.
  • Lore and Tom Riker could be killed off (they're unique cases: they were secondary characters who were played by main actors).
  • DS9 characters could be killed off (though I think they'll avoid anything with Sisko).
  • VOY characters who aren't Seven could be killed off (except for Janeway and Chakotay, because they're Prodigy's now).

I think new characters introduced in this season are the most likely to be killed off. They were just introduced, so we don't have the same attachment to them. I think secondary TNG characters are the next-most likely to be killed off because that would give the weight of attachment that we don't have with anyone new while still keeping the main characters alive for more potential adventures beyond PIC Season 3.

Though I think it's possible, I would be surprised if they went through with actually killing off any main characters from DS9 or VOY. I think they want the freedom to be able to mix-and-match TNG, DS9, and VOY characters in the future.
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First thing, would a Captain Seven based show be different enough compared to the other shows we've got currently running? That is apparently Kurtzman's iron rule to try and appeal to many different fanbases.

The show will be different because Seven is different. How many Captains in Starfleet have Seven's split personality?
  • Annika Hansen: Human Being
  • Seven of Nine: Borg/Monster/Machine
Jeri Ryan makes a distinction between Seven and Annika (Seven speaks with her monotone from Voyager; you can hear it when she's yelling at Picard in "The Star Gazer").

Seven is closer to Heisenberg/Walter White (Breaking Bad) than Picard or Janeway. She makes mistakes. She doesn't always do the right thing.

It's all Seven can do to keep a lid on the monster within her.

With Picard you have a sort of thickish veneer of a character study show but most of its plot beats have been about a rag-tag group of misfits solving Galatic Mysteries.

Each show is radically different. Would yet another Captain-on-a-ship show really be like that? Or would we have to scale down the theoretical Captain Seven show to a similar to Picard scale?

It's not going to be just another Captain-on-a-Ship show.

Seven is trying to contain a monster (one that's killed three people so far).

Picard thinks he can unlock the demon's cage, reach in, tickle its belly, close and lock the door, and walk away. It doesn't quite work that way.

What do you do when you've made a career out of killing people?

We already know there's outline planning for at least two more Trek shows in the from of the Section 31 show with Michelle Yeoh which might be a compliment piece to Strange New Worlds, and the Star Trek Academy which we've speculated would be a good place for Mary Wiseman to show off her acting chops and would thus be a Discovery complimentary show.

They been off-and-on in development since 2019.

Starfleet Academy was conceived pre-Prodigy. I'm more concerned about it stepping on Prodigy's turf.

At this point, it might work best as a follow-up to Prodigy.
  • VOY characters who aren't Seven could be killed off (except for Janeway and Chakotay, because they're Prodigy's now).

We might get a drive-by VOY cameo/memberberry ("Oh, look! Harry Kim's a Captain now!")

I think new characters introduced in this season are the most likely to be killed off. They were just introduced, so we don't have the same attachment to them. I think secondary TNG characters are the next-most likely to be killed off because that would give the weight of attachment that we don't have with anyone new while still keeping the main characters alive for more potential adventures beyond PIC Season 3.

Given that this is supposedly TNG's last outing, I'm laying odds that Worf is going to be the one getting the axe (it would be just like him to want to die with honor as a warrior).
Why not?

If anything, that’s the Trek XIV movie right there for theatres, and the desired mid-budget movie Paramount wants to make. Give it a budget like Insurrection got and make something interesting.

There's been talk of reworking S31 into a movie.

Michelle's film career may be the impetus that it needs. :shifty:
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First thing, would a Captain Seven based show be different enough compared to the other shows we've got currently running? That is apparently Kurtzman's iron rule to try and appeal to many different fanbases.
It could be broader in that it could appeal to a much larger audience, especially the people that have been alienated by Picard season 1 or Discovery. Say legacy fans.

Second, would Paramount be comfortable overlapping Trek Universe shows? Right now there's a good, delicate balance of rolling shows throughout the year, would there be a risk of audience cannibalisation? Or would streaming make them more comfortable with this? We already know there's outline planning for at least two more Trek shows in the from of the Section 31 show with Michelle Yeoh which might be a compliment piece to Strange New Worlds, and the Star Trek Academy which we've speculated would be a good place for Mary Wiseman to show off her acting chops and would thus be a Discovery complimentary show.
If anything, by making the shows too different, they're likely to have people start/stop Paramount+. People will only pay month to month for a show they consider essential (and then will buy that season on Blu ray and rewatch that and not stream it again). People can wait for shows they want to see sometime, but aren't high priority. You can only hate watch something for so long before you reach your limit. And what non-Star Trek content does Paramount+ have that would appeal to Star Trek fans?

So, for me...
Essential: Picard
No rush, binge when next essential show is on: Lower Decks, Prodigy
Not for me: Discovery, SNW
Non-Star Trek that I'd watch: Twin Peaks, Ghosts, revisit the Indiana Jones films for the first time since the 1990s, The Amazing Race

Third, the wonderful problem of money. Each live action show is an $80-130 million question. Paramount is sinking probably the thick end of $300 million per year into Trek shows at the moment and thats with the stuff we have running right now! Is there space in a budget for another three shows operating on similar budgets?
Let's say Picard season 3 obtains 3X the viewership of the last season of Discovery or SNW. That could shuffle the deck, especially as the streaming bubble is bursting across the board.
Not for me: Discovery, SNW

OT: Not crazy about SNW (It veers between camp and intense, gritty drama).

Camp: Crew enters a fairy tale!
Gritty drama: Child serves as battery for an entire planet! Una is arrested!

It doesn't quite know what it wants to say.