Spoilers Marvel's Echo on Disney+

That was three teams ago - there was another Fisk team, a Luke Cage formed team and the current comic is a team lead by Bucky.

I read on MU so they may not have been added yet. Or else I missed something in the shuffle again.

They seem to have become Marvel's Suicide Squad rather than villains pretending to be heroes who decide that being heroes isn't all that bad. The movie team seems to be made up of anti-hero types.

Yeah, the KiB series was a straight ripoff of the first SS movie. That's why I really hope the movie is nothing like it.

Yeah, all of that confused me, too. Like I said in my review, one of the few weak points of the show was the lack clarity on these relations.

I also found it weird that we didn't see Bonnie's parents in the flashbacks or the present, and the photo didn't feature them either, which gave the false impression she was Maya's sister.

Not that big of a deal bit it definitely stood out.

Bonnie did specifically say (well, sign) that they were cousins right at the very beginning, though. And she repeatedly referred to Maya's father as 'your dad', etc, not 'Dad'.
Tbh I wouldn't base any expectations on how Hawkeye used Maya or Wilson

As for Thunderbolts, I think the premise doesn't sound as good as the comics version
Tbh I wouldn't base any expectations on how Hawkeye used Maya or Wilson

As for Thunderbolts, I think the premise doesn't sound as good as the comics version

Oh, I think them leaving the post credits scene in makes it nearly a guarantee that they're committed to mayor Kingpin in some form whereever and however exactly they do it. They already clearly left a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor of that last episode, quite probably because of the uncertainty about what they're actually supposed to be setting up, so the fact that this didn't get cut seems pretty definitive to me.

Re the Thunderbolts, the reason I feel so unsure about where they are or aren't going with it is because everything they've said - except for Sentry - feels so completely unlike the Thunderbolts and so completely unlike anything you would expect them to turn the Thunderbolts into if they didn't really want an accurate version of the team (Suicide Squad ripoff being highly theorized by lots of people, for instance) that it really feels to me like this is really deliberately trying to hide what the movie actually is. I remain convinced they're trying to aim for some kind of weird surprise as a sort of spiritual adaptation of T-Bolts #1's wacky introduction where you spent a whole issue reading about seemingly normal superheroes only to find out in the very last scene they're all supervillains. It's obviously not the same surprise twist, given the cast, but there's something under there. My guess has always been that it's just that Valentina is evil and some supposed villains will turn out to be good guys and become part of the team, but Kingpin gaining govt. clout and bossing superheroes around wouldn't be a shocking possibility, either.
My issue with that is it'll just paint any level of oversight as "criminals getting control" and the only solution is unchecked vigilantism. Its bogus

And aside from changing the premise, MC t-bolts has too many low/no power spies/super soldiers for my liking.
We finished the series last night and I was quite pleased. As others have said, the conclusion felt a little rushed, but not horribly so. I was boggled to see her mother had actual healing powers. The scene with Maya in Chula's house talking about giving birth to Maya's mother was very powerful and (IMO) the heart of the show. I'm looking forward to seeing Maya again at some point.
We finished the series last night and I was quite pleased. As others have said, the conclusion felt a little rushed, but not horribly so. I was boggled to see her mother had actual healing powers. The scene with Maya in Chula's house talking about giving birth to Maya's mother was very powerful and (IMO) the heart of the show. I'm looking forward to seeing Maya again at some point.
My only real problem with it is that I don't feel like they fully explained what she did to Fisk. I appreciate that the solution for him wasn't more violence, but healing. However; what does this actually mean for him? He's clearly still himself; he's still capable of fury as we saw, and his intentions continue to be selfish and nefarious, so what's changed? Just that he can no longer access that pit of white hot rage anymore?
Where does the idea of Fisk being in Thunderbolts come from? I haven't seen anything online about him being in it.
I had just assumed the post credit scene was a set up for Born Again, since that's the next time we know he'll appear. If it was a set up for Thunderbolts, I would have expected it to hint more towards the team than just Fisk's next move.
I posted earlier about not having seen this yet as I don't have D+ right now, but being surprised that Echo was a character that they spun into her own series, because I thought she was so boring during 'Hawkeye,' pretty much just frowning and moping around the whole time.

I happened upon an interview with Alaqua Cox on Youtube, where she actually smiled and was enjoying herself, and it was infectious, she has a smile that would light up a room. If they had allowed her to open up a little in 'Hawkeye,' instead of just frown all the time, that would have worked wonders for her character.
I posted earlier about not having seen this yet as I don't have D+ right now, but being surprised that Echo was a character that they spun into her own series, because I thought she was so boring during 'Hawkeye,' pretty much just frowning and moping around the whole time.

I happened upon an interview with Alaqua Cox on Youtube, where she actually smiled and was enjoying herself, and it was infectious, she has a smile that would light up a room. If they had allowed her to open up a little in 'Hawkeye,' instead of just frown all the time, that would have worked wonders for her character.
Smiling is not really part of the character.
My only real problem with it is that I don't feel like they fully explained what she did to Fisk. I appreciate that the solution for him wasn't more violence, but healing. However; what does this actually mean for him? He's clearly still himself; he's still capable of fury as we saw, and his intentions continue to be selfish and nefarious, so what's changed? Just that he can no longer access that pit of white hot rage anymore?

I don't think anything has changed for him. What she did was nothing more than use her powers to show him a better way and help him make the choice to embrace it. But he explicitly rejected that, shoved her away and took off. So he's still the same as always. The only difference is he's going back to focusing on less freaky shit instead of continuing to chase Maya.

Where does the idea of Fisk being in Thunderbolts come from? I haven't seen anything online about him being in it.
I had just assumed the post credit scene was a set up for Born Again, since that's the next time we know he'll appear. If it was a set up for Thunderbolts, I would have expected it to hint more towards the team than just Fisk's next move.

It comes from Mayor Kingpin having a prominent role in modern Thunderbolts comics. It's just informed speculation.
I don't think anything has changed for him. What she did was nothing more than use her powers to show him a better way and help him make the choice to embrace it. But he explicitly rejected that, shoved her away and took off. So he's still the same as always. The only difference is he's going back to focusing on less freaky shit instead of continuing to chase Maya.
I don't know; the fact that she "healed" his inner child self and source of all his pathos, his repeatedly shouting "What did you do!?", and the way he flees and staggers into the car instead of continuing the fight seems to indicate the intent that *something* was definitely done to him. I guess we'll have to wait and see if 'Born Again' follows up on this.