Mass Effect 3

Came across this and thought I'd share: A German Mass Effect community site is doing a survey on people's opinions of ME3 and for an added bonus, it appears that Jessica Merizan (Bioware's community manager) is taking notice. I wouldn't construe that as Bioware saying that they'll base their future choices off of the results (though I'm sure some people will) but someone at Bioware (maybe just Merizan) will be watching how this turns out.

Either way it's worth filling out as it covers all the main points of centention and I for one am curious to see the results!
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Came across this and thought I'd share: A German Mass Effect community site is doing a survey on people's opinions of ME3 and for an added bonus, it appears like Jessica Merizan (Bioware's community manager) it taking notice. I wouldn't construe that as Bioware saying that they'll base their future choices off of the results (though I'm sure some people will) but someone at Bioware (maybe just Merizan) will be watching how this turns out.

Either way it's worth filling out as it covers all the main points of centention and I for one am curious to see the results!
I REALLY don't blame Bioware for looking to other sources for rational fan reaction. The people on their official forums are utterly demented and have lost all sense of reality.
Out of curiosity, shall we hold an informal survey here and compare our own answers? Since the questions are only for those that have already completed the game, I'll put my answers in spoiler tags.

On which platform do you play ME3?
Which version of ME3 did you buy?
Collector's Edition
Do you play as male or as female Shepard?
Did you import a savegame?
Which class did you choose for the first time in Mass Effect 3?
Soldier (only because it was the class I picked for my first ME1 Shepard & I wanted to keep her more or less unchanged)​
Did you play the same class if you imported a saved game from ME2?
Yes (but again, not from preference so much as a role playing choice)​
Do you play with the default Shepard face?
No (though I may steal her face texture to mod a different import)​
If you imported a saved game, did you change Shepard's face?
No (...technically yes, but only because of the import bug and I didn't change it so much as recreate it as best I could)​
Which squadmates did you take with you the most of your missions?
Liara & Tali (when she became availible, until then it was mostly either Liara with EDI and later Ash)​
Do you play as a paragon or renegade Shepard?
Balanced (not strictly true as my main Shep is mostly paragon, but I don't "play" her as one if that makes any sense. She has a good 25% renegade streak.)​
Who was your love interest?
Did you cure the Genophage?
What was your choice in the Geth and Quarian conflict?
Supported both
Do you have the DLC 'From Ashes'?
Do you listen to or read the Codex entries?
Do you read the informations about the different planets?
How many times did you do a whole ME3 playthrough?
2-3 (so far. 4th & 5th are in progress...slowly)​
What was the most emotional moment for you?
Thane's death. (tough choice and I'm not even much of a fan of Thane, but that prayer scene got to me...Mordin & Legion would be a *very* close second.)​
What was your decision at the end?
What's the best ending in our opinion?
DESTROY!!!! (..ahem)​
What was your reaction upon experiencing the ME3 endings?
I think I picked "Terrible, many logical errors, it's all the same.", But that wasn't my immediate reaction. That was more a feeling of stunned numbness. As in "that was it? Are they taking the piss?"​
What do you think about the indoctrination-theory
I think I picked the "No" option. ;)
In your opinion, what could the 'space child' be?
"a celestial creature." (but only because "a lazy arsed plot device" wasn't an option)​
Would you like a typical happy ending?
"It should be one possible decision"
What score would you give Mass Effect 3 up to 10 minutes before the ending?
9. (Really great story telling, a little rough around the edges though most often let down by a lack of depth and agency.)​
What score would you give to the ending of Mass Effect 3?
0 (terrible)
What overall score would you give for the entire Mass Effect 3 game?
Do you think that the upcoming Extended Cut DLC can fill all the logical gaps?
"I'm skeptical, but it could be"
Do you have the option to upload game feedback enabled?
Would you spend more money on more ME3 DLCs
"Yes, but only story related DLCs" (and even then, only if they have good reviews)​
Have you ever spent real money on multiplayer?
No (and never will....other than buying the game in the first place of course)​
What class do you prefer in multiplayer?
Engineer (at the moment. I like to change it up fairly often)​
How often do you play the multiplayer?
Weekly (give or take)​
How long do you play multiplayer per gaming session?
An hour. (..ish)​
What would you like to see for multiplayer in the future?
More game modes
What score would you give to multiplayer?
5 (okay)
What score would you give to the free Multiplayer DLC (Resurgence)?
5 (okay)
What would you say to Bioware incharacters? (optional)
I think I said something like "my femshep *really* deserved to settle down and have all those little blue children!"
On which platform do you play ME3?
Xbox 360
Which version of ME3 did you buy?
Standard Edition
Do you play as male or as female Shepard?
Did you import a savegame?
Which class did you choose for the first time in Mass Effect 3?
Did you play the same class if you imported a saved game from ME2?
Do you play with the default Shepard face?
If you imported a saved game, did you change Shepard's face?
Which squadmates did you take with you the most of your missions?
Garrus and Ashley
Do you play as a paragon or renegade Shepard?
Who was your love interest?
Did you cure the Genophage?
What was your choice in the Geth and Quarian conflict?
Supported both
Do you have the DLC 'From Ashes'?
Do you listen to or read the Codex entries?
Every single one
Do you read the informations about the different planets?
Every single one
How many times did you do a whole ME3 playthrough?
1 (2nd is in progress, but I haven't played in weeks)​
What was the most emotional moment for you?
Mordin's death
What was your decision at the end?
What's the best ending in our opinion?
DESTROY!!!! (..ahem)​
What was your reaction upon experiencing the ME3 endings?
Terrible, logical errors, it's all the same.
What do you think about the indoctrination-theory
No, too many facts don't match.
In your opinion, what could the 'space child' be?
Nothing of the sort. (Since I couldn't say "He shouldn't exist!")​
Would you like a typical happy ending?
"It should be one possible decision"
What score would you give Mass Effect 3 up to 10 minutes before the ending?
What score would you give to the ending of Mass Effect 3?
0 (terrible)
What overall score would you give for the entire Mass Effect 3 game?
Do you think that the upcoming Extended Cut DLC can fill all the logical gaps?
"I'm skeptical, but it could be"
Do you have the option to upload game feedback enabled?
Would you spend more money on more ME3 DLCs
"Yes, but only story related DLCs" (and even then, only if they have good reviews)​
Have you ever spent real money on multiplayer?
No (and never will)​
What class do you prefer in multiplayer?
Vanguard (Charge + Nova all day baby!)​
How often do you play the multiplayer?
Not really often
How long do you play multiplayer per gaming session?
An hour. (..ish)​
What would you like to see for multiplayer in the future?
More alien races (I want my elcor Adept, damn it!)
What score would you give to multiplayer?
5 (okay)
What score would you give to the free Multiplayer DLC (Resurgence)?
5 (okay)
I didn't answer the last question.
On which platform do you play ME3?
Xbox 360
Which version of ME3 did you buy?
Standard Edition
Do you play as male or as female Shepard?
Male (well, both really).
Did you import a savegame?
Which class did you choose for the first time in Mass Effect 3?
Did you play the same class if you imported a saved game from ME2?
Do you play with the default Shepard face?
If you imported a saved game, did you change Shepard's face?
No (except for that pesky face import bug thing)​
Which squadmates did you take with you the most of your missions?
Garrus (of course) and Liara
Do you play as a paragon or renegade Shepard?
Balanced (Really a paragade)​
Who was your love interest?
Did you cure the Genophage?
What was your choice in the Geth and Quarian conflict?
Supported Quarians
Do you have the DLC 'From Ashes'?
Do you listen to or read the Codex entries?
Do you read the informations about the different planets?
How many times did you do a whole ME3 playthrough?
2-3 (really 2)​
What was the most emotional moment for you?
Mordin's death. (Technically murder.)​
What was your decision at the end?
What's the best ending in our opinion?
What was your reaction upon experiencing the ME3 endings?
Terrible, many logical errors, it's all the same. (My immediate reaction was to say "Yeah, that's kinda stupid alright.")
What do you think about the indoctrination-theory
No, to many not matching facts. (I think that means what I want it to mean, damn Germans.)
In your opinion, what could the 'space child' be?
Creator of the Reapers/Guardian of the cycle (There was no option for "a badly programmed AI".)
Would you like a typical happy ending?
It should be one possible decision
What score would you give Mass Effect 3 up to 10 minutes before the ending?
What score would you give to the ending of Mass Effect 3?
What overall score would you give for the entire Mass Effect 3 game?
Do you think that the upcoming Extended Cut DLC can fill all the logical gaps?
I'm skeptical, but it could be
Do you have the option to upload game feedback enabled?
What's that?! (Seriously, that was something I could turn off? :confused:)
Would you spend more money on more ME3 DLCs
Yes, but only story related DLCs
Have you ever spent real money on multiplayer?
No (I rarely even bother to pay for Xbox Live)
What class do you prefer in multiplayer?
How often do you play the multiplayer?
How long do you play multiplayer per gaming session?
What would you like to see for multiplayer in the future?
What score would you give to multiplayer?
What score would you give to the free Multiplayer DLC (Resurgence)?
What would you say to Bioware in 140 characters? (optional)
Your reach exceeded your grasp with that ending. Don't throw your fanbase for a loop to stimulate your need for intellectual masturbation.
New multiplayer DLC coming next week - free for those who redeemed an Online Pass:

Reinforcements are being deployed to all N7 forces, bringing out some heavy hitters thanks to the new Mass Effect 3 Rebellion DLC Pack! Arriving on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network and PC on Tuesday, May 29 (Wednesday, May 30 on the PSN in Europe), the Mass Effect 3 Rebellion Pack will be bringing you more gear, more weapons, more maps, and more kits, available at no additional cost for anyone who redeemed an Online Pass for Mass Effect 3 on PC, PS3 or Xbox 360.

The Rebellion Multiplayer Expansion opens two new fronts against the Reapers: Firebase Jade’s jungle reservoir and Firebase Goddess on Thessia. In-game reinforcement packs now include three new weapons (Reegar Carbine, Krysae Sniper Rifle, Cerberus Harrier) as well as equipment, consumables, and six new characters from species that have lost lives or whole planets to the Reapers: Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, Ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard. The battle continues!

Also, another multiplayer operation this weekend. And due to the failure of the last multiplayer operation, there will be more Banshees and they might spawn even if playing a Cerberus or Geth match. Sounds like fun, but I think I'll pass... :lol:
Random thoughts: -
- The ex-Cerberus classes are an interesting twist. Only time will tell if their powers make them sufficiently different from the bog standard humans.

- Playing as a flamethrowing Vorcha sounds like fun!

- Are the Vorcha the last "humanoid" race left? I mean I can't see them even attempting to use elcor, hanar or volus classes (as hilarious as it may be.) What else is left? Female Turians? That would be nice.
An Elcor would just be so awesome. Imagine playing as a large Elcor Dekuuna warrior (you save them in the SP-campaign) with large shiny armor and a mass effect field generator/machine gun mounted on its' hump. "Badassfully: You will all die."
I played the game on the XBOX 360 twice as a paragon female engineer Shepard. I sold the game after the second playthrough. My favorite squad mates were Garrus and Jarvik. My love interest was Samantha Taylor in both playthroughs. I rated the game a 7, the ending a 1, and the game experience as a whole as a 5. I never played multiplayer, and, as I don't have the game anymore, I think it can said safely that I won't be spending money on future DLC for this game. I am of the opinion that the ending is seriously flawed in that it doesn't make sense in relation to the story or to the established lore, and has logical flaws. I don't think the Extended DLC will fix the ending, and I think it will only worsen the situation. As for the other questions, on both playthroughs, I cured the Genophage, I meditated a truce between the geth and the quarians, and I feel myself that the resolution to the Morning War was the most emotional moment for me. I read all of the Codex entries and all of the planetary journals. For the ending, I chose synthesis. I based this on what I have read where some scientists speculate that humans will eventually evolve into a organic-synthetic species, and, for me, I see this as very plausible.
- Are the Vorcha the last "humanoid" race left? I mean I can't see them even attempting to use elcor, hanar or volus classes (as hilarious as it may be.) What else is left? Female Turians? That would be nice.

If they let people be Blasto in multiplayer, many things would be forgiven. :devil:

An Elcor would just be so awesome. Imagine playing as a large Elcor Dekuuna warrior (you save them in the SP-campaign) with large shiny armor and a mass effect field generator/machine gun mounted on its' hump. "Badassfully: You will all die."

Umm... Did they nerf the weight on the Mattock with this update? I use a Mattock X on my Salarian engineer and I could SWEAR I had a +200% cooldown before. Now it's +170%. Or maybe I'm just imagining things...
Smudboy released his last video in the series Mass Effect 3: Bookends of Destruction this Sunday. It is full of spoilers, so you have been warned.

I think his comments are great, and, at times, hilarious.

Not that Smudboy doesn't make valid points, but sifting through the inane nonsense to find them is tiresome work.

If I found literally every line of dialogue in ME2 somehow objectionable, as he seemed to, I can't imagine buying ME3.
Yeah, I don't need to sit through something like five hours of detailed criticism to know what ME3's major flaws are. I can figure that out for myself.

Had a quick go with multiplayer last night. Only managed to get the Quarian infiltrator despite saving up enough cash for something like five of those premium spectre packs. Lots of fun though. The target designator thing is great for dealing with phantoms and hunters!
I'm not too worried about getting one of the new Rebellion characters. I'm very much enjoying my Geth Infiltrator. Hunter Mode + Tactical Cloak + Proximity Mine + shotgun = FUN.

From doing a little searching, it seems like a lot of GI players like to use the Geth Plasma Shotgun, so getting one of those is what I'm mainly interested in right now.
Not terribly impressed with the new sniper rifle, if you can even call it that. It's more like a low powered cobra launcher and the zoom function isn't as good as they made it sound.