Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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Bog Iger is holding an all-staff Town Hall on the 28th so you are likely to see a reconfiguration of leadership roles across divisions including Marvel Studios (alongside a plan for how the announced cost-cutting will work).
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Ah-HEM ;)
Right for the role or just looks right? He has very leadership like looks. But it's kinda a safe choice.
It is a safe choice, but he would be a great bronze-aged Reed who was a man of action as much of thought. He would be able to pull off fighting in his pants as well (which Reed does more that once in that period).

I notice in the comics we are moving away again from the sadsack version that was used for about a decade and back to a more rounded Reed.
I watched Eternals finally. I really liked it. Accoriding to the end credit, there will be more and a new Eternal was introduced. Has anyone heard of they are still going ahe4ad with more Eternal films? The ratings weren't the nest, so was wondering if maybe Disney nixed it?
I watched Eternals finally. I really liked it. Accoriding to the end credit, there will be more and a new Eternal was introduced. Has anyone heard of they are still going ahe4ad with more Eternal films? The ratings weren't the nest, so was wondering if maybe Disney nixed it?

I don't think an Eternals sequel is officially on the slate but it is according to various sites under development.

Having said that - I am struggling to remember what the Starfox appearance was setting up.
I'm a big fan of Pedro Pescal, but he just doesn't seem like a good fit for Reed Richards to me. If he is cast, he could be good in the role, but he's just not an actor that really jumps to mind as Reed for me.

Well, I've seen Pascal in The Mandalorian and Wonder Woman 1984, and he played two extremely different characters in those, so I'm sure he can play other types of character as well. The people who cast movies are professionals who know their job far better than we do, and who actually test the actors for the roles they're up for rather than just relying on their memory of different roles. I'm sure they have good reason for their choices. It's not like they're just pulling names out of a hat.

(I almost pulled out the stock "Well, nobody thought Michael Keaton could be Batman" line, but then I remembered that I recently rewatched the Keaton Batman movies and I still think he was totally wrong for the part.)
Steve is a guy who wants to do all he can for what is right, but he knows he needs to not be a superhero - publicly - if he wants to ensure the timeline doesn't get screwed up.
Personally I'm sick of all this "the sacred timeline must be kept inviolate" stuff. It rubbed me the wrong way as soon as Loki started. We can't all be Kangs! Despite the fact that Markus and McFeely appear to believe otherwise, it would be a different timeline in the first place by virtue of an unfrozen Steve showing up in it. We could call it, say, timeline beta or something.
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Well, I've seen Pascal in The Mandalorian and Wonder Woman 1984, and he played two extremely different characters in those, so I'm sure he can play other types of character as well. The people who cast movies are professionals who know their job far better than we do, and who actually test the actors for the roles they're up for rather than just relying on their memory of different roles. I'm sure they have good reason for their choices. It's not like they're just pulling names out of a hat.

(I almost pulled out the stock "Well, nobody thought Michael Keaton could be Batman" line, but then I remembered that I recently rewatched the Keaton Batman movies and I still think he was totally wrong for the part.)
I agree with you about Keaton and that’s why one can’t simply assume the casting people are always right. Outside the superhero realm, one need only look at Bonfire of the Vanities as proof positive they don’t always get the casting correct.
Right for the role or just looks right? He has very leadership like looks. But it's kinda a safe choice.
Sometimes he “safe” choice is the right choice. Mount could play the “take charge” charismatic but intelligent team leader from the late 60s to early 80s FF no problem.
I'm mixed on Sentry but I'm not familiar with the character. I liked Yeun in what I've seen him so far so I'm ok with the casting
No thoughts about Stephen Yuen as Sentry?

(I have nothing as I have never seen him in anything).

I've heard Steven Yuen in a number of animated shows; he was the first Avatar, Wan, in The Legend of Korra, he was Keith in Netflix's Voltron remake, and in Guillermo Del Toro's Tales of Arcadia franchise, he was Steve Palchuk, the Flash Thompson-esque school bully who became a good guy. He's also apparently the title character in the TV adaptation of the comics series Invincible, which I haven't seen.

But I have no particular opinion, since I'm not familiar with the Sentry character. I think I've heard of him; wasn't he that Superman analogue that got retconned into the Marvel Universe as someone who'd been there all along but was erased from people's memories?