Spoilers Loki season 2-- spoilers and discussion


Nothing Loki did was novel to anyone who has seen this story a hundred times before.

Silvy in McDonalds, genius.
This show is very Doctor Who-esque, which I love. It's one of the few non Agents of SHIELD MCU things I actually care about.
Also Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston are a perfect comedy duo. They'd slay in a buddy cop movie.
Also, SYLVIE. And we got one last scene of her with the Daisy Johnson-style wavy bob, too.
Great start to the season. As others have stated, really hit the ground running. O.B. is a great add.

Note: For those who might exit after the end credits start to roll (some folks), this episode does have a post credits scene... You don't want to miss it!
That was wonderfully crazy and continues to lean into its similarities to Dr Who. Hiddleston and Wilson continue to make for a great double act, but then they add Ke Huy Quan into the mix and things get even better! Was great to see Liz Carr and Kate Dickie joining the cast. Also I'd forgotten Eugene Cordero was in this!

Plus lots of Jonathan Majors while at the same time no Jonathan Majors! Do we know if much ahem, pruning, has gone on in relation to his involvement in the show?
That was wonderfully crazy and continues to lean into its similarities to Dr Who. Hiddleston and Wilson continue to make for a great double act, but then they add Ke Huy Quan into the mix and things get even better! Was great to see Liz Carr and Kate Dickie joining the cast. Also I'd forgotten Eugene Cordero was in this!

Plus lots of Jonathan Majors while at the same time no Jonathan Majors! Do we know if much ahem, pruning, has gone on in relation to his involvement in the show?

No, his status within the MCU is still up in the air. I figure Disney is waiting for the outcome of the trial to see how to proceed. If he had any minor role he would have been long gone and his role recast or simply dropped but his character is the cornerstone of the current storyline so it's harder to do that without tanking the entire thing. I believe there's only 3 or 4 movies he'll appear in ( including the 2 parter to end that storyline) so Marvel/Disney may hope the trial either takes longer or he's found not guilty of the charges. If not, well then Marvel has a huge PR problem on their hand.
One curious thing: Last season's glimpse of when Loki found himself showed that Casey is a hunter...and yet Loki finds Casey in the same role as he is in the future. We didn't see Loki timeslip from the time Loki arrived in the finale to when he encounters Casey, so he didn't move anywhen. So either the show changed its mind and wants us to forget about that suggestion or perhaps Casey had two variants running around, somehow not knowing about each other. Or something else is afoot.

I think it's extremely likely they changed their minds. They probably didn't want to waste time reintroducing everyone to Loki, making them trust him, ect. Not needed for the story. The fact that they invented and sorted out the time-slipping in one episode is evidence of that I think. I think we are supposed to assume the portal sent him back in time "normally" initially. Then he time-slipped back to his "native" spot in the timeline (for some reason).
Not bad, but kind of limited in scope so far, since it was just about stabilizing Loki, recapping the events of season 1, and discussing their aftermath. Worthwhile for the interplay of the cast, though. Wunmi Mosaku is a breakout performer here, I think; I love how Hunter B-15 started out as a ruthless, dangerous figure but has become a voice of morality and compassion. And of course, Ke Huy Quan is charming as always.

The biggest thing that bugged me was the scene where Ouroboros's memories changed in the present when Loki interacted with him in the past. For one thing, I've always hated the nonsensicality of stories where events in the past or future somehow happen "simultaneously" with the time traveler's present, or in the order in which the audience sees them. Causality should not work that way. If something happened in the past, it should already have happened even if the audience or characters don't know about it yet. It's solipsistic to assume causality must progress in the order we observe it.

For another thing, showing people's past being rewritten in that cliched way violates the rules of MCU time travel established in Endgame, which actually got it right for a change: the only way to alter a past event is by creating a parallel timeline that coexists with the original rather than replacing or transforming it. You can't have a "before" and "after" version of a single moment in time; by definition, they can only be simultaneous. Again, just because the time traveler or the audience observes one before the other doesn't mean that's objectively the order in which they happen. I was so glad that Endgame actually got it right, and now Loki is falling back on the stupid, nonsensical cliches of fictional time travel that I hate so much. And it adds the equally stupid cliche of people in the present being aware of their memories changing in real time! If events were changed in the past, they should have had those memories from then to the present, and have no awareness that they're in an altered timeline. It's self-contradictory and silly.

More fundamentally, a universe should have consistent rules, no matter how fanciful they are. You shouldn't change the way time travel works from story to story. I mean, good grief, the whole premise of Loki season 1 was predicated on the idea that any change in time created a new branch rather than rewriting the original one! So doing it this way doesn't just contradict Endgame, it contradicts Loki itself!

The only saving grace is that it's happening within the TVA, a realm out of time, so maybe the rules are different there. And they said the rules are changing from how they used to work within the TVA, so a lot of things could be in flux. It still doesn't hold together in terms of its internal logic, but at least I can hold on to the hope that it doesn't change the rules established previously, so long as it remains limited to the TVA.

Plus lots of Jonathan Majors while at the same time no Jonathan Majors! Do we know if much ahem, pruning, has gone on in relation to his involvement in the show?

According to the producer, they didn't change a thing.

And this is the part that you’ve probably had to take PR classes about before you started doing interviews. Jonathan Majors has a trial that starts this month. And I know there’s no way you don’t know this is going to pop up in every review. And I’m not asking you to comment on an upcoming trial. But as a producer, how does this affect you?

Yeah, I think what you said is right. We don’t know what that will all be. But what I can say is the show that is on-screen, that will be, going out, is the show that we wanted to make. Victor Timely was always a big part of that. The story that is there is what was written, what was shot. This is maybe the first Marvel movie or show with zero additional photography. So I think we feel strongly about what the story is, what the performances are. And we’re happy with it, and it’s what the show is. And what happened afterwards, none of us really know. And we’ll see.

Was there any thought, even a quick discussion, about making a change and re-shooting his part? Now that I’ve seen it, he’s in it a lot so I’m guessing that wasn’t possible.

No. And I think it’s because we had shot the show. We made the show. And there’s nothing really to act on at this moment.

Any changes in Marvel's plans for Kang won't take effect until future productions.

I think it's extremely likely they changed their minds. They probably didn't want to waste time reintroducing everyone to Loki, making them trust him, ect. Not needed for the story. The fact that they invented and sorted out the time-slipping in one episode is evidence of that I think.

It did kind of feel like they were walking back what they'd set up, or that there was a new creative team taking a different approach. Looking it up, I see that this season does indeed have a different showrunner, though one who did work on season 1.
The only saving grace is that it's happening within the TVA, a realm out of time, so maybe the rules are different there. And they said the rules are changing from how they used to work within the TVA, so a lot of things could be in flux. It still doesn't hold together in terms of its internal logic, but at least I can hold on to the hope that it doesn't change the rules established previously, so long as it remains limited to the TVA

"Time works differently here", though annoyingly OB references 400 years have elapsed since he saw Mobius, throwing a wrench in my theory that everything happens at the same time in the TVA.
"Time works differently here", though annoyingly OB references 400 years have elapsed since he saw Mobius, throwing a wrench in my theory that everything happens at the same time in the TVA.

Well, naturally everything can't happen at the same time, because time has to move forward in order for people to breathe, move, talk, metabolize, think, etc. That's another of my pet peeves in fiction, the contradictory pretense that characters are in a "timeless" realm while obviously engaged in time-dependent activities like thought, speech, and movement.
I think it's extremely likely they changed their minds. They probably didn't want to waste time reintroducing everyone to Loki, making them trust him, ect. Not needed for the story. The fact that they invented and sorted out the time-slipping in one episode is evidence of that I think. I think we are supposed to assume the portal sent him back in time "normally" initially. Then he time-slipped back to his "native" spot in the timeline (for some reason).
Yeah, that makes the most sense and I'm willing to go with that. I'm just amused because eagle-eyed viewers noted his new role during the brief sequence (especially since it wasn't overt at all) and all kinds of theories floated around. And now it was all for naught.
Since I will be forced to watch Season 2 thanks to my family (unless I end up falling asleep), here's hoping that this season will feature good writing, in compare to the first season. Perhaps I should just skip it altogether. It's probably for the best.

@Dee1891, I hope you find things to like! :bolian:

Damn that was fun! I love O.B. and just found myself happy this show is back.

As other commenters have mentioned, the Chemistry and Timing between Wilson and Hiddleston?
Delicious! :techman: