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Locutus of Bored has Passed Away

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Board Manager here. We had a little bit of trouble here. I've soft-deleted the trouble - meanwhile the warning to RandyS stands.

Don't come into a memorial thread and lay a poop bomb. The Romulan will not react kindly to this.

No need to comment on this. That's polite-ese for just read my post and don't comment on it, but do carry on with commenting on Locutus of Bored.

Or else.


Carry on.
I think it's safe to say that @Locutus of Bored was (and still is, if you go back and read his posts) literally one in a million. He had the power to teach, to inform, to influence, to change minds, and it was always evident that he posted with the intent of helping to make the world, by way of this board, better. As is well known, his intellect was exceptional, and his wit sharp.

I am very sad that he is now no longer among us. I wish I could have known him in person.

Go boldly beyond the final frontier, Patrick. Some day, I will follow.
what horrible news! :weep:

Locutus was one of the very few people you can disagree with and who wouldn't take it personally but stay matter-of-fact and try to see the other person's points. Sounds pretty crazy but quarrelling with him was fun because he was intelligent and witty (and sometimes annoying) and managed to see the person behind the posts and PMs, not just words on a screen.
what horrible news! :weep:

Locutus was one of the very few people you can disagree with and who wouldn't take it personally but stay matter-of-fact and try to see the other person's points. Sounds pretty crazy but quarrelling with him was fun because he was intelligent and witty (and sometimes annoying) and managed to see the person behind the posts and PMs, not just words on a screen.

I knew a few people like that, on my old site. It was fun, discussing assorted issues with them.
Wow, I came back to the bored when new Trek started happening again but haven't really checked out the other boards so just saw this post. RIP and I hope his family/friends are doing well..
This was my favorite of his avatars over the years. May he never stop flying....

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